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Comparative Islamic Studies Vol 5 No. 1 (2009) Contextualizing Arguments about Female Ritual Leadership (Women Imāms) in Classical Islamic Sources View
Simonetta Calderini
Comparative Islamic Studies Vol 6 No. 6.1-6.2 (2010) Vol 6, no 1-2 (2010) Researching "The Scripture of the Other": Niqula Ghabriyal's Researches of the Mujtahids and Rashid Rida's Rejoinder View
Simon A. Wood
Comparative Islamic Studies Vol 7 No. 7.1-7.2 (2011) Vol 7, no 1-2 (2011) Globalization, Modernity and Migration: The Changing Visage of Social Imagination View
Darlene Machell de Leon Espena
Fieldwork in Religion Vol 3 No. 1 (2008) Health, Moralization, and Negotiating Judgment in Two Evangelical Ministries View
Lynne Gerber
Gender and Language Vol 2 No. 2 (2008) La racaille: figuring gender, generation, and stigmatized space in a French cité View
Chantal Tetreault
Gender and Language Vol 5 No. 2 (2011) Leadership in Hong Kong. Is gender really not an issue? View
Stephanie Schnurr, Bernie Mak
Gender and Language Vol 7 No. 3 (2013) Domestic violence and public participation in the media: The case of citizen journalism View
Patricia Bou-Franch
Gender and Language Vol 8 No. 3 (2014) Gender-specification and occupational nouns: has linguistic change occurred in job advertisements since the French feminisation reforms? View
Caroline Lipovsky
Implicit Religion Vol 12 No. 1 (2009) The “Sin” of Wal-Mart Architecture: A Visual Theology Reflecting Economic Realities View
Christy M. Newton
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 6 No. 1 (1999) The impact of court interpreting on the coerciveness of leading questions View
Susan Berk-Seligson
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 14 No. 2 (2007) The Jamaican Creole speaker in the UK justice system View
Celia Nadine Brown-Blake, Paul Chambers
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 15 No. 2 (2008) Authorship Attribution under the Rules of Evidence: Empirical Approaches in a Layperson's Legal System View
Blake Stephen Howald
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 21 No. 1 (2014) Determination of Likelihood Ratios for Forensic Voice Comparison Using Principal Component Analysis View
Balamurali Nair, Esam Alzqhoul, Bernard John Guillemin
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 21 No. 2 (2014) ‘Are you going to tell me the truth today?’: Invoking obligations of honesty in police-suspect interviews. View
Kelly Benneworth-Gray
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 21 No. 2 (2014) Speaker-individuality in Fujisaki model f0 features: implications for forensic voice comparison View
Adrian Leeman, Hansjörg Mixdorff, Maria O'Reilly, Marie-José Kolly, Volker Dellwo
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 22 No. 1 (2015) An empirical study of lay comprehension of Chinese legal reference texts in Hong Kong View
Matthew W. L. Yeung, Janny H. C. Leung
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology Vol 18 No. 2 (2005) Excavations on Thera and Therasia in the 19th Century: A Chronicle View
Iris Tzachili
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology Vol 24 No. 1 (2011) Moving Landscapes, Making Place: Cities, Monuments and Commemoration at Malizi/Melid View
Ömür Harmanşah
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 1 No. 2 (2005) Language and brain: when experiments are unfeasible you have to think harder View
Sydney Lamb
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 5 No. 2 (2009) Why should men break all the rules? A new approach to the analysis of the plural marker men in Mandarin Chinese View
Angela Cook
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 6 No. 1-3 (2010) Thematic Parentheticals in Dutch and English View
Mike Hannay, María de los Ángeles Gómez-González
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 8 No. 3 (2012) The language of identity discourse: introducing a systemic functional framework for iconography View
Ken Tann
Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts Vol 1 No. 1 (2005) Other Ways of Reading the Qur'an and the Bible in Africa: Isaiah Shembe and Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba View
Gerald O. West, Tahir Fuzile Sitoto
Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts Vol 3 No. 1 (2007) 2 Twisted: The Book and the Gene View
Ann Burlein
Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts Vol 7 No. 1 (2011) Constructing A Protestant Nation: Religion, Politics, and the Texas Public School Curriculum View
Justine Esta Ellis
Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies Vol 8 No. 1 (2006) Journey into the Neither-Neither: Austin Osman Spare and the Construction of a Shamanic Identity View
