Comparative Islamic Studies, Vol 11, No 1 (2015)

Al-Risāla (attributed to al-Šāfiʿī) and the Question of Vagueness in Islamic Legal Hermeneutics

Abdessamad Belhaj
Issued Date: 6 Sep 2017


This article investigates the problem of legal vagueness in Islamic legal hermeneutics. In particular, it examines al-Risāla’s (attributed to al-Šāfiʿī) approach to use language as an argument for the clarity of legal discourse. It argues that ambiguity, although recognized as a legal hermeneutic problem, was not tolerated within Islamic legal discourse. It also makes the case that al-Risāla’s stance develops early reverse pragmatics or pragmatics-for-apologetics in Islamic legal theory.

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DOI: 10.1558/cis.20372


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