Implicit Religion, Vol 15, No 4 (2012)

List of the Publications in English of M. B. Ter Borg

Meerten B. ter Borg
Issued Date: 19 Feb 2013


Meerten B. ter Borg was senior lecturer in the sociology of religion and Professor of Non-Institutional Religion at Leiden University. He wrote many books and articles on implicit religion and sense-making, in Dutch. In English he published in Implicit Religion, Sociological Analysis and in the Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion. This symposium is organized on the occasion of his retirement. As an emeritus he will devote himself to the study of the biology of religion and sense-making.
Four-fifths of Meerten ter Borg’s publications, including many articles and eight books, are written in Dutch and published in the Netherlands. This list concerns only the work that is written in English.

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DOI: 10.1558/imre.v15i4.557


1988. “The Problem of Nihilism: A Sociological Approach.” Sociological Analysis 49(1): 1–16.
1990a. “Nihilism Reconsidered: An Answer to my Critics.” Sociological Analysis, 51(1): 109–112.
1990b. “The Sacred and the Human Condition.” Paper presented at the congress Sociology and the Human Condition of the British Sociological Association.
1991. “Girard, his Strength and his Weakness.” In The Quest for Man, edited by Van Nispen and Tiemersma, 63-66. Assen/ Maastricht: Van Gorcum.
1992. “Mythology in Modern Society.” Lecture at the SSSR and RRA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
1993 “Charisma and Implicit Religiosity.” Paper presented at the biennial ISSR, Budapest.
1994. “Implicit Religion and Death.” Lecture at the Denton Conference on Implicit Religion, Ilkley, England.
1994. “Implicit Religion and the Meaning of Death in Modern Society.” Paper presented at the ISA Quadrennial World Conference of Sociology, Bielefeld.
1995. “Fundamentals and Civil Religiosity.” In The Search for Fundamentals, edited by L. van Vucht Tijssen, J. Berting and F. Lechner, 117–130. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
1998. Review of E.I. Bailey, Implicit Religion in Contemporary Society. Journal of Contemporary Religion 13(2): 291–292.
1998. “Football, War or Religion.” In Small is Cosmic: Millennial Issues in Parochial Perspective, edited by E. Bailey, 218–223. Bristol: Winterbourne Parochial Church Council.
1998. “Implicit Religion and Inter-faith Dialogue: An Empirical Perspective.” Implicit Religion 1(1): 47–54.
1999. “What is religion?” In The Pragmatics of Defining Religion, Contexts, Concepts & Contests, edited by J. G. Platvoet and A. L. Molendijk, 397–408. Leiden: Brill.
2002. “Implicit Religion and Power.” Implicit Religion 5(1): 2–10.
2002. “The Market as a Source of Meaning.” Fiduciair, Financieel economisch magazine Nijenrode 5(2): 16–20.
2002. “Implicit Religion, Labour and Management.” Paper presented at the
annual Denton Conference on Implicit Religion, Ilkley, England.
2004. “Some Ideas of Wild Religion.” Implicit Religion, 7,2, August 2004.
2004. “The Social Importance of Religious Polemics.” In Religious Polemics in Context, edited by T. L. Hettema and A. van der Kooij, 433–444. Assen: Royal van Gorcum.
2008. “Non-institutional Religion: Private and Public.” Keynote speech at the LISOR Congress, Leiden.
2008. “Implicit Religiosity in the Public Domain.” Paper presented at the International Conference, “The Future of the Religious Past: Gestures – Religion and Performance.” Utrecht.
2008. “Secularization and De-secularization in the Netherlands after 1945. The Socio-cultural Context.” Keynote speech at the IIAS-workshop on Secularization and Changing Religiosity: Cases from Taiwan and the Netherlands. Leiden.
2008. “Some Ideas about the Persistence of Ritual.” Implicit Religion 11(1): 39–50.
2008. “Non-institutional Religion in Modern Society.” Implict Religion 11(2): 127–142.
2009. “Power.” In The Oxford Handbook for the Sociology of Religion, edited by Peter Clarke, 194–209. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2009. “Implicit Religion, Public or Private.” Paper presented at the annual Denton Conference on Implicit Religion, Ilkley, England.
2010. “Introduction.” In Religion as a Social and Spiritual Force, edited by Meerten B. ter Borg and Jan Willem van Henten, 1–22. New York: Fordham University Press.


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