Christopher J. Miles
Popular Music History Vol 5 No. 2 (2010) Skin deep: ska and reggae on the racial faultline in Britain, 1968-1981 View
Jon Stratton
Popular Music History Vol 7 No. 1 (2012) Mapping live provisions in Welsh-language rock, 1978–80 View
Craig Owen Jones
Religious Studies and Theology Vol 32 No. 2 (2013) William James on Religious Saints and Verifying the God Hypothesis View
John Shook
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 4 No. 1 (2003) Estudios de Sociolingüística 4.1 2003 The discourse of language in Galiza: Normalisation, diglossia, and conflict View
Mário J. Herrero-Valeiro
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 1 No. 2 (2007) Resisting a Stigmatized Identity: Patients' Strategies for the Management of the HIV/AIDS Stigma in a Public Hospital in Uruguay View
Roxana Delbene-Rosati
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 3 No. 2 (2009) Analysing language as a way to understand social phenomena. Analyser le langage pour comprendre les phénomènes sociaux The Political Economy of Texts: A Case Study in the Structuration of Tourism View
Monica Heller, Joan Pujolar
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 6 No. 2 (2012) Agency and power in multilingual discourse English ‘on top’: discourse functions of English resources in the German mediascape View
Jannis Androutsopoulos
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 10 No. 1-2 (2016) The dynamics of youth language in Africa Tusidanganyane – Let’s not fool ourselves! Knowledge production and HIV Prevention in Nairobi (Kenya) View
Rose Marie Beck
Religions of South Asia Vol 5 No. 1/5.2 (2011) Genealogy and History in South Asia The Men who would be King: Reading between the Lines of Dynastic Genealogies in India and Beyond View
Richard Salomon
Religions of South Asia Vol 9 No. 1 (2015) Indian Soldiers on the Western Front: The Role of Religion in the Indian Army in the Great War View
Catherine Anne Robinson
Jazz Research Journal Vol 3 No. 2 (2009) Rhizomes and plateaus: Rethinking jazz historiography and the jazz-'classical' relationship View
Jeremy Barham
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 1 No. 2 (2009) Incorporating and Evaluating Voices in a Film Studies Thesis View
Caroline Jane Coffin
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 1 No. 2 (2009) Using the PhD Thesis Introduction as a Heuristic Device for Supporting the Writing of a Thesis View
James Donohue
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 7 No. 2-3 (2015) Automated Writing Analysis for Writing Pedagogy: From Healthy Tension to Tangible Prospects View
Elena Cotos
Perfect Beat Vol 4 No. 1 (1998) AFTER THE LAW Sydney's Phoenician Club, the New South Wales Premier and the death of Anna Wood View
International Journal for the Study of New Religions Vol 4 No. 1 (2013) A Gurdjieff Genealogy: Tracing the Manifold Ways the Gurdjieff Teaching Has Travelled View
Johanna J. M. Petsche
International Journal for the Study of New Religions Vol 4 No. 2 (2013) “Intuitive, Receptive, Dark”: Negotiations of Femininity in the Contemporary Satanic and Left-hand Path Milieu View
Per Faxneld
Journal of Cognitive Historiography Vol 1 No. 1 (2014) Pythiai and Inspired Divination in the Delphic Oracle: Can Cognitive Sciences Provide Us with an Access to “Dead Minds”? View
Aleš Chalupa
Language and Sociocultural Theory Vol 3 No. 1 (2016) A dialectical reading of Dynamic Systems Theory: Transcending socialized cognition and cognized social dualism in L2 studies View
Saeed Karimi-Aghdam
CALICO Journal Vol 9 No. 1 (1991) The Alice System: A Workbench for Learning and Using Language View
Lori S. Levin, David A. Evans, Donna M. Gates
Comparative Islamic Studies Vol 10 No. 1 (2014) Religion, National Identity and Nation Building: Muhammad Mitwalli Shaʿrawi’s Concept of Islam and Its Ties to Modern Egyptian Politics View
Jacquelene Brinton
Equinox eBooks Publishing New Age in Norway New Age and Norwegian ’Conspirituality’ View
Asbjørn Dyrendal
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 10 No. 4 (2016) Space, bodies and boundaries: Piropos and other forms of flirtatious street talk as contested discursive practices Language, gender and sexual identity: Poststructuralist perspectives Heiko Motschenbacher (2010) and An interdisciplinary bibliography on language, gender and sexuality (2000–2011) Heiko Motschenbacher (2012) View
A. Virginia Acuña Ferreira
PentecoStudies Vol 16 No. 1 (2017) The Presence of the Spirit in the Academy: Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies as an Interdisciplinary Concern View
Wolfgang Vondey
