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Jazz Research Journal Vol 14 No. 2 (2020) Special Issue: Diversity and Inclusion at Jazz Festivals Pathways to sustainability: Diversity of programming for audiences in Australian jazz festivals View
Sean Foran
CALICO Journal Vol 25 No. 3 (2008) Oral Skills in a Connected World: Function of a Language Lab 25 Years After the Founding of CALICO View
M. Trevor Shanklin
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 7 No. 1 (2006) Estudios de Sociolingüística 7.1 2006 Review of Words and Worlds:World Languages Review edited by Fèlix Martì et al View
Christopher Thomas
CALICO Journal Vol 21 No. 1 (2004) - Deutsch 1 View
Michael Shaughnessy
Religious Studies and Theology Vol 26 No. 2 (2007) Liberating Epistemology: Wikipedia and the Social Construction of Knowledge View
Rubén Rosario Rodríguez
CALICO Journal Vol 30 (2013) Learner-Computer Interaction in Language Education: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert Fischer Challenges and Directions of Script-Based Tracking in Tutorial CALL View
Fenfang Hwu, Ching-yeh Tzseng
Equinox eBooks Publishing Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 2. Models of Gay Male Identity and the Marketing of 'Gay Language' in Foreign-Language Phrasebooks for Gay Men View
Rusty Barrett
Equinox eBooks Publishing Hijacked 17. What Teaching New Religions Tells Us about the Discourse on ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Religion View
David Robertson
Journal for the Academic Study of Religion Vol 26 No. 2 (2013) Edward Said, Religion, and the Study of Islam: An Anglican view View
Yazid Said
Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 2 No. 2 (2005) Faculty Evaluation as a Genre System: Negotiating intertextuality and interpersonality View
Rong Chen, Sunny Hyon
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Vol 2 No. 2 (2005) JAL Vol 2, No 2 (2005) Faculty Evaluation as a Genre System: Negotiating intertextuality and interpersonality View
Rong Chen, Sunny Hyon
Implicit Religion Vol 23 No. 3 (2020) Critical Theory in World Religions: An experiment in Course (re)Design View
Jacob Barrett
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology Vol 27 No. 1 (2014) Reviewing Cyprian Broodbank’s The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World (London: Thames & Hudson, 2013) View
Cyprian Broodbank, Graeme Barker, Lin Foxhall, Sturt Manning
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 1 No. 1 (2000) Estudios de Sociolingüística 1.1 2000 Bilingual and trilingual competence: Problems of description and differentiation View
Charlotte Hoffmann
Implicit Religion Vol 8 No. 1 (2005) The Internal Morality of Medicine in the Contexts of Implicit Religion and Spirituality View
Antal E. Solyom
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Vol 12 No. 2 (2015) Corporate social responsibility enactment in banking: A case study of subtle discursive negotiation of power View
Elisabeth Houe Thomsen
Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism Vol 16 No. 2 (2008) ETHICAL AND MORAL SYSTEMS View
Robert D. Finch
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 8 No. 3 (2012) Negotiating one’s expertise through appraisal in CVs View
Caroline Lipovsky
Gender and Language Vol 8 No. 1 (2014) ‘Your situation is critical…’:The discursive enactment of leadership by business women in Middle Eastern and Western European contexts View
Judith Baxter, Haleema Al-A'ali
Communication & Medicine Vol 13 No. 1 (2016) Teamwork and Team Talk in Healthcare Delivery Team talk and problem solving in thoracic medicine View
Per Måseide
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 6 No. 3 (2014) Children’s Writing Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in Elementary School and Middle School View
Sheryl V. Taylor
Bulletin for the Study of Religion Vol 42 No. 2 (2013) Bruce Lincoln’s “How to Read a Religious Text”: An Experiment of Application. View
Ipsita Chatterjea
Equinox eBooks Publishing Learner Autonomy and Web 2.0 Introduction View
Timothy Lewis, Marco Cappellini, Annick Rivens Mompean
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy Vol 8 No. 2 (2020) Special Issue: COVID-19 Present in Times of Crisis: The Impact of COVID-19 on Activities, Visibility, and Recognizability of Chaplains in a Healthcare Organization in the Netherlands View
Iris Roosmarijn Wierstra, Gaby Jacobs, Carmen Schuhmann
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 16 No. 1 (2009) A response to the UK Position Statement on forensic speaker comparison View
Phil Rose, Geoffrey Stewart Morrison
