Fieldwork in Religion, Vol 9, No 1 (2014)

Reflections on the Creation of a Research Archive on One of the Mid-Twentieth Century’s Most Renowned Religious Figures

Andrew J. Cheatle
Issued Date: 20 Mar 2015


This reflective article investigates the research processes involved in bringing together a vast archive of primary material on one of Britain’s most significant mid-twentieth century religious figures. A mixture of informal and more recognized formal methods are evident in the overall research methodology. At times synchronicity appeared to be at work in revealing forgotten and lost treasures. This apparent randomness was, however, rooted in networking principles and the importance of being known within a given field of research. For the most part the research process followed methods of sustained, systematic and laborious study, including searching for leads and pursuing them. The results of the research are an unrivalled research archive of previously unknown or uncatalogued primary materials for the study of William Edwin Sangster. The materials themselves include hundreds of articles, over 100 letters, 24 taped sermons and numerous other materials not covered in the survey.

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DOI: 10.1558/fiel.v9i1.87


Anon. Sangster of Westminster. 1960. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 9-50.

Armistead, Norman. 2006. ‘Recalling Sangster.’ The Flame, 72.3, 3-4

Cheatle, Andrew J. (2011). W.E. Sangster: Herald of Holiness. Milton Keynes: Paternoster.

Guy, David. 2007. ‘William Sangster Remembered.’ The Flame, 73:1, 13-14

Larsen, David L. (2011). ‘William E. Sangster: In the Wake of the Wesleys’, (accessed on 8/10/13)

Sangster, Margaret. 1961. Religion in Life, 30:4, 610-615.

Sangster, Paul. 1962. Dr Sangster. London: Epworth Press.

Sangster, William Edwin. (1932). Why Jesus Never Wrote A Book. London: Epworth.

Sangster, William Edwin. (1962). Westminster Sermons. London: Epworth, II, 104-108

Shepherd, Victor. (2013). William Edwin Sangster, (accessed on 10/10/13)

Valentine, Simon Ross. 1998. William Edwin Sangster. Peterborough: Foundery Press

British Weekly. (1952 & 57).
Daily Express. (1953).
Daily Graphic. (1947).
Empire News. (1944-46).
Joyful News. (1955-60).
London and Holborn Review. (1946).
Methodist Magazine. (1947).
Methodist Recorder. (1932-60).
Methodist Times and Leader. (1934).
Prayer-Cell Messenger. (1959-60).
Scarborough Evening News and Daily Post. (1932-36)
Sunday Circle. (Jan. 1938).
Sunday Times. (1950-60).

The Spectator. (July 1945).
Yorkshire Evening Post. (1936-39).

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