Gender and Language, Vol 9, No 1 (2015)

The category (Greek) ‘woman’, or ‘lady’, or ‘girl’, or ‘lass’, or…

Marianthi Makri-Tsilipakou
Issued Date: 19 Mar 2015


This paper examines instances of the use of Greek category terms for women in the context of consecutive repairs/reformulations. It turns out that most of the times category terms actually categorise, rather than simply refer as (non-)recognitionals, in a reflexive interaction with category-bound predicates, the linguistic cotext and relevant (often sexist) conventional/cultural knowledge. Interestingly, gendered items do not always (primarily) index gender as they might be foregrounding other aspects of the interaction as well, thus documenting their highly indexical character.

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DOI: 10.1558/genl.v9i1.18469


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