Latest Issue: Vol 28, No 1 (2021) RSS2 logo

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Abbitt, P., North Carolina State University
Adams, Susan H., Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia
Ahmad Sani, Nurshafawati
Ainsworth, Janet, Seattle University
Ainsworth, Janet, Seattle U. School of Law
Aked, Joy P., University of Glasgow
Al Saeed, Neveen, Ain Shams University
Aldridge, Michelle
Aldridge, Michelle (United Kingdom)
Alexander, Anil, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Alexander, Anil (United Kingdom)
Allwood, Carl Martin, The Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg. Sweden.
Allwood, Carl Martin, University of Gothenburg
Alzqhoul, Esam, The University of Auckland
Angermeyer, Philipp Sebastian, York University
Angermeyer, Philipp Sebastian
Arends, Jacques, University of Amsterdam
Asadi, Homa, Alzahra University
Asiaee, Maral, Alzahra University
Azuelos-Atias, Sol, University of Haifa


Baaij, Cornelis J.W., University of Amsterdam
Baffy, Marta, Georgetown University Law Center
Bahr, Ruth Huntley, University of South Florida
Bahr, Ruth Huntley, University of South Florida
Baker, Kevin, De Montfort University
Balteiro, Isabel, University of Alicante
Barriere, Isabelle, University of London
Barriere, Isabelle
Barron, Anthony
Bartle, Anna, Metropolitan Police UK
Basztura, Czeslaw, Technical University of Wroclaw
Becker, Timo, Universität Trier
Benmaman, Virginia
Benneworth, Kelly, University of York
Benneworth-Gray, Kelly, University of York
Berk-Seligson, Susan, University of Pittsburgh
Berk-Seligson, Susan
Berk-Seligson, Susan, Vanderbilt University (United States)
Berk-Seligson, Susan, Vanderbilt University
Berk-Seligson, Susan, University of Pittsburg
Bernstein, Hon. Stan, U. S. Bankruptcy Judge
Betancourt, Kyna Sherman, University of South Florida
Bhatia, Vijay K., City University of Hong Kong
Biesheuvel, Dirk B.
Bitzer, D., North Carolina State University
Blackledge, Adrian, University of Birmingham
Blackwell, Sue, University of Birmingham
Blatchford, Helen, City University, London
Bobda, Augustin Simo
Boss, Dagmar, Bayerisches Landeskriminalamt
Boss, Dagmar, BKLA, Munich
Botti, Filippo, University of Lausanne
Boubaker, Yasmin Hadj, University of Trier
Boully, Kevin R., Persuasion Strategies
Boves, Lou
Bowen, Alex, University of Melbourne
Braun, Almut, University of York, UK, (previously Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany)
Braun, Almut, Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) (Germany)
Braun, Almut, University of York (United Kingdom)
Braun, Almut, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany)
Braun, Angelika, Forensic Science Laboratory of the State of Northrhine-Westphalia
Braun, Angelika
Braun, Angelika, Bundeskriminalamt (Germany)
Braun, Angelika, Universities of Marburg and Trier, German
Broeders, A. P.A., Netherlands Forensic Institute, Rijswijk
Broeders, A. P.A.
Broeders, A.P.A., Forensic Science Laboratory, Ministry of Justice
Brookes, Tim, University of York
Brown-Blake, Celia Nadine, University of the West Indies
Brown-Blake, Celia, University of the West Indies
Brown-Blake, Celia, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica (Jamaica)
Browne, Molly E., University of New Hampshire
Butters, Ronald R., Duke University
Butters, Ronald R., Duke University
Byrne, Catherine, University of Sheffield