Implicit Religion Vol 22 No. 3-4 (2019) Special Issue: Twenty Years After - The Ideology of Religious Studies Critical Thinking Begins at Home: On Making a Shift in the Study of Religion View
Russell T. McCutcheon
CALICO Journal Vol 25 No. 1 (2008) Perspectives of Foreign Language Preservice Teachers on the Use of a Web-based Instructional Environment in a Methods Course View
Marcela van Olphen
Gender and Language Vol 9 No. 3 (2015) A bit too skinny for me: women’s homosocial constructions of heterosexual desire in online dating View
Kristine Køhler Mortensen
Communication & Medicine Vol 7 No. 2 (2010) Patient Involvement in Problem Presentation and Diagnosis Delivery in Primary Care View
Taru Ijäs-Kallio, Johanna Ruusuvuori, Anssi Peräkylä
CALICO Journal Vol 24 No. 3 (2007) Task Design in Videoconferencing-supported Distance Language Learning View
Yuping Wang
Equinox eBooks Publishing Hijacked 12. Authentic Religion – Or, How To Be A Good Citizen View
Steffen Führding
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy Vol 11 No. 2 (2008) Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy Vol 11 (2) 2008 Orere Source: Recent Additions View
W. Noel Brown
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 11 No. 1 (2019) Composition going global: The ‘Why?’ and the ‘How?’ of Making/Negotiating Meaning in Writing with diverse audiences across languages and geographical boundaries View
Maria Houston
Communication & Medicine Vol 9 No. 3 (2012) ‘Disciplining witnesses’ in the teaching of physiotherapy: Some insights into the practical accomplishment of a science-based healthcare profession View
Clare Kell, Tom Horlick-Jones
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy Vol 6 No. 2 (2018) A Comparison between Reactive and Proactive Chaplaincy Approaches View
Gordon Jones
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 2 No. 1 (2008) Vol 2, no 1 (2008): Indigenous Religions and Environments: Intersections of Animism and Nature Conservation Situating the Corn Child: Articulating Animism and Conservation from a Nahua Perspective View
Kristina Tiedje
Bulletin for the Study of Religion Vol 44 No. 2 (2015) NAASR Notes View
Matt K. Sheedy
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 5 No. 2 (1998) Threatening Revisited View
Bruce Fraser
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 3 No. 1 (2011) Teaching Writing: Managing the Tension Between Freedom and Control View
Martha C. Pennington
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 12 No. 2-3 (2016) Special Issue: Appliable Linguistics and Legal Discourse The evolving language of environmental protection in bilateral investment treaties, free trade agreements, and trade promotion agreements View
Timothy J. Webster
Implicit Religion Vol 21 No. 3 (2018) Religion in Law: Interdisciplinary perspectives Implicit Beliefs, Explicit Practices? How International Human Rights Law Manages Religion View
Helge Årsheim
CALICO Journal Vol 33 No. 3 (2016) English Language Learners’ Strategies for Reading Computer-Based Texts at Home and in School View
Ho-Ryong Park, Deoksoon Kim
Equinox eBooks Publishing Worth More than Many Sparrows Shipwrecked on a Desert Island: The Barren Isolation of “Christian Origins” View
William Arnal
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 6 No. 2 (2014) Special Issue: Feedback in Writing A Teacher's Perspectives on Peer Review in ESL Classes View
Oksana Vorobel, Camilla Vásquez
Religious Studies and Theology Vol 32 No. 1 (2013) Canadian Responses to Islamic Law: The Faith-based Arbitration Debates View
Maryam Razavy
CALICO Journal Vol 4 No. 4 (1986) The Magic of Optical Memories View
Edward Schneider
CALICO Journal Vol 11 No. 4 (1993) Making the Most of Scarce Resources: A Small College Language Department's Experience with Hypercard View
Randall P. Donaldson, Leslie Zarker Morgan
Communication & Medicine Vol 9 No. 3 (2012) Attempting to standardise ethical review within the complexity of health-related research View
Rosemary De Luca
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Vol 1 No. 1 (2013) Virtual Issue (2013): Doctoral Research at the interface of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Intercultural communication in a development project in Samoa View
Fran Byrnes
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Vol 3 No. 1 (2006) JAL Vol 3, No 1 (2006) Intercultural communication in a development project in Samoa View
Fran Byrnes
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Vol 13 No. 1-3 (2016) Special Volume on Researching and Impacting Professional Practice: In Memory of Chris Candlin The Candlin Researcher Award: Balancing journalists’ and scientists’ professional practices: Producing an infotainment show about food and nutrition in the age of healthism and soft news View
