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Perfect Beat Vol 21 No. 1 (2021) Special Issue: COVID-19, Music and the Asia-Pacific (Part 1) I lost a gig ‘pero ok lang’: Filipino migrant musicians in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic View
Carljohnson Anacin
Perfect Beat Vol 21 No. 1 (2021) Special Issue: COVID-19, Music and the Asia-Pacific (Part 1) Hitchhiker’s guide to reality: Devising an interdisciplinary radio play in a pandemic View
Briony Luttrell, Hannah Joyce Banks, Andy Ward, Lachlan Goold
Equinox eBooks Publishing Religion and Touch Index View
Christina Welch, Amy Whitehead
Equinox eBooks Publishing Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 1. Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount: Introduction View
Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz, Petri Luomanen
Buddhist Studies Review Vol 38 No. 1 (2021) Buddhist Challenges to the Contemporary Ethical Discourse of Violence versus Nonviolence: Reflection on the Articles View
Stephen Jenkins
Buddhist Studies Review Vol 38 No. 1 (2021) Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority: A Tribute to the Work of Michael Jerryson View
Margo Kitts, Mark Juergensmeyer
Equinox eBooks Publishing Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Introduction: The Third Dimension and Animal Iconography in Archaeology View
Laerke Recht, Katarzyna Zeman-Wisniewska
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 15 No. 2-4 (2021) Language, Identity and Contemporary Society (2nd edition) Rajesh Kumar and Om Prakash (eds) (2019) View
Genevoix Nana
Perfect Beat Vol 21 No. 2 (2021) Special Issue: COVID-19, Music and the Asia-Pacific (Part 2) Precarious scenes: Fieldwork in Hong Kong through protest and pandemic View
Jonathan Chan
Equinox eBooks Publishing Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology Bernard Knapp: An Introduction (Explicandum) View
Sturt Manning
Equinox eBooks Publishing Identity, Multilingualism and CALL On Becoming Language Education Professionals: Reframing Doctoral Students’ Perceptions of Language Teacher Identity Negotiations View
Patrick Mannion, John Liontas
Equinox eBooks Publishing The Hunt for Ancient Israel Introduction View
Cynthia Shafer-Elliott, Kristin Joachimsen, Ehud Ben Zvi, Pauline Viviano
Equinox eBooks Publishing On the Subject of Religion Index View
James Dennis LoRusso
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 3 No. 1 (2002) Estudios de Sociolingüística 3.1 2002 Marx as a Critical Discourse Analyst: The genesis of a critical method and its relevance to the critique of global capital View
Norman Fairclough, Phil Graham
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Vol 1, No 1 (2014) Imaging Modern Decay: The Aesthetics of Ruin Photography View
Þóra Pétursdóttir, Bjørnar Olsen
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Vol 1, No 1 (2014) Returning to Ruin Photography View
Þóra Pétursdóttir, Bjørnar Olsen
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Vol 1, No 1 (2014) Multi-sensual Image and the Archaeological Gaze View
Tim Edensor
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Vol 1, No 1 (2014) Imagining Ruin Images: The Aesthetics of Ruination View
Paul R. Mullins
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Vol 1, No 1 (2014) Profane Archaeologies: Erotic Ruins and a Case for Pornography View
Angela Piccini
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Vol 1, No 1 (2014) The Politics of (Ruin) Photography View
Anca M. Pusca
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Vol 1, No 1 (2014) Ruin Photography as Archaeological Method: A Snapshot from Detroit View
Krysta Ryzewski
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Vol 1, No 1 (2014) Archaeology's Aesthetics View
Michael Shanks
Equinox eBooks Publishing Key Categories in the Study of Religion 22. The Public Good Requirement View
Suzanne Owen
Equinox eBooks Publishing Key Categories in the Study of Religion 17. Regulating Religion to Maintain the Status Quo View
Suzanne Owen
Equinox eBooks Publishing Key Categories in the Study of Religion 21. Definition, Comparison, Critique View
Johan Strijdom
Equinox eBooks Publishing Key Categories in the Study of Religion 20. Who’s Afraid of Class Analysis? Rethinking Identity and Class in the Study of Religion View
