Fieldwork in Religion, Vol 4, No 1 (2009)

Reconstructors: Reinventing the Spiritual Path within Italian Catholicism

Stefania Palmisano
Issued Date: 15 Jan 2010


This article treats the Reconstructors, a Catholic Community founded in Italy by the Jesuit Vittorio Cappelletto. After a period in India at the school of Anandamurti, the leader of the Ananda Marga movement, Cappelletto’s spiritual experiences induced him to import the teachings received from the Indian guru into Christianity. After presenting the salient stages in the history of the Reconstructors, this article analyses the doctrinal structure and the ritual practices of the movement. Next, it explores the movement’s esoteric bases and the relationships between Cappelletto and his disciples. Finally, the “story behind the story” is engaged, along with reflections upon the contingencies and dilemmas of fieldwork.

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DOI: 10.1558/firn.v4i1.29

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