Jana Declercq
CALICO Journal Vol 27 No. 3 (2010) Materials Development in Three Italian CALL Projects: Seeking an Optimal Mix Between In-Class and Out-Of-Class Learning View
Mike Levy, Claire Kennedy
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy Vol 1 No. 2 (2013) On Being Sent with Style: Reflections on Health Care Chaplaincy View
Raymond A Reddicliffe
PentecoStudies Vol 9 No. 2 (2010) The Past in Angolan Migrants' Conversion Narratives: Silence View
Regien Smit
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Vol 10 No. 2 (2013) The work of categorisation in achieving moral order in feedback talk during the school-based professional experience View
Jayne Keogh, Jessica Harris, Paula Jervis-Tracey
Perfect Beat Vol 10 No. 1 (2009) Television special Make ’em laugh, make ’em cry: The use of production music in Australian reality television series Nerds FC View
Jon Fitzgerald
CALICO Journal Vol 17 No. 2 (2000) Technology Integration into Preservice Foreign Language Teacher Education Programs View
Siegrun Wildner
Religions of South Asia Vol 3 No. 1 (2009) Representations of Brahmins and Brahmanism in Early Buddhist Literature Sharing Language: On the Problem of Meaning in Classic Buddhist and Brahmanical Traditions View
Gil Ben-Herut
CALICO Journal Vol 32 No. 3 (2015) The development of second language critical thinking in a virtual language learning environment: A process-oriented mixed-method study View
Aurore Mroz
Gender and Language Vol 3 No. 2 (2009) Gender Differences in the Discourse of Greek Children Play-Groups View
Marianthi Georgalidou
Linguistics and the Human Sciences Vol 3 No. 1 (2007) Colonial texts in post-colonial contexts: a genre in the contact zone View
Shurli Makmillen
Popular Music History Vol 8 No. 3 (2013) The greatest era of the UK pop music industry: An efficiency perspective View
Lee Yoong Hon
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 9 No. 1 (2017) Special Issue: Orality and Literacy in the 21st Century:  Prospects for Writing and Pedagogy Developing fluency in writing: How features of speech can support acts of writing View
Estanislado S. Barrera IV
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 6 No. 1 (2014) From Typing to Touching; A Review of Writing with Natural User Interfaces View
David R Gruber
Communication & Medicine Vol 6 No. 2 (2009) Accounting for medical communication: Parents’ perceptions of communicative roles and responsibilities in the pediatric intensive care unit View
Cynthia Gordon, Ellen Barton, Kathleen L. Meert, Susan Eggly, Murray Pollack, Jerry Zimmerman, K. J.S. Anand, Joseph Carcillo, Christopher J.L. Newth, J. Michael Dean, Douglas F. Willson, Carol Nicholson
CALICO Journal Vol 10 No. 1 (1992) Issues in CALL Implementation and Its Implications on Teacher Training View
Nuraihan Mat Daud
Journal of World Popular Music Vol 7 No. 1 (2020) Samba and Choro in the Classroom: Enculturation at Colégio Pedro II (São Cristóvão) View
Colin Harte
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Vol 4 No. 3 (2007) JAL Vol 4, No 3 (2007) Using speech frames to research interlanguage pragmatics: Facework strategies in L2 German argument View
Doris Dippold
Communication & Medicine Vol 7 No. 1 (2010) The long-term impact of a communication course for doctors and nurses: The parents’ perspective View
Jette Ammentorp, Poul-Erik Kofoed
Fieldwork in Religion Vol 6 No. 2 (2011) ‘Qualitative methods for the study of contemporary religion’ Secrets, Gossip and Betrayal: Doing Fieldwork on the Role of Religion in Moral Orientation in a Dutch Catholic Province View
Kim Knibbe
Sociolinguistic Studies Vol 12 No. 3-4 (2018) Residential segregation and ethnolinguistic variation View
Daniel Duncan
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy Vol 7 No. 2 (2004) Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy Vol 7 (2) 2004 RECOVERING OUR LOST SAINTS: A CURRENT THEORY OF LOSS AND ITS CHRISTIAN EXPRESSION View
Tom Gordon
Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism Vol 20 No. 1 (2012) VOL 20 (1) 2012 Humanism in Sub-Saharan Africa: Reflections from a Humanist Organizer and Activist View
Leo Igwe
Equinox eBooks Publishing On Verbal Art Future Directions in the Study of Verbal Art View
Wendy Bowcher
Writing & Pedagogy Vol 11 No. 2 (2019) A Shared Cabin in the Woods: The Presence and Presents of Writing in Residential Academic Writing Retreats View
Snežana Ratković, Michelle K. McGinn, Dragana Martinovic, Ruth McQuirter Scott
Implicit Religion Vol 20 No. 1 (2017) Special Issue: Theorizing Religion and Nationalism One Nation, Many Faiths: Civic-Cultural Nationalism and Religious Pluralism in the Scottish Interfaith Literature View
