Communication & Medicine, Vol 15, No 2 (2018)

The comparison of shared decision making in monolingual and bilingual health encounters

Charlene Pope, Jason Roberson
Issued Date: 14 Mar 2020


In the United States, Hispanics with limited Englishproficiency (LEP) experience disproportionate disparitiesin health services, a phenomenon that relates tocommunication and decision making. After a qualityimprovement review identified a disparity in obstetricservices for Hispanic women with LEP, a pilot studydiscussed here explored how LEP and the presenceof a medical interpreter affected shared decisionmaking in comparisons of monolingual (English) andbilingual (English-Spanish) encounters with the samephysician. A series of 16 prenatal encounters betweenphysicians, patients, and medical interpreters wererecorded. First, medical visits were recorded with eightSpanish-speaking mothers using a hospital interpreterto speak with their physician. The same physician wasthen recorded discussing a similar prenatal agendawith a primary language English-speaking patient.Discourse analysis was used to categorize discursivepractices in social interaction. Both encounters wererated using the OPTION shared decision-makingscale. Results portray how shared decision makingshifts in second-language situations and the associatedpractices that distinguish monolingual andbilingual encounters. Examples of discursive practicessuggest strategies that may mark ethnolinguistic identityand membership categorization indirectly duringhealth encounters.

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DOI: 10.1558/cam.38674


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