Web 2.0 and Language Learning
Table of Contents
Editorial for the Special Issue ‘Web 2.0 and Language Learning: Rhetoric and Reality’ | |
Michael Thomas , Mark Peterson | i-iii |
Affordances of Web 2.0 Technologies for Collaborative Advanced Writing in a Foreign Language | |
Carola Strobl | 1-18 |
Integration of Web 2.0 Tools in a VLE to Improve the EFL Spanish University Entrance Examination Results: A Quasi-experimental Study | |
Elena Martin-Monje | 40-56 |
Second Language Teachers’ Identity Development through Online Collaboration with L2 Learners | |
Keiko Kitade | 57-77 |
The Effect of Target Language Use in Social Media on Intermediate-Level Chinese Language Learners’ Writing Performance | |
Shenggao Wang , Camilla Vásquez | 78-102 |
The Reality of MALL: Still on the Fringes | |
Jack Burston | 103-125 |
Book Reviews
Thomas, Michael, and Reinders, Hayo (eds.) (2012). Task-based Language Learning and Teaching with Technology | |
Abdurrahman Arslanyilmaz | 134-136 |
Vilar Beltrán, Elina, Chris Abbott, and Jane Jones (eds.) (2013). Inclusive Language Education and Digital Technology | |
Ana Sevilla-Pavon | 137-139 |
Software Reviews
KoreanClass101.com (software Review) | |
Min Jung Jee | 126-133 |
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