Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014
Die sprachmaschine—the language machine—provides a language microworld in which students experiment with word combinations with the intent of forming German sentences. Students choose basic German words from "word bins" and submit them in sentence order to the sentence builder, which explains the process it follows in generating a completed sentence and informs the student if the word list contains incorrect word order or semantic errors. The sentence builder handles sentence patterns composed of subject or time word in first position, verb in second position, an accusative object (if required by the verb), and a prepositional phrase which completes the verb in last position. It recognizes 65 nouns, 18 verbs, 2 time words, and the 9 prepositions whose objects derive case from the verb which the prepositional phrase completes. Students may ask questions about generated sentences and about characteristics of the words stored in the program. All interaction between student and machine is in German and students are encouraged to use full sentence requests and responses to the language machine.
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