Gender and Language Vol 11 No. 2 (2017) An exploratory review of gender ideologies and sexism in the Ga language View
Benedicta Adokarley Lomotey
CALICO Journal Vol 22 No. 3 (2005) Evolutionary Trajectories, Internet-mediated Expression, and Language Education View
Steven L. Thorne, J. Scott Payne
CALICO Journal Vol 22 No. 3 (2005) Teacher Participation Styles in Foreign Language Chats and Their Effect on Student Behavior View
Estela Ene, Senta E. Görtler, Kara McBride
Mediation Theory and Practice Vol 2 No. 2 (2017) A listener’s stance-taking in mediation View
Matthew Bruce Ingram, Madeline M. Maxwell
Buddhist Studies Review Vol 26 No. 2 (2009) The Āneñjasappāya-sutta and its Parallels on Imperturbability and the Contribution of Insight to the Development of Tranquillity View
Bhikkhu Anālayo
Buddhist Studies Review Vol 29 No. 2 (2012) Dabba’s Self-cremation in the Saṃyukta-āgama View
Bhikkhu Analayo
Buddhist Studies Review Vol 29 No. 2 (2012) What is Behind Yinshun’s Re-statement of the Nature of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā? Debates on the Creation of a New Mahāyāna in Twentieth-century China View
Stefania Travagnin
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders Vol 8 No. 2 (2017) . What we can learn from mismatched and unexpected responses to questions in interviews with people who have traumatic brain injury. View
Boyd H. Davis, Margaret Maclagan, Pamela Ferguson, Charlene Pope, Jama L. Olsen, Samir M. Fakhry
Buddhist Studies Review Vol 30 No. 2 (2013) A Note on the Term Theravāda View
Bhikkhu Analayo
Journal of Cognitive Historiography Vol 3 No. 1-2 (2016) Special Issue: Digital Humanities, Cognitive Historiography, and the Study of Religion Defilement and Moral Discourse in the Hebrew Bible: An Evolutionary Framework View
Yitzhaq Feder
Religions of South Asia Vol 11 No. 1 (2017) Realistic Reasoning and the Unreal World: Gauḍapāda’s Use of Nyāya Methodology to Argue for Illusionism View
Victor A. van Bijlert
CALICO Journal Vol 32 No. 1 (2015) Giving and receiving advice in computer-mediated peer response activities View
Mei-Hsing Tsai, Celeste Kinginger
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 11 No. 1 (2015) Reformulating Language Identity and Effecting Social Change: An evaluation of the intervention to convert the ‘parabhasha’ to a ‘swabhasha’ in Sri Lanka View
Hemamala Ratwatte
Gender and Language Vol 12 No. 2 (2018) The language of cisnormativity: children and parents in interaction with a multimodal app View
Stina Ericsson
Religions of South Asia Vol 11 No. 2-3 (2017) Proprioception over Dogma: Sources of Authority and Standards of Orthopraxy in Iyengar Yoga View
Matylda Ciołkosz
Gender and Language Vol 12 No. 3 (2018) ‘She don’t need no help’: deconsolidating gender, sex and sexuality in New Orleans bounce music View
Christina Schoux Casey, Maeve Eberhardt
Language and Sociocultural Theory Vol 5 No. 2 (2018) Collaborative use of multimodal resources in discussions of L2 grammatical meaning: A microgenetic analysis View
Christine Mary Jacknick
Fieldwork in Religion Vol 13 No. 1 (2018) Special Issue: Spiritual Tourism "Another City, Another Sauna": Travel as Saunatarian Praxis View
Jack Tsonis
CALICO Journal Vol 17 No. 3 (2000) Using Instructional Video to Teach Culture to Beginning Foreign Language Students View
Carol Herron, Sebastien Dubreil, Steven P. Cole, Cathleen Corrie
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Vol 12 No. 2 (2015) Formulaic language and repetition in post-match football interviews: Applied linguistic perspectives on a media ritual View
Antje Wilton
Buddhist Studies Review Vol 33 No. 1-2 (2016) Re-presenting a Famous Revelation: Dudjom Rinpoche’s Work on the ‘Ultra Secret Razor Lifeforce Vajrakīlaya’ (yang gsang srog gi spu gri) of Pema Lingpa (padma gling pa, 1450–1521) View
Cathy Cantwell
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 11 No. 1 (2019) Revising revising and a focus on double vision in drafting: A look at one writing program’s strategies for increasing revision practices in first-semester composition View
Tara Hembrough
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 11 No. 2 (2019) Engaging in a University Curriculum Involving Sustainability Themes: A Two-Year Case Study of a First-year Writing Course View
Tara Hembrough
Equinox eBooks Publishing Hijacked 13. ‘Bad Religion’ on the University Campus: “Political Correctness” and the Future of the Insider/Outsider Problem in the Study of Religion View
Adrian Hermann, Stefan Priester
Comparative Islamic Studies Vol 13 No. 1-2 (2017) Special Issue: Iranian Cosmopolitanism Aristotle and Iranian Ethicists: Friendship as a Moral and a Political Paradigm View
Mohammad Jafar Amir Mahallati
