Communication & Medicine, Vol 14, No 3 (2017)

In support of goals-of-care discussions in shared decision making – An extended response to the rejoinders

Lauris Christopher Kaldjian
Issued Date: 26 Oct 2018


I am indebted to my colleagues – Larry Cripe and Richard Frankel, Martin Richards, Peter Scalia and Glyn Elwyn, and Angus Clarke – for the time they have taken to pose questions and offer comments that challenge and support my essay on the relationship between goals of care, concepts of health, and shared decision making (Kaldjian 2017). I am also grateful for the opportunity to respond (at some length!) to many of the issues raised, some of which are conceptual, some empirical, and some practical. Because most of the concerns relate to goals of care and shared decision making, it is to aspects of these topics that I will devote most of my attention.

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DOI: 10.1558/cam.36373


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