Cabot-King, Lily, University of York
Cambier-Langeveld, Tina, Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Cambier-Langeveld, Tina, Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Cambier-Langeveld, Tina, IND
Cambier-Langeveld, Tina, Netherlands Forensic Institute, Rijswijk
Cambier-Langeveld, Tina, Ministry of Justice, The Netherlands
Cambier-Langeveld, Tina, Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Cambier-Langeveld, Tina, Ministry of Justice, the Netherlands
Campos-Pardillos, Miguel Angel, University of Alicante
Candlin, Christopher N., Macquarie University
Canter, David, University of Liverpool
Carroll, John, Australian Government
Carter, Elisabeth Kate, University of Essex
Cassar, Desiree
Cepeda, L., North Carolina State University
Chambers, Paul, National Registered Public Service Interpreter
Champod, Christophe, The Forensic Science Service
Chan, Ricky K. W., Lancaster University
Chaski, Carole E., University of Delaware
Chaski, Carole E., Institute for Linguistic Evidence, Inc. (United States)
Chen, Jinshi, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Cheng, Le, Zhejiang University
Cheng, Le, City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Cheng, Le, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Cheng, Le, Zhejiang University & China University of Political Science and Law (China)
Cheng, Winnie, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Chester, Joanne, University of Liverpool
Chiang, Emily, Aston University
Chiang, Emily, Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics
Chodkiewicz, Christine, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Clare, Isabel
Clare, Isabel C.H.
Clark, Jessica, University of York
Clarke, Isobelle, University of Birmingham
Clarke, Isobelle, University of Birmingham
Cooke, Michael
Cooke, Michael, Batchelor University (Australia)
Cooke, Michael, Batchelor College
Cooper, Alan John, Metropolitan Police Service, Forensic Audio Laboratory
Cooper, Alan J., Metropolitan Police
Cooper, Alan J., Forensic Audio Laboratory, London
Cooper, Alan J., Metropolitan Police (United Kingdom)
Cooper, Burns
Corcoran, Chris, University of Chicago
Cotterill, Janet, Cardiff University
Cotterill, Janet
Cotterill, Janet, Cardiff University
Coulthard, Malcolm, University of Birmingham
Coulthard, Malcolm, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Coulthard, Malcolm
Crichton, Jonathan, Macquarie University
Cunningham, Clark D., Washington University
Curtain, Jane M.
Curtis, Lucille
Czigler, Peter E., Örebro University


Dahl, Patricia, University of Colorado
Dai, Xin, Southwest University of Political Science and Law
Davis, Tom, University of Birmingham
de Carvalho Figueiredo, Debora, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
de Haan, Pieter
de Jong, Gea, University of Florida
de Jong, Gea, City University, London (United Kingdom)
de Jong, Gea, Forensic Research Associates (Germany)
de Jong, Gea, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Dellwo, Volker, University of Zurich
Dellwo, Volker, University of Zurich
Dellwo, Volker, University of Zurich
Dellwo, Volker, University of Zurich
Dessimoz, Damien, University of Lausanne
Dick, David, Australian Federal Police Forensic Services Division
Dieckmann, Cristy, Queensland Association of Independent Legal Services Inc
Dillon, George L., University of Washington, Seattle
Drew, Paul, University of York
Drygajlo, Andrzej, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Duckworth, Martin, College of St Mark and St John,
Duckworth, Martin, Duckworth Consultancy Ltd
Duckworth, Martin, The College of St Mark & St John
Duckworth, Martin, Independent researcher
Dumas, Bethany K.
Dumas, Bethany K., University of Tennessee at Knoxville (United States)
Dumas, Bethany K, University of Tennessee
Duncan, Sally, Australian National University
Durant, Alan, Middlesex University


Eades, Diana
Eades, Diana, University of New England, Armidale (Australia)
Eades, Diana, University of New England
Eades, Diana, University of New England (Australia)
Eades, Diana, University of New England
Eades, Diana, University of New England (United States)
Eades, Diana, University of New England, Armidale
Earnshaw, Katherine, J.P. French Associates and University of Huddersfield
Earnshaw, Katherine Elizabeth, University of Huddersfield
Editors, The
Editors, The (United States)
Editors, The (United Kingdom)
Ehrlich, Susan, York University
Ellis, Stanley, University of Leeds
Elstein, Solly, University of Birmingham
Eriksson, Anders, Gothenburg University
Eriksson, Erik Johannes, Umeå University
Eriksson, Erik J., Umeå University
Erlam, Rosemary, University of Auckland
Erro, Daniel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Evett, Ian W., The Forensic Science Service


