Communication & Medicine, Vol 8, No 2 (2011)

Unlabelled advertorials in Slovenian life-style press: A study of the promotion of health products

Melita Poler Kovačič, Karmen Erjavec, Katarina Stular
Issued Date: 19 Jun 2012


The paper analyses unlabelled advertorials about health products in four life-style magazines and three daily newspapers’ life-style supplements in Slovenia. Based on 250 hours of observing the production practice, 20 in-depth interviews with the main participants and a textual analysis of 247 advertorials, supported by three detailed case studies, the process of unlabelled advertorial production was unveiled, reasons for their production explained and their discursive elements of promotion uncovered. Despite their typical news-like appearance, advertorials focus on a product’s positive characteristics only and represent an oversimplified viewpoint on health, primarily oriented towards the interest of the pharmaceutical industry. In advertorials, readers are instructed in healthy living and caring about their health through buying the promoted product. No particular differences were found between the magazines and quality dailies’ supplements, indicating that the advertorial practice has become a common part of the Slovenian press media scene. The outburst of advertorials in Slovenia is outstanding due to the lack of historical democracy, problems with the supervision of legal transgressions, the small media and advertising market, economic downturns and the financial weakness of the media.

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DOI: 10.1558/cam.v8i2.157


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