Implicit Religion Vol 22 No. 3-4 (2019) Special Issue: Twenty Years After - The Ideology of Religious Studies Response to Contributors View
Timothy Fitzgerald
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 14 No. 1 (2020) Special Issue: Religious Diversity and the Cognitive Science of Religion: New Experimental and Fieldwork Approaches Is Japan Religious? View
Christopher M. Kavanagh, Jonathan Jong
Religions of South Asia Vol 12 No. 2 (2018) Dance of the Deodhās: Divine Possession, Blood Sacrifice and the Grotesque Body in Assamese Goddess Worship View
Mikel Burley
Religions of South Asia Vol 12 No. 3 (2018) Engaging Tolerance: Privacy and Publicity in the Inter-religious Engagement of Mumbai’s Ismaili Muslims View
David J. Strohl
Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion Vol 5 No. 1 (2017) (2017/2019) Special Issue: Imagination & Religion A Room of One’s Own: Autistic Imagination as a Stage for Parasocial Interaction and Social Learning View
Ingela Visuri
East Asian Pragmatics Vol 5 No. 2 (2020) A discursive pragmatic approach to the third person pronoun ta in Chinese computermediated communication View
Kerry Sluchinski
East Asian Pragmatics Vol 5 No. 2 (2020) Requests by Chinese EFL learners and native speakers of English: The case of formulaic expressions View
Jing Meng, Beatrice Szczepek Reed
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 14 No. 3 (2020) Special Issue: Bees and Honey in Religions Mobilizing Faith Communities for Bee Preservation: An Analysis of Bees for Peace View
Carrie B. Dohe
Equinox eBooks Publishing Words of Experience Epistemic Authority and a Just World: Remaking Islamic Studies through Collaborative Practices View
Katie Merriman
Journal of Contemporary Archaeology Vol 6 No. 1 (2019) Special Issue: Futurity, Time, and Archaeology African Futures Past: Material Horizons of Peasant Expectations in Senegal View
François Gilles Richard
Equinox eBooks Publishing Language in Action 8. Scaffolding Argument Writing in History: The Evolution of an Interdisciplinary Collaboration View
Silvia Pessoa, Thomas D. Mitchell, Aaron Jacobson
Equinox eBooks Publishing The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 5. ‘If They are Not Prophets, They Are Sons of Prophets': Folk Religion (Minhag) as a Source of Law in Rabbinic Judaism View
Philip Alexander
Equinox eBooks Publishing Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 1. Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount: Introduction View
Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz, Petri Luomanen
Equinox eBooks Publishing Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 4. Altruism and Prosocial Ideals in the Sermon: Between Human Nature and Divine Potential View
Thomas Kazen
Equinox eBooks Publishing Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 7. Parables in the Sermon on the Mount: A Cognitive and Rhetorical Perspective View
Lauri Thuren
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 28 No. 1 (2021) ‘What you’ve got is a right to silence’: paraphrasing the right to silence and the meaning of rights View
Alex Bowen
Equinox eBooks Publishing The Hunt for Ancient Israel The Joseph Story: Between a Family and a Polemical Story View
Yairah Amit
Equinox eBooks Publishing Studying the Religious Mind 16. Defilement and Moral Discourse in the Hebrew Bible: An Evolutionary Framework View
Yitzhaq Feder
Religions of South Asia Vol 11 No. 2-3 (2017) The Making of an Avatar: Reading Sri Aurobindo Ghose (1872–1950) View
Alex Wolfers
Comparative Islamic Studies Vol 6 No. 6.1-6.2 (2010) Vol 6, no 1-2 (2010) "Turn in Repentance to your Creator, then Slay Yourselves": The Levitical Election, Atonement and Classical Islamic Exegesis View
Michael E. Pregill
Implicit Religion Vol 8 No. 3 (2005) Vol 8, No 3 (2005) Orpheus and the Underground: Raves and Implicit Religion -- From Interpretation to Critique View
François Gauthier
Implicit Religion Vol 19 No. 1 (2016) A Phoney Holy War: Reflections on the Myth of Spiritual Revolution View
William J. F. Keenan
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 10 No. 4 (2016) Sacred Ecology of Plants: The Vegetative Soul in the Botanical Poetry of Les Murray View
John Charles Ryan
Equinox eBooks Publishing About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 17. Late Historical Edom and Reading Edom, Seir, and Esau in the Prophetic Literature through Persian Lenses: Preliminary Observations View
Diana Edelman
Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 1 No. 3 (2004) Harnessing the lawless: using comparable corpora to find translation equivalents View
Serge Sharoff
1301 - 1400 of 2410 Items << < 12 13 14 15 16 > >> 

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