Fărcaşiu, Marcela Alina, University ‘Politehnica’ of Timisoara
Farrús, Mireia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Felton Rosulek, Laura, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Fernández, Eugenia San Segundo, University of York
Ferraz de Almeida, Fabio, FGV São Paulo Law School
Figueiredo, Ricardo Molina de, Departamento de Medicina Legal and UNICAMP
Filipovic, Luna, University of East Anglia
Filipovic, Luna, University College London
Finegan, Edward, University of Southern California
Finegan, Edward, University of Southern California
Fitzhardinge, Sanchia, Flinders University
Flory, Yvonne, University of Cambridge
Forrester, Clive Roy, York University
Foulkes, Paul, J.P. French Associates and University of York
Foulkes, Paul, University of York
Foulkes, Paul, University of York & J.P. French Associates
Foulkes, Paul, University of York & J P French Associates (United Kingdom)
Foulkes, Paul
Foulkes, Paul, University of York
Foulkes, Paul, University of York
Foulkes, Paul, University of York (United Kingdom)
Found, Bryan, La Trobe University
Fraiser, Jessi, Cardiff University
Fraser, Bruce
Fraser, Helen, Independent Researcher
Fraser, Helen, University of New England
Fraser, Helen, University of New England
Fraser, Helen, none
French, Peter, University of York
French, Peter, University of Birmingham
French, Peter, J.P. French Associates & University of York
French, Peter, JP French Associates
French, Peter (United Kingdom)
French, Peter, University of York
French, Peter
French, Peter, University of Birmingham St John's College
French, Peter, University of York, JP French Associates
French, Peter


Gaines, Philip, Montana State University
Gaines, Philip, Montana State University (United States)
Gaines, Philip, Montana State University
Galdia, Marcus, International University of Monaco
Gales, Tammy, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Gandhi, Denise, Freelance Forensic Linguist
Garner, Mark, Aberdeen University
Gavalda, Nuria, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Gavaldà, Núria, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Ge, Yunfeng
Gfroerer, Stefan, BKA, Wiesbaden
Gfroerer, Stefan
Gfroerer, Stefan, Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
Gibbons, John, Hong Kong Baptist University (at time of writing)
Gibbons, John, Sydney University (Australia)
Gibbons, John, Monash University
Gibbons, John, University of Western Sydney and Monash University (United States)
Gibbons, John, University of Western Sydney and Monash University (Australia)
Gibbons, John, University of Sydney
Gilbert, Kristin Enola, University of Illinois at Chicago
Giménez, Roser, Universitat de Barcelona and Laboratorio SQ-Lingüistas Forenses
Goddard, Cliff, University of New England
Gold, Erica, University of Huddersfield
Gold, Erica, University of Huddersfield
Gold, Erica, University of York
Goldie, Janis, Huntington University
Goralewska-Lach, Grazyna
Goutsos, Dionysis, University of Birmingham
Grabe, Esther, University of Cambridge
Grant, Tim, Centre for Forensic Linguistics, Aston University
Grant, Tim, Aston University
Grant, Tim, University of Manchester
Grant, Tim, University of Leicester (United Kingdom)
Grant, Tim, De Montfort University
Grant, Tim, Aston University
Grant, Tim, Aston University
Gray, Peter R.A., Federal Court of Australia
Gray, Peter R. A., Federal Court of Australia
Green, David W., University College London
Green, Georgia M., University of Illinois
Green, James, Otago University
Greisbach, Reinhold
Grieve, Jack, University of Birmingham
Grigoras, Catalin, Ministry of Justice, Bucharest
Grigoras, Catalin
Grozdić, Đorđe, Telecommunications Department, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade Laboratory for Forensic Acoustics and Phonetics, Life Activities Advancement Center, Belgrade
Guillemin, Bernard John, The University of Auckland
Guillemin, Bernard John, The University of Auckland
Gurski, Claire, University of Western Ontario


