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Vol 11, No 2 (2016)

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Table of Contents


Editors’ Introduction PDF
Carole M. Cusack , Rachelle Scott 135-136


Non-ordained: Examining the Level of Female Religious Political Engagement and Social Policy Influence within the American Catholic Church PDF
Jeanine E. Kraybill 137-156
Ambiguities of “Insider-ness” in the Study of Religion: Reflecting on Experiences from Ethiopia PDF
Serawit Bekele Debele 157-169
Fieldwork on Anzac Day: A Performance Analysis of the Dawn Service and Other Rituals, 25 April 2015 PDF
Zoe Alderton , Christopher Hartney , Daniel J. Tower 170-198
Between Tradition and Innovation: Religious Practices and Everyday Life of Second-Generation Muslim Women PDF
Ivana Acocella , Silvia Cataldi , Katia Cigliuti 199-216
Medieval Pilgrims and Modern Tourists: Walsingham (England) and Meryem Ana (Turkey) PDF
Carole M. Cusack 217-234

Book Reviews

Moyaert, Marianne and Joris Geldhof (eds) 2015. Ritual Participation and Interreligious Dialogue: Boundaries, Transgressions and Innovations. London: Bloomsbury. 272pp. £85.00 (hbk); £28.99 (pbk and ePub). ISBN: 9781472590367 PDF
Anna S. King 235-238
Oliver, Paul. 2014. Hinduism and the 1960s: The Rise of a Counter-Culture. London: Bloomsbury. ix + 189pp. £19.99. ISBN: 9781472531551 (pbk). PDF
Steven J. Sutcliffe 239-240
Sullivan, B. (ed.) 2015. Sacred Objects in Secular Spaces: Exhibiting Asian Religions in Museums. London: Bloomsbury. vi + 184pp. £19.99. ISBN: 9781472590831 (pbk). PDF
Amy Whitehead 241-242
Chryssides, George D. 2016. Jehovah’s Witnesses: Continuity and Change. Farnham: Ashgate. xii + 308pp. £95.00. ISBN 9781409456087 (hbk). PDF
Emily B. Baran 243-244

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