James Dennis LoRusso
Equinox eBooks Publishing Key Categories in the Study of Religion 18. A Gramscian Inversion: Hegemony in Theory and in Practice View
Thomas Carrico
Equinox eBooks Publishing Key Categories in the Study of Religion 19. The Druid Network as a Capitalist Success Story: or, Why The Druid Network’s Charity Status is Beside the Point View
Neil George
Equinox eBooks Publishing The History of European Jazz 13. Poland View
Krystian Brodacki
Implicit Religion Vol 21 No. 1 (2018) Religion on the Radio: Using Christmas religious broadcasting to reframe the sacred-secular interface View
Christopher Deacy
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Media-Archaeologies: An Invitation View
Angela A. Piccini
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Sites of Media Archaeology: Producing the Contemporary as a Shared Topic View
Jussi Parikka
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Media Archaeology-As-Such: Occasional Thoughts on (Més-)alliances with Archaeologies Proper View
Wolfgang Ernst
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Artifactual Interpretation View
Grant Wythoff
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Becoming Archaeological View
Ruth Tringham, Michael Ashley
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Symmetrical Media Archaeology: Boundary and Context View
Greg Bailey
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) The Sex Pistols' Guitar Tuner: Material Culture and Mythology View
Paul Graves-Brown
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Kinetic Architecture and Aerial Rides: Towards a Media Archeology of the Revolving Restaurant View View
Synne Tollerud Bull
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Fragile Storage, Digital Futures View
Grant Bollmer
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Surveying New Sites: Landscapes and Archaeologies of the Internet View
R. J. Wilson
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Archaeologies of Electronic Waste View
Sy Taffel
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Excavating Atari: Where the Media was the Archaeology View
Andrew Reinhard
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Materializing Media Archaeologies: The MAD-P Hard Drive Excavation View
Sara Perry, Colleen Morgan
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) A Giant on the Shoulders of Dwarfs: Archaeology and Recursion in Friedrich Kittler’s Works View
Tania Hron, Sandrina Khaled
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) AnArcheology for AnArchives: Why Do We Need—Especially for the Arts—A Complementary Concept to the Archive? View
Siegfried Zielinski, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Collective Re-Excavation and Lost Media from the Last Century of British Prehistoric Studies View
Jennifer Wexler, Andrew Bevan, Chiara Bonacchi, Adi Keinan-Schoonbaert, Daniel Pett, Neil Wilkin
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 2 No. 1 (2015) Hemerochronia, or, Take a Walk on the Wild Side of Time: Sideline Snippets on Media Archaeology View
Geoffrey Winthrop-Young
Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 2 No. 2 (2005) Discourses of difference: Applied methodologies for evaluating race and speech style View
Kate Anderson
Journal for the Academic Study of Religion Vol 21 No. 2 (2008) “Haris” in Saris: The Status of Women in the Hare Krishna Movement in Australia View
Brian Salter
Journal for the Academic Study of Religion Vol 22 No. 2 (2009) Religion, Spirituality and Birthing Midwiving the Spirit: Religious Diversity and Professional Midwifery in Southern Ontario View
Jennifer Bailey
Journal for the Academic Study of Religion Vol 22 No. 2 (2009) Religion, Spirituality and Birthing The Silence of Spirituality within Sociology of Childbirth: Epistemological and Methodological Considerations View
Alphia Possamai-Inesedy
Journal for the Academic Study of Religion Vol 23 No. 3 (2010) New Virtual Frontiers: Religion and Spirituality in Cyberspace Om-line Hinduism: World Wide Gods on the Web View
Heinz Scheifinger
Fieldwork in Religion Vol 3 No. 2 (2008) The Power of the Dead: Spirits, Socialism, and Selves in an Afro-Cuban Universe View
Diana Espirito Santo
Fieldwork in Religion Vol 5 No. 1 (2010) The paranormal market in the Netherlands: New Age and folk religion View