Haas, Mark, Hyperion Gray
Hafner, Christoph A, City University of Hong Kong
Hale, Sandra, University of Western Sydney
Hale, Sandra
Hale, Sandra, University of New South Wales (Australia)
Han, Zhengrui, City University of Hong Kong
Harrington, Lauren, University of York
Harrison, Peter S., University of York
Harrison, Philip, JP French Associates
Harrison, Philip (United Kingdom)
Harrison, Philip, J.P. French Associates & University of York
Harrison, Philip
Harrison, Philip, University of York (United Kingdom)
Harrison, Philip, J.P. French Associates
Harte, Naomi, Trinity College Dublin
Hashim, Azirah, University of Malaya
He, Lei, University of Zurich
He, Lei, University of Tübingen (Germany)
Heeren, Willemijn, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics Leiden University The Netherlands
Heffer, Chris
Heffer, Chris, University of Birmingham
Heffer, Chris
Heffer, Chris, Cardiff University (United Kingdom)
Heffer, Chris, Cardiff University
Heffer, Chris, Cardiff University
Heffer, Chris
Heinrich, Christian, Institut fuer Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU Muenchen
Heinze, Elena Garayzábal, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Hepford, Elizabeth, Wesleyan University
Hernando, Javier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Hess, Markus M.
Heydon, Georgina, Monash University
Heydon, Georgina, RMIT University (Australia)
Heydon, Georgina
Hill, Martin D., Ponce School of Medicine
Hirson, Allen, City University
Hirson, Allen, City University, London
Hirson, Allen
Hlioui, Ameni, Laboratory of Approaches to Discourse, Sfax, Tunisia
Hollien, Harry, University of Florida
Hollien, Patricia A., University of South Florida
Honess, Terry, City University, London
Hoskin, Jim, University of York
Howald, Blake Stephen
Howald, Blake Stephen, Georgetown University (United States)
Howald, Blake Stephen, Georgetown University (Australia)
Howald, Blake Stephen, Georgetown University (United States)
Howald, Blake Stephen, Georgetown University
Howard, David M., University of York
Howard, David M., University of York
Hubbard, Hilton, University of South Africa
Hudson, Toby, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge
Hudson, Toby, University of Cambridge
Hughes, Vincent, University of York
Hughes, Vincent, University of York
Hughes, Vincent, University of York
Hughes, Vincent, University of York
Hughes, Vincent, University of York
Hunt, John, DLM Research, Wellington, Telford
Huntley, Ruth, University of South Carolina
Huws, Catrin Fflur, Centre for Welsh Legal Affairs Prifysgol Aberystwyth/Aberystwyth University


Ingram, J.C.L., University of Queensland
Innes, Bronwen, University of Auckland
Innes, Bronwen, University of Auckland
Innes, Bronwen
Ishihara, Shunichi, Australian National University
Ishihara, Shunichi, The Australian National University
Ishihara, Shunichi, The Australian National University
Ishihara, Shunichi, The Australian National University


Jacobsen, Bente
Jarvis, John P., Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia
Jarvis, Scott, University of Utah
Jemielniak, Joanna, University of Copenhagen
Jessen, Marianne, University of Trier
Jessen, Martin
Jessen, Michael, University of Stuttgart
Jessen, Michael, Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
Jessen, Michael, Budeskriminalamt, Germany
Jessen, Michael, German Federal Police (Germany)
Jessen, Michael
Jiang, Ming, University of Florida
Johnson, Alison, Westhill College of Higher Education
Johnson, Alison, University of Leeds
Johnson, Edward, Wolfson College, Cambridge
Jol, Guusje Annie Hubertine, Public Prosecutor’s office, The Hague
Jones, Claire, The Police Foundation
Jovanović, Nikola, Telecommunications Department, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade
Jovicic, Slobodan T, Telecommunications Department, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia Laboratory for Forensic Acoustics and Phonetics, Life Activities Advancement Center, Belgrade, Serbia


