Reminiscence with People Living with Dementia: A Personal Reflection on its Potential to Do Harm
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Killick, John, and Kate Allan (2001) Communication and the Care of People with Dementia. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Lartey, Emmanuel Y. (1997) In Living Colour: an Intercultural Approach to Pastoral Care and Counselling. London: Cassell.
MacKinlay, Elizabeth, and Corinne Trevitt (2012) Finding Meaning in the Experience of Dementia: the Place of Spiritual Reminiscence Work. London: Jessica Kingsley Publications.
Swinton, John (2012) Dementia: Living in the Memories of God. Grand Rapids, MI, Cambridge, UK: Eerdmans.
Woods B., A. Spector, C. Jones, M. Orrell and S. Davies (2005) “Reminiscence Therapy for Dementia”. Cochrane Database of Systematic. Reviews. (April) 18(2): CD001120. https:/
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