Frans Jespers
Fieldwork in Religion Vol 5 No. 1 (2010) When Reflexivity Is Not Enough: Doing Research with Polish Catholics. View
Marta Trzebiatowska
Gender and Language Vol 2 No. 2 (2008) The Construction of Female Sexuality in the ‘Sex Special’: Transgression or Containment? View
Linda McLoughlin
Gender and Language Vol 6 No. 1 (2012) Gender and language in sub-Saharan African contexts: Issues and challenges View
Lilian Atanga, Sibonile Edith Ellece, Lia Litosseliti, Jane Sunderland
Gender and Language Vol 9 No. 1 (2015) Gender and the Greek language The desire for identity and the identity of desire: language, gender and sexuality in the Greek context View
Costas Canakis
Gender and Language Vol 9 No. 2 (2015) “Let´s Party!” Harry Potter fan fiction sites as social settings for narrative gender constructions View
Marie Karlsson, Christina Olin-Scheller
Implicit Religion Vol 14 No. 1 (2011) The Enchanting Dream of “Spiritual Capital” View
Francesca E.S. Montemaggi
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 8 No. 2 (2001) Review of Minding the Law by Anthony G. Amsterdam and Jerome Bruner View
Chris Heffer
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 8 No. 2 (2001) Review of The Miranda Debate: Law, Justice and Policing by Richard A. Lee and George. C. Thomas View
Dennis Kurzon
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 8 No. 2 (2001) Review of Introduction to Court Interpreting by Holly Mikkelson View
Ruth Morris
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 19 No. 2 (2012) Language, space and the law: a study of directive signs View
Gerlinde Mautner
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 8 No. 3 (2012) Negotiating one’s expertise through appraisal in CVs View
Caroline Lipovsky
Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies Vol 7 No. 1 (2005) ‘I would rather be a god/dess than a cyborg’: A Pagan Encounter with Donna Haraway View
Thom van Dooren
Popular Music History Vol 4 No. 2 (2009) Popular music, mapping, and the characterization of Liverpool View
Brett Lashua, Sara Cohen, John Schofield
Popular Music History Vol 6 No. 1 (2011) Vol 6, No 1/Vol 6, no 2 (2011) Hellfest: The thing that should not be? Local perceptions and Catholic discourses on metal culture in France View
Gérôme Guibert, Jedediah Sklower
Popular Music History Vol 7 No. 3 (2012) ‘Immersed in the conflict’: Mike Westbrook’s Marching Song (1969) and the landscape and soundscape of war View
Duncan Heining
Religious Studies and Theology Vol 27 No. 1 (2008) RST 27.1 Societal Activity of the Polish Parish—Continuity and Change View
Elżbieta Firlit
Religious Studies and Theology Vol 28 No. 1 (2009) RST Religious Ethics and International Order View
Tom Keating
Religious Studies and Theology Vol 33 No. 2 (2014) The Promise Keepers Canada and Christian Relational Masculinities View
Siphiwe Ignatius Dube
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 9 No. 1 (2004) Ecotheology 9.1 April 2004 Trinitarian Theology and the Politics of Nature View
Peter Manley Scott
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 9 No. 2 (2004) Ecotheology 9.2 August 2004 Bioethics after Posthumanism: Natural Law, Communicative Action and the Problem of Self-Design View
Elaine Graham
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 10 No. 2 (2005) Ecotheology 10.2 August 2005 An Overview of Teilhard's Commitment to 'Seeing' as Expressed in his Phenomenology, Metaphysics and Mysticism View
John A. Grim, Mary Evelyn Tucker
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 10 No. 2 (2005) Ecotheology 10.2 August 2005 Sophia, Mary and the Eternal Feminine in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Sergei Bulgakov View
Celia Deane-Drummond
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 10 No. 3 (2005) Ecotheology 10.3 December 2005 Negativity towards Wilderness in the Biblical Record View
Robert Barry Leal
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 2 No. 2 (2008) Wicca, the Apocalypse, and the Future of the Natural World View
Shawn Arthur
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 4 No. 2 (2010) Vol 4, No 2(2010): Forests of Belonging: The Contested Meaning of Trees and Forests in Indian Hinduism “Bonafide Tribals”: Religion and Recognition among Denizens of Mumbai’s Forest Frontier View