Liam T. Sutherland
Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism Vol 3 No. 2 (2012) Paths to Masonry Today: Social Factors Behind Joining the Craft among Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Canadian Freemasons View
J. Scott Kenney
Implicit Religion Vol 7 No. 3 (2004) Stories that Matter: A Narrative Approach to Implicit Religion View
William A. Stahl, Lisa L. Stenmark
Mediation Theory and Practice Vol 1 No. 1 (2016) Legal review of the mandatory mediation process in South Africa View
Alan John Rycroft
Religions of South Asia Vol 3 No. 1 (2009) Representations of Brahmins and Brahmanism in Early Buddhist Literature Text and Authority in the Older Upaniṣads, by Signe Cohen. Brill’s Indological Library, vol.30. Leiden/Boston: Brill: 2008. 320 pp. £89/$132. ISBN 978-9-0041-6777-3 (hb). View
Theodore N. Proferres
Comparative Islamic Studies Vol 10 No. 1 (2014) Communal Democracy: The Social Contract and Confederalism in Rojava View
Michael Knapp, Joost Jongerden
Equinox eBooks Publishing The Complexity of Conversion Shedding Religious Skin: An Intersectional Analysis of the Claim that Male Circumcision Limits Religious Freedom View
Karin Neutel
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture Vol 11 No. 1 (2017) Eco-Resistance Movements Standing on the Sacred: Ceremony, Discourse, and Resistance in the Fight against the Black Snake View
Greg Johnson, Siv Ellen Kraft
Journal of Film Music Vol 5 No. 1-2 (2012) “Regeneration” in Rebecca: Confronting Compilation in Franz Waxman’s Score View
Nathan Platte
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy Vol 4 No. 1 (2001) Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy Vol 4 (1) 2001 Orere Source View
W. Noel Brown
Equinox eBooks Publishing Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Multilingual Identities and Intercultural Education during Telecollaboration: A Heritage Language Learner Case Study View
Carly Lesoski
Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion Vol 3 No. 2 (2015) Indirect Reciprocity and Reputation Management in Religious Morality Relating to Concepts of Supernatural Agents View
Andreas Nordin
Equinox eBooks Publishing Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar 3. On the Abstractness of Levels of Description in Systemic Functional Linguistics View
Mick O'Donnell
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy Vol 10 No. 1 (2022) Charting by Chaplains in Healthcare: White Paper of the European Research Institute for Chaplains in HealthCare (ERICH) View
Anne Vandenhoeck, Joost Verhoef, Daniel Nuzum, Pascal Mösli, David Neuhold, Simon Peng-Keller, Traugott Roser, Linda Ross, Wim Smeets, Austyn Snowden, Wilfred McSherry
CALICO Journal Vol 30 No. 3 (2013) Collaborative language learning in co-constructed participatory culture View
Greg Kessler
International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Vol 16 No. 1 (2009) The Law on Language in the European Union: Policy Development for Interpreting/Translation Services in Criminal Proceedings View
Nancy Schweda Nicholson
Religions of South Asia Vol 1 No. 2 (2007) Editorial View
Dermot Killingley
Comparative Islamic Studies Vol 10 No. 1 (2014) On Taqlīd: Ibn al Qayyim’s Critique of Authority in Islamic Law, by Abdul-Rahman Mustafa. Oxford University Press, 2013. 256pp., $82.00. ISBN-13: 9780199937516 View
Joe Bradford
Journal of World Popular Music Vol 4 No. 1 (2017) Book Review: Shane Homan, Martin Cloonan and Jen Cattermole. 2016. Popular Music Industries and the State: Policy Notes. New York and London: Routledge. 249pp. ISBN 978-0-41582-4-514 (hbk) View
Tom Sykes
Equinox eBooks Publishing Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Index View
Andy Curtis
Equinox eBooks Publishing Words of Experience Epistemic Authority and a Just World: Remaking Islamic Studies through Collaborative Practices View
Katie Merriman
Jazz Research Journal Vol 5 No. 1 (2011) Vol. 5.1/5.2 (2011) Remixing jazz culture: Musical hybridity and collectivity in the New Europe View
Kristin McGee
Equinox eBooks Publishing Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 2. It's All in How You Look at It: The Eyes and Morality in Matthew 6:22-23 View
Colleen Shantz
Communication & Medicine Vol 8 No. 2 (2011) ‘Whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent’: Medical discourse and medical practice View
Per Måseide
Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies Vol 16 No. 1 (2014) Healing Community: Pagan Cultural Models and Experiences in Seeking Well-Being View
Kimberly D. Kirner
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