CALICO Journal, Vol 14, No 1 (1996)

HyperCharacters: A Pilot Study in Computerized Learning of Chinese Characters

Xiaoliang Li
Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014


This paper describes a pilot study of a computerized program for learning Chinese characters. Tackling written Chinese is a daunting task for many students. Many drop out of Chinese language courses because they don't think success in learning the characters is possible. After examining students' needs, memory theory, and HyperCard, I developed the HyperCharacters program. HyperCharacters uses images, graphic symbols, sounds and animated presentation to produce an integrated learning environment. It allows a student to analyze and comprehend the components of the characters by both graphic and verbal texts enhanced by voice. HyperCharacters also allows students to control the learning process. As a pilot study, the present program covers about one-third of the basic components used to form Chinese characters. The program has proved its value through experimental study and via the author's observations of and interviews with students. In the final CD-ROM version, HyperCharacters will include all the 214 character components.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.v14i1.77-94


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