William Elison
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 6 No. 3 (2012) Climate Change and Religion The Faithful Skeptics: Evangelical Religious Beliefs and Perceptions of Climate Change View
Wylie Allen Carr, Michael Patterson, Laurie Yung, Daniel Spencer
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 9 No. 4 (2015) Re-enchanting Late Modernity: The Role of Nature in Brazilian Umbanda View
Emma Francis Stone
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 2 No. 2 (2008) Changing trends in language choice in Nigeria View
Herbert Igboanusi
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 2 No. 3 (2008) Monolingualism The monolingual framing of international education in Australia View
Anthony J. Liddicoat, Jonathan Crichton
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 2 No. 3 (2008) Monolingualism Portraying language diversity through a monolingual lens: On the unbalanced representation of Spanish and English in a corpus of American films View
Peter R. Petrucci
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 4 No. 1 (2010) Dialect Contact and Accommodation in a Standard Context View
Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 4 No. 2 (2010) Service provision in a globalised world Multilingual and transnational encounters in late modernity: Linguistic practices and social processes View
Luisa Martín Rojo, Rosina Márquez Reiter
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 7 No. 1-2 (2013) Different worlds – same issues? Cases of language emancipation in Norway and France Linguistic emancipation and the linguistic market place View
Tove Bull
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 9 No. 2-3 (2015) Post-Soviet identities: Ethnic, national, linguistic, and imperial Sakha language and education in a social, cultural and political context View
Aimar Ventsel, Natal’ia Struchkova
Religions of South Asia Vol 3 No. 2 (2009) Body as Sacred Space in Kaḷaricikitsā of Kerala, South India View
George Pati
Religions of South Asia Vol 5 No. 1/5.2 (2011) Genealogy and History in South Asia Lineage, Power and Perception: Comparison of the Royal Chambā Genealogy with Contemporary Epigraphs, 800–1650 CE View
Mahesh Sharma
Religions of South Asia Vol 7 No. 1-3 (2013) Vol. 7, No. 1/No. 2 (Double) 2013 Horses That Weep, Birds That Tell Fortunes: Animals in South Asian Muslim Ritual and Myth View
David Pinault
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 1 No. 2 (2009) Semi-Automated Analysis of a Thesis View
Oliver Mason, Martha C. Pennington
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 3 No. 1 (2011) Ethnography as a Way In: Writing Meets Research in First-Year Composition View
Jennifer Susan Cook, Meg Carroll, Karen Pfeil
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 6 No. 1 (2014) Three Books in the New Writing Viewpoints Series Bristol, Buffalo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters View
Martha C Pennington
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 8 No. 1 (2016) Studying disciplinary corpora to teach the craft of Discussion View
Elena Cotos, Stephanie Link, Sarah Huffman
Communication & Medicine Vol 5 No. 2 (2008) Prescribing new medications: A taxonomy of physician patient communication View
Derjung M. Tarn, John Heritage, Debora A. Paterniti, Ron D. Hays, Richard L. Kravitz, Neil S. Wenger
Communication & Medicine Vol 6 No. 1 (2009) Can promoting patient decision making be exclusionary? Moral expectations and cultural difference in the narratives of UK maternity clinicians View
Myfanwy Davies, Glyn Elwyn, Irena Papadopoulos, Lon Fleming, Gareth Williams
Communication & Medicine Vol 8 No. 1 (2011) Promissory Strategies of Personalisation in the Commercialisation of Genomic Knowledge View
Michael Arribas-Ayllon, Srikant Sarangi, Angus Clarke
Communication & Medicine Vol 9 No. 1 (2012) Discourse and policy making on consumer protection in the areas of mobile telecommunication and tanning View
Christoph Schweikardt, Dominik Gross, Michael Rosentreter
Communication & Medicine Vol 10 No. 1 (2013) Pain and nurses' emotion work in a paediatric clinic: Treatment procedures and nurse-child alignments View
Camilla Rindstedt
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