CALICO Journal, Vol 10, No 2 (1992)

Video and Software Self-Development Tools for the Language Teacher

Jean Compain, Lise Duquette, Michel Lauriel
Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014


The comprehension-based approach has its foundations in cognitive science. It focuses on listening and reading where the teacher is a facilitator who must induce appropriate strategies in their students. In order to explain this new role to teachers involved in French comprehension courses, a self-instruction kit has been developed. A videotape presents the approach which is exemplified with classroom sequences. This videotape is complemented with a study guide which includes theoretical explanations and practical exercises. Teachers can also assess their level of mastery using a self-assessment software before and after their training. This program ensures confidentiality and provides the teacher with a diagnosis in regard of various teaching strategies to be learned. It will also be used to research the impact of video techniques on vocational training.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.v10i2.5-15


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