Rearranging the Domain: Spiritual Care in Multiple Dimensions
Clearly, chaplaincy is concerned with spirituality. But spirituality does not cover all that chaplaincy is about. In addition, there is critique on the clarity, usefulness and precision of the concept of spirituality. In order to express the richness of the profession and safeguard the particular characteristics of spirituality, this article proposes a new arrangement of chaplaincy’s domain: meaning and worldviews, including existential, ethical, spiritual and aesthetic dimensions. The model is considered with regard to two criteria: does the definition do justice to the plural, rich and various experiences of spirituality and meaning, including non-Christian and secular experiences? And does the definition help to communicate chaplaincy and its particular characteristics to other professions? The definition of the Dutch Association of Spiritual Caregivers is presented and reflected upon from a philosophical view. Finally, the definition is tested for its usefulness through application in some case studies.
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