Kaplan, Jeffrey P.
Kaplan, Jeffrey P., San Diego State University (United States)
Kaplan, Jeffrey P., San Diego State University
Karrebæk, Martha Sif, University of Copenhagen
Kast-Aigner, Judith, WU Vienna Institute for English Business Communication
Kehrein, Roland, Research Centre Deutscher Sprachatlas
Kelly, Finnian, Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS), the University of Texas at Dallas
Kennedy, Graham, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
Kim, Kyung-Wha, Seoul National University, Korea
Kinoshita, Yuko, The Australian National University
Kinoshita, Yuko, University of Canberra
Kinoshita, Yuko
Kinoshita, Yuko, University of Canberra (Australia)
Kinoshita, Yuko, The Australian National University
Kirchhübel, Christin, University of York
Klasmeyer, Gudrun, GUDRUN KLASMEYER was born in 1966 in Solingen, Germany. She studied electrical engineering at the University of Wuppertal and graduated in 1991, after which she studied media art at the KHM in Cologne. Since 1994 she has been a researcher at the Institute
Kolly, Marie-José, University of Zurich
Komter, Martha L., University of Amsterdam
Kookwaaij, Johan
Koster, Olaf, Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
Köster, Olaf
Koster, Olaf, University of Trier
Köster, Olaf, Bundeskriminalamt
Koster, Pieter, Macquarie University
Kredens, Krysztof
Kredens, Krzysztof, Aston University
Kügler, Frank, Universitat Potsdam
Künzel, Hermann J.
Künzel, Hermann J., University of Marburg
Künzel, Hermann, University of Marburg
Künzel, Hermann, University of Marburg
Künzel, Hermann J.
Künzel, Hermann J., University of Marburg
Künzel, Hermann J., Bundeskriminalamt (Germany)
Kunzel, Hermann, Bundeskriminalamt
Kunzel, Hermann J., University of Marburg
Kunzel, Hermann, Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)
Künzel, Hermann J., University of Marburg
Kurzon, Dennis, Haifa University, Israel
Kurzon, Dennis, Haifa University (Israel)
Kurzon, Dennis, University of Haifa
Kurzon, Dennis


Lacerda, Francisco, Stockholm University
Lakoff, Robin, The University of California at Berkeley
Land, Elliott, University of York
Lane, Chris
Langford, Ian
LaNOG, Language and National Origin Group, Language and National Origin Group
Larner, Samuel, University of Central Lancashire
Laubstein, Ann Stuart, Carleton University
Lawrence, Sophie, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge
Lee, Jieun, Ewha Womans University
Lee, Mee Wun, University of New England
Leeman, Adrian, University of Cambridge
Leung, Ester S.M., Baptist University of Hong Kong
Leung, Janny H. C., The University of Hong Kong
Leung, Janny H.C., The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Leung, Janny H.C., The University of Hong Kong
Leung, Janny H.C., University of Hong Kong
Levi, Judith N., Northwestern University
Levi, Judith N.
Lewis, Jack Windsor
Li, Jian, Zhejiang Gongshang University
Licoppe, Christian, Telecom Paristech
Lindsey, Geoff
Linfoot, Kerry, United States Air Force Academy
Linfoot-Ham, Kerry, University of Florida
Liu, Juan, Guangzhou Maritime University
Liu, Yujie, Beijing Jiaotong University
Llamas, Carmen, University of York
Llamas, Carmen, University of York
Llopis, Maria Angeles Orts, University of Murcia
Loakes, Deborah, University of Melbourne
Lowndes, Sarah, BBC Information
Luchjenbroers, June
Luchjenbroers, June


