CALICO Journal, Vol 6, No 2 (1988)

ISAAC: An Introduction to IBM's Information System for Advanced Academic Computing at the University of Washington-Seattle

Nicolas Hernandez, Jr.
Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014


ISAAC is a valuable resource that isn't yet widely known on college campuses in the United States and Canada. It is free. To gain access you need only fill out a short form. You may contact ISAAC through Bitnet, Internet or an 800-telephone number. You may use a PC, PS/2 or a compatible to join and interact, but you need not own one of these machines. ISAAC will send you a telecommunications diskette, 3.5" or 5.25". User status is granted to students, faculty and staff at academic institutions of higher learning. It consists of two databases and an electronic bulletin board spanning broad areas of pedagogical and research fields. This article traces the origin of ISAAC at the University of Washington Seattle through today. It highlights the establishment of the Languages and Linguistics Room, and it challenges the profession to help fashion a creative and supportive environment.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.v6i2.41-47


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