International Journal of Speech Language and the Law, Vol 26, No 2 (2019)

Tuning the performance of automatic speaker recognition in different conditions: effects of language and simulated voice disguise

Radek Skarnitzl, Maral Asiaee, Mandana Nourbakhsh
Issued Date: 2 Mar 2020


Automatic speaker recognition applications have often been described as a ‘blackbox’. This study explores the benefit of tuning procedures (condition adaptation andreference normalisation) implemented in an i-vector PLDA framework ASR system,VOCALISE. These procedures enable users to open the black box to a certain degree.Subsets of two 100-speaker databases, one of Czech and the other of Persianmale speakers, are used for the baseline condition and for the tuning procedures.The effect of tuning with cross-language material, as well as the effect of simulatedvoice disguise, achieved by raising the fundamental frequency by four semitonesand resonance characteristics by 8%, are also examined. The results show superiorrecognition performance (EER) for Persian than Czech in the baseline condition,but an opposite result in the simulated disguise condition; possible reasons for thisare discussed. Overall, the study suggests that both condition adaptation and referencenormalisation are beneficial to recognition performance.

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DOI: 10.1558/ijsll.39778


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