Mac Aodha, Mairtin, University of Strasbourg
MacMahon, Michael K.C., University of Glasgow
Majewski, Wojciech, Technical University of Wroclaw
Maley, Yon, Macquarie University
Marianne, Marianne, Free University, Berlin
Marinetti, Christina, University of Warwick
Markham, Duncan
Marko, Karoline, University Assistant English Department University of Graz Heinrichstraße 36/II 8010 Graz Austria
Marks, Tony, University of New England
Marsters, Alexandria, Georgetown University
Martin, Camilo A., University of Florida
Martin, J. R., Shanghai Jiaotong University and University of Sydney
Martinovski, Bilyana
Maryns, Katrijn, National Science Foundation, Flanders & Ghent University, Belgiuim
Mason, Marianne, University of West Georgia
Mason, Marianne, University of Georgia
Mason, Nealy, University of New Hampshire
Masthoff, Herbert, University of Trier
Masthoff, Karen, University of Trier
Materne, Helge, Flinders University
Matoesian, Greg, University of Illinois at Chicago
Matoesian, Gregory M., University of Illinois at Chicago
Matoesian, Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago
Matras, Yaron, University of Manchester
Mautner, Gerlinde, Institute for English Business Communication, WU Vienna
Maybin, Janet, Open University
McAllister, D., North Carolina State University
McAuliffe, Karen, University of Birmingham
McCelland, Elizabeth, International Association for Forensic Phonetics
McDougall, Kirsty, University of Cambridge
McDougall, Kirsty, University of Cambridge
McDougall, Kirsty, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge
McDougall, Kirsty, University of Cambridge
McDougall, Kirsty, University of Cambridge
McDougall, Kirsty, University of Cambridge
McDougall, Kirsty, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
McKenzie-Bridle, Katherine
McLeod, Neil, Murdoch University
McMenamin, Gerald R., California State University, Fresno
McMenamin, Gerald, California State University, Fresno
Mildren, Dean
Mixdorff, Hansjörg, Beuth-Hochschule für Technik Berlin FB Informatik und Medien
Moeketsi, Rosemary M.H., University of South Africa (UNISA)
Moeketsi, Rosemary, University of South Africa (UNISA)
Mohamadi, Hesam, Simon Fraser University
Mok, Peggy P.K., The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mollema, Nina, University of South Africa (UNISA)
Moosmüller, Sylvia, Institute of Acoustics, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Moosmüller, Sylvia, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Moreno-Rivero, Javier, University of Cambridge
Morgan, Pamela S., University of California, Berkeley
Morris, Ruth
Morris, Ruth, Bar-Ilan University
Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart, Australian National University
Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart, Australian National University
Morton, Reverend A. Q.
Moxey, Linda M., University of Glasgow
Mukhtar, Qurrat-ul-ain, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Mullin, James, University of Glasgow
Myklebust, Trond, Norwegian Police University College


Nair, Balamurali, The University of Auckland
Nakane, Ikuko, University of Melbourne
Nakane, Ikuko, University of Melbourne
Nakane, Ikuko
Nakane, Ikuko, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne (Australia)
Nakane, Ikuko, University of Melbourne
Nakane, Ikuko, University of Melbourne
Namakula, Catherine S., University of the Witwatersrand Max Planck Institute for Foreign & International Criminal Law
Napier, Jemina, Heriot-Watt University
Napier, Jemina, Heriot-Watt University
Neoustroev, Nikolai, RIMST, Moscow
Neuhauser, Sara, University of Jena, Germany
Neuhauser, Sara, University of Jena
Neuhauser, Sara, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
Newbrook, Mark
Newbury, Phillip, University of Aston
Newis, Paul, DLM Research, Wellington, Telford
Newman, Paul, Indiana University
Ng, Eva Nga Shan, The University of Hong Kong
Ng, Kwai Hang, University of California
Nguyen, Dong, Utrecht University
Nini, Andrea, University of Manchester
Nini, Andrea, Centre for Forensic Linguistics, Aston University
Nolan, Francis, University of Cambridge
Nolan, Francis, University of Cambridge
Nolan, Francis, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge
Nolan, Francis, University of Cambridge
Nolan, Francis
Nolan, Francis, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Nolan, Francis, University of Cambridge
Nourbakhsh, Mandana, Alzahra University
Nourbakhsh, Mandana, Alzahra University
Nunberg, Geoffrey R., University of California at Berkeley


O'Connor, Patricia, Georgetown University
O'Reilly, Maria, Trinity College Dublin
Oh, Tomasina, University of Cambridge
Okawara, Mami Hiraike, Takasaki City University of Economics
Olsson, John, University of North China
Olsson, John, Forensic Linguistics Institute (United Kingdom)
Ong, S., Queensland University of Technology
Osanai, Takashi, Miyagi Prefectural Police H.Q., Japan
Owen, Charles, University of Birmingham
Oxburgh, Gavin Eric, University of Teesside


