Communication & Medicine, Vol 14, No 3 (2017)

Testing for resistance: Point-of-care testing as a communicational tool in antibiotic prescribing

Johanna Lindell
Issued Date: 26 Oct 2018


As antibiotic resistance becomes a growing health emergency, effective strategies are needed to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use. In this article, one such strategy – communicative practices associated with the C-reactive protein point-of care test – is investigated. Building on a collection of 31 videorecorded consultations from Danish primary care, and using conversation analysis, this study finds that the rapid test can be used throughout the consultation to incrementally build the case for a nonantibiotic treatment recommendation, both when the test result is forecast and reported. The study also finds that the format of reports of elevated results differs from that of ‘normal’ results, resulting in a subtle shift of authority from doctor to test.

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DOI: 10.1558/cam.32191


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