Salutations, closings and pronouns: Some aspects of recipient design in online counselling
Issued Date: 20 May 2013
This article examines recipient design in online counselling. Recipient design has been found to be an important aspect of professional-client interaction (Heritage 2002; Wilkinson 2011). It essentially means that professionals devise their talk for the specific client, which is crucial for building the counselling relationship. This article focuses on the ways in which counsellors and clients design their salutations, closings and pronoun address forms in e-mail with the recipient in mind. It is known that second person pronouns (in languages with informal vs. formal pronouns) invoke a certain social distance between the participants and that greetings play an important role in establishing social relations in e-mail. The analysis, informed by conversation analysis, revealed that while counsellors initially use a formal recipient design in the e-mails, clients frequently use informal salutations, closings and/or the informal second person pronoun (T) to reduce the social distance to the counsellor. Rarely, they also directly request to be addressed more informally. Another finding is that counsellors sometimes fail to recipient-design their e-mails, which seems related to the use of prefabricated text or ‘forgetting’ which client preferred which recipient design.
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PDF (Price: £17.50 )DOI: 10.1558/cam.v9i2.145
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Gezondheid dichtbij; Landelijke nota gezondheidsbeleid (2011) Retrieved from (Retrieved 5 May 2012).
Gibson, W. (2009) Negotiating textual talk: Conversation analysis, pedagogy and the organisation of online asynchronous discourse. British Educational Research Journal 35 (5): 705–721.
Harris, J., Danby, S., Butler, C. and Emmison, M. (2012) Extending client-centered support: Counselors’ proposals to shift from e-mail to telephone counseling. Text &Talk 32 (1): 21–37.
Haverkate, H. (2006) Zou ik misschien toch nog eventjes een klein vraagje mogen stellen? Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers.
Heritage, J. (2002) Ad hoc inquiries: Two preferences in the design of routine questions in an open context. In D. Maynard, H. Houtkoop-Steenstra, N. C. Schaeffer and J. Van der Zouwen (eds) Standardization and Tacit Knowledge: Interaction and Practice in the Survey Interview, 313–334. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Houtkoop-Steenstra, H. (1995) Meeting both ends: Between standardization and recipient design in telephone survey interviews. In P. Ten Have and G. Psathas (eds) Situated Order: Studies in the Social Organization of Talk and Embodied Activities, 91–106. Boston: University Press of America.
Hutchby, I. and Wooffitt, R. (1998) Conversation Analysis: Principles, Practices and Applications. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jansen, F. (2004) Je of jij taboe in teksten voor een algemeen publiek. Onze Taal 9: 245.
Kruger, J., Epley, N., Parker, J. and Ng, Z.-W. (2005) Egocentrism over e-mail: Can we communicate as well as we think? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 89 (6): 925–936.
Rintel, S., Mulholland, J. and Pittam, J. (2001) First things first: Internet relay chat openings. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 6 (3): no page.
Riper, H., Smit, F., Zanden, R. v. d., Conijn, B., Kramer, J. and Mutsaers, K. (2007) E-Mental Health: High Tech, High Touch, High Trust Program Study in e-mental Health. Utrecht: Trimbos Instituut.
Sacks, H. and Schegloff, E. (1979) Two preferences in the organization of reference to persons in conversation and their interaction. In G. Psathas (ed.) Everyday Language: Studies in Ethnomethodology, 15–21. New York: Irvington.
Sacks, H., Schegloff, E. and Jefferson, G. (1974) A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking in conversation. Language 50 (4): 696–735.
Schegloff, E. (1986) The routine as achievement. Human Studies 9: 111–151.
Schegloff, E. (2007) Sequence Organization in Interaction: A Primer in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E. and Sacks, H. (1973) Opening up closings. Semiotica 8 (4): 289–327.
Sproull, L. and Kiesler, S. (1986) Reducing social context cues: Electronic mail in organisation communication. Management Science 32: 1492–1512.
Stommel, W. and Koole, T. (2010) The Online Support Group as a community: A micro-analysis of the interaction with a new member. Discourse Studies 12 (3): 357–378.
Stommel, W. and Lamerichs, J. (forthcoming) Interaction in Online Suport Groups: Advice and beyond. In H. Hamilton and W. Chou (eds) Handbook of Language and Health Communication. New York: Routledge.
Stommel, W. and Van der Houwen, F. (forthcoming) Formulation in ‘trouble’ chat sessions. In I. Kupferberg and I. Gilat (eds) Computer-Mediated Troubled Talk. Special Issue: Language@Internet.
Van Compernolle, R. (2008) Second-person pronoun use and address strategies in on-line personal ads from Quebec. Journal of Pragmatics 40: 2062–2076.
Van Rooy, M. and Jansen, F. (2009) Wat wil de ontvanger? De aanhef in zakelijke e-mails. Onze Taal 5:114–115.
Vayreda, A. and Antaki, C. (2009) Social support and unsolicited advice in a bipolar disorder online forum. Qualitative Health Research 19 (7): 931–942.
Vermaas, J. (2002) Veranderingen in de Nederlandse aanspreekvormen. Utrecht: LOT.
Volckaert-Legrier, O., Bernicot, J. and Bert-Erboul, A. (2009) Electronic mail, a new written-language register: A study with French-speaking adolescents. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 27 (1): 163–181.
Waldvogel, J. (2007) Greetings and closings in workplace email. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 12 (2): art. 6.
Wilkinson, S. (2011) Gender, routinization and recipient design. In S. A. Speer and E. Stokoe (eds) Conversation and Gender, 112–134. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Williams, L. and Van Compernolle, R. (2007) Second-person pronoun use in on-line French-language chat environments. The French Review 80 (4): 804–820.
Williams, L. and Van Compernolle, R. (2009) Second-person pronounuse in French language discussion fora. Journal of French Language Studies 19 (3): 363–380.
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