Parks, Russell M., University of Colorado, Boulder
Pascual, Esther
Pass, Kimberley J., Richland County Courthouse
Patrick, Peter L., University of Essex
Pavlenko, Aneta, University of Oslo
Payne, Collin Richards, Cornell University
Pei, Jiamin, Zhejiang University
Pellegrino, Elisa, University of Zurich
Penny, Lynda, Flinders University
Perkins, Ria, Aston University
Peter, Lothar
Powell, Richard J., Nihon University
Powell, Richard, Nihon University
Powell, Richard, Nihon University
Powell, Richard
Powell, Richard, Nihon University (Japan)
Prandolini, R., Queensland University of Technology


Queralt, Sheila, Laboratorio SQ-Lingüistas Forenses


Reynolds, Edward, University of Queensland
Rhodes, Richard, JP French Associaties
Rhodes, Richard, J P French Associates & University of York
Rhodes, Richard, Universityof York/J. P. French Associates
Rico-Sulayes, Antonio, Georgetown University
Rigney, Azucena C.
Robertson, Duncan, University of York
Robertson, Duncan, University of York
Rock, Frances, Roehampton University
Rodman, R., North Carolina State University
Rodman, Robert, North Carolina State University
Rogers, Doug, La Trobe University
Rogers, Henry
Rojas-Lizana, Isolda, The University of Queensland
Rose, Phil, Australian National University
Rose, Phil, Australian National University
Rose, Phil, Australian National University
Rose, Phil, Australian National University
Rose, Philip, The Australian National University
Ross, Sula, University of Huddersfield
Rubin, Gabriela Beyatriz, Georgetown University
Russell, Sonia
Russell, Sonia, Aston University (United Kingdom)
Ruther, G. Adam, University of Baltimore School of Law


Sachdev, Itesh, University of London
San Roque, Mehera, University of New South Wales
Sandford, Anthony J., University of Glasgow
Sarwar, Farhan, Department of Psychology, Lund University, Sweden
Sarwar, Farhan, Lund University
Schiel, Florian, Institut fuer Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU Muenchen
Schiller, Niels O.
Schiller, Niels O., Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Germany)
Schiller, Niels O., Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Netherlands)
Schlichting, Frank, Umeå University
Schlichting, Frank, University of Tubingen
Schwartz, Reva
Schweda Nicholson, Nancy, University of Delaware
Sendlmeier, Walter F., Technical University
Shi, Guang, Zhejiang University
Shirt, Marion
Shockey, Linda, University of Reading
Short, Ann C.
Shuy, Roger W., Georgetown University
Shuy, Roger, Georgetown University
Shuy, Roger W.
Siegel, Muffy E.A.
Singler, John Victor, New York University
Sjerps, Marjan
Skagerstrand, Åsa, Örebro University
Skarnitzl, Radek, Charles University
Skoog Waller, Sara Maria Birgitta, University of Gävle
Smith, Allan B., University of New Hampshire
Smith, Peter
Smith, Sharon S., Federal Bureau of Investigation
Solan, Lawrence M.
Solan, Lawrence M., Brooklyn Law School (United States)
Solan, Lawrence, Brooklyn Law School
Solan, Lawrence M., Brooklyn Law School
Sousa-Silva, Rui, University of Porto
Souza Britto, Helena, Departamento de Medicina Legal and UNICAMP
Spencer, David, Australian Catholic University
Spencer, David, Australian Catholic University
Staczek, John J., The Garvin School of International Management, Thunderbird
Staton, Jana J.
Stedmon, Alex W., University of Nottingham
Stern, Ludmila, UNSW Australia
Stern, Ludmila, University of New South Wales
Stevenson, Bruce, University of New England
Storey, Kate, Monash University
Storey-White, Kate, JP French Associates and Monash University
Stratman, James F., University of Colorado
Stygall, Gail, University of Washington
Stygall, Gail
Stygall, Gail, University of Washington (United States)
Subotić, Miško, Laboratory for Forensic Acoustics and Phonetics, Life Activities Advancement Center, Belgrade
Sullivan, Brendan, University of New Hampshire
Sullivan, Kirk P.H., Umeå University
Sullivan, Kirk Patrick Haig, Umeå University
Sullivan, Kirk P. H., Umea University
Sullivan, Kirk P. H., Umeå University (Sweden)
Sullivan, Kirk P.H., Umed University
Sørensen, Mette H., SLK, Aarhus University
Sørensen, Solvej H., University of Copenhagen


