Narrative co-construction in the medical consultation: How agency and control affect the diagnosis
Issued Date: 20 May 2013
The purpose of this paper is to examine patient-provider narrative co-construction of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in the medical consultation. Narrative scholarship has demonstrated that conversational narratives, including those that take place in medical consultations, are typically co-constructed by all participants within the conversation. In the context of the medical consultation, this means that patient narratives are co-constructed with providers, and that at times, provider contributions to the patient narrative can hide patient contributions. The inherent power asymmetry that exists between patient and provider facilitates the possibility for provider contributions to obscure those of the patient. Based on audio-recorded data from medical consultations between two different nurse practitioners and one patient, findings from this study demonstrate that such narrative co-construction leads to differential information regarding the patient’s symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Implications include the need for providers to relinquish control over to the patient to allow the patient to fully articulate narrative accounts of their medical issues.
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DOI: 10.1558/cam.v9i2.159
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Al Zidjaly, N. (2009) Agency as an interactive achievement. Language in Society 38: 177–200.
Baker, C. and Johnson, G. (2000) Stories of courtship and marriage: Orientations in openings. Narrative Inquiry10 (2): 377–401.
Beach, W. A. and Dixson, C. (2001) Revealing moments: Formulating understandings of adverse experiences in a Health Appraisal interview. Social Science and Medicine 52: 25–44.
De Fina, A. (2009) Narratives in interview — The case of accounts: For an interactional approach to narrative genres. Narrative Inquiry 19(2): 233–258.
Du Bois, J. (2005) Prosody in a delicacy hierarchy for discourse transcription. Paper Presented at Transcribing Now: Means and Meanings in the Transcription of Spoken Interaction, Santa Barbara, California.
Erickson, F. and Shultz, J. (1982) The Counselor as Gatekeeper: Social Interaction in Interviews. New York: Academic Press.
Heath, C. (1992) The delivery and diagnosis in the general practice consultation. In P. Drew and J. Heritage (eds) Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings, 235–267. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Johnson, G. (2008) Making visible an ideological dilemma in an interview narrative about social trauma. Narrative Inquiry 18 (2): 187–205.
Matoesian, G. (2005) Nailing down an answer: Participations of power in trial talk. Discourse Studies 7 (6): 733–759.
Mishler, E. G. (1984) The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Ochs, E. (1997) Narrative. In T. A. Van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Structure and Process, 185–207. London: Sage.
Ochs, E. (2005) Narrative lessons. In A. Duranti (ed.) A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology, 269–289. London: Blackwell.
Ochs, E. and Capps, L. (1997) Narrating lives in the balance. Salsa V: Proceedings of Symposium about Language and Society (April). Austin, Texas.
Peräkylä, A. (2002) Agency and authority: Extended responses to diagnostic statements in primary care encounters. Research on Language and Social Interaction 35:219–247.
Sacks, H., Schegloff, E. A. and Jefferson, G. (1974) A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking for conversation. Language 50: 696–735.
Sarangi, S. (2001) Editorial: On demarcating the space between ‘lay expertise’ and ‘expert laity.’ Text 21(1/2): 271–274.
Sarangi, S. (2008) Editorial: Narrative practice, competence, and understanding. Text & Talk 28 (3): 3–11.
Schegloff, E. (2007) Sequence Organization in Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stivers, T. and Heritage, J. (2001) Breaking the sequential mold: Answering more than the question during comprehensive history taking. Text 21(1/2): 151–185.
Trinch, S. (2007) Deconstructing the “stakes” in high stakes gatekeeping interviews: Battered women and narration. Journal of Pragmatics 39: 1895–1918.
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