Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, Vol 8, No 1 (2020)

A Timeless God? A Critical Appraisal of John Swinton's Theology of Time and Memory

Wilko van Holten, Martin Walton
Issued Date: 2 Oct 2020


In two recent publications the practical theologian John Swinton has given extensive attention to the concepts of time and memory. He considers in what way these have a bearing on how, in Western culture, we view and treat people with disabilities or other kinds of impairment. The authors of this article argue that despite the many pastoral merits of Swinton's thinking on these subjects, his theology of time and memory is unsatisfactory as far as his interpretation of the relevant terms is concerned. Especially his appeal to the doctrine of divine timelessness which is shown to be flawed and unnecessary for his overall argument. A rejoinder to this article is presented by John Swinton at and also in the print issue (HSCC 8.1).

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DOI: 10.1558/hscc.40137


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