Tao, Xiong, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Tavi, Lauri, University of Eastern Finland
Tavi, Lauri, University of Eastern Finland (Estonia)
Thompson, Joanna Kerr, Free University of Berlin
Thorvaldsson, Valgeir, University of Gothenburg
Tiersma, Peter, Loyola Law School
Tiersma, Peter, Loyola Law School (United States)
Titus, Jordan J, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Tkačuková, Tatiana, Department of English Faculty of Education Masaryk University Poříčí 7 639 00 Brno Czech Republic
Toolan, Michael, University of Birmingham
Towler, Amanda, Hyperion Gray
Tracy, Karen, University of Colorado
Tracy, Karen, University of Colorado
Trinch, Shonna
Trinch, Shonna L., Florida State University
Trinch, Shonna L., John Jay College, CUNY (United States)
Trinch, Shonna, John Jay College, City University of New York
Trklja, Aleksandar, University of Vienna
Turell, M. Teresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona
Turell, M. Teresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)
Turell, M. Teresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Tyrrell, Andrew M., University of York
Tyrwhitt-Drake, Hugh, University of Reading
Tyson, Danielle
Tyson, Jim


Van der Houwen, Fleur, Vrije University Amsterdam
van Doorn, Jan, Umeå University
van Naerssen, Margaret, Consultant in Linguistics in Forensic Settings
Vermeulen, Jos, Netherlands Forensic Institute, Rijswijk
Vernier, Maud, Telecom Paristech
Verrips, Maaike, De Taalstudio
Visconti, Jacqueline, University of Birmingham
Visonà, Mark Winston, Georgetown University
Vlachopoulos, Stefanos, Technical Educational Institute of Epirus,


Wagner, Anne, Université de Valenciennes
Wagner, Isolde, Forensic Science Laboratory of the Bundeskriminalamt
Wagner, Michael, University of Canberra
Wallmach, Kim, University of South Africa (UNISA)
Walsh, Michael, University of Sydney
Walsh, Michael
Wang, Hong, Shandong Normal University
Wang, Hong, School of Foreign Languages, Shandong Normal University
Wang, Jiawei, Xiamen University
Waterman, Amanda, University of Durham
Watson, Catherine, The University of Auckland
Watt, Dominic, University of York
Watt, Dominic, University of York
Watt, Dominic, University of York
Weirich, Melanie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Wennerstrom, Ann K., University of Washington
Wennerstrom, Ann
Werner, Stefan, University of Eastern Finland
Westerhaus, Jennifer, Troutman Sanders LLP
Wierzbicka, Anna, Australian National University
Wilson, Anita
Windsor Lewis, Jack
Wolf, Hans-Georg
Wood, Sophie, University of York
Woolls, David
Wray, Alison, Cardiff University
Wright, David, University of Leeds
Wu, Weiping, Center for Applied Linguistics


Xiao Wang, Bruce, University of York
Xin, Zhiying, Xiamen University
Xu, Robert Bo, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Xu, Youping


Yarmey, A. Daniel, University of Guelph
Yarmey, A. Daniel, University of Guelph
Yarmey, Daniel, University of Guelph
Yeung, Matthew W. L., The University of Hong Kong
Yeung, Matthew W.L., The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yuan, Chuanyou, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Yuan, Chuanyou, School of English for International Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China


Zappavigna, Michele, University of New South Wales
Zetterholm, Elisabeth, Linnaeus University
Zetterholm, Elisabeth, Department of Swedish, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Zetterholm, Elisabeth, Växjö University
Zhang, Cuiling
Zhang, Liping, Nanjing Normal University
Zhang, Liping, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Zhang, Shaomin, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
Zheng, Jie, Sichuan Police College
Zuo, Donghui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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