Spirituality and Religious Tolerance
Issued Date: 19 Apr 2013
Claims of exclusive possession of the truth within Western Christianity have often been associated with intolerance of other religions. Over the past 40 years, an increased number of people around the world have described themselves as “spiritual” rather than as “religious”. As some forms of spirituality do not involve the acceptance of particular doctrines as truths, it might be expected that the spiritual might be more tolerant of various religious perspectives than those committed to a particular religion. An analysis of data from 40 countries around the globe, gathered in the International Social Survey Program (2008), shows that whether those who described themselves as spiritual were more tolerant than those who described themselves as religious, or those who said they were neither spiritual nor religious were more tolerant, varied from one country to another. The data shows that “spirituality” is sometimes associated with belief in God, sometimes not. In a number of countries where spirituality was not widely associated with belief in God, spirituality was associated with greater religious tolerance. However, in several countries where spirituality was associated with belief in God, those who described themselves as neither religious nor spiritual were the most tolerant. The data demonstrates the varied nature of “spirituality” and “religion” and suggests that the level of tolerance is partly dependent on the contexts in which the expressions of religion and spirituality have been developed.
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Allport, G. 1979. The Nature of Prejudice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
Bailey, E. 2010. “Spirituality, Religion, Implicit Religion: What are We Talking About?” Public Lecture, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria, Vancouver Island.
Bouma, Gary D. 2011. Being Faithful in Diversity. Adelaide, Australia: ATF Press.
Bilimoria, Purushottama and J. Bapat. 2010. “Hinduism.” In Australia’s Religious Communities: A Multimedia Exploration, third edition, edited byP. Hughes.Christian Research Association, Melbourne. (CD-Rom)
Carrette, J. and R. King. 2005. Selling Spirituality: the Silent Takeover of Religion. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis.
Dienstbier, R. A. 1972. “A Modified Belief Theory of Prejudice Emphasizing the Mutual Causality of Racial Prejudice and Anticipated Belief Differences.” Psychological Review 79(2), (March 1972): 146–160. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0032310
Giddens, A. 1990. The Consequences of Modernity. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Harris, J. 1991. One Blood: 200 Years of Encounter with Christianity: A Story of Hope. Sydney: Albatross Books.
Heelas, Paul. 1996. The New Age Movement. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Heelas, Paul,and Benjamin Seel. 2003. “An Ageing New Age.” In Predicting Religion: Christian, Secular and Alternative Futures, edited by G. Davie, P. Heelas and L. Woodhead, 229–247. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
Heelas, Paul,and Linda Woodhead. 2005. The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion is Giving Way to Spirituality. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Hughes, P. 1992. “How Close are We Prepared to Be?” Pointers: Quarterly Bulletin of the Christian Research Association 2(4), 1992: 1–4.
Hughes, P.,P. Suwanbubbha and J.Chaisri. 2009. “The Nature of Spirituality among Young People in Australia and Thailand.” Social Compass 55(3): 359–372. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0037768608093697
Humphreys, R. and R. Ward. 1988. Religious Bodies in Australia, 2nd edition, self-published, Melbourne.
International Social Survey Program. 2008. Data from International Social Survey Program, Computer file ZA4950_F1.sav. Downloaded from issp.org.
Kaldor, Peter, Philip Hughes and Alan Black. 2010. Spirit Matters: How Making Sense of Life Affects Wellbeing. Melbourne: Mosaic Press.
Karpov, V. 2002. “Religiosity and tolerance in the United States and Poland.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 41(2): 267–288. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1468-5906.00116
Kehrberg, J. E. 2007. “Public opinion on immigration in Western Europe: Economics, tolerance and exposure.” Comparative European Politics 5: 264–281. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.cep.6110099
Marler, P. and C. K. Hadaway. 2002 ““Being Religious” or “Being Spiritual” in America: A Zero-Sum Proposition?” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 41 (2): 289–300. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1468-5906.00117
Possamai, Adam. 2010. “Neo-Pagan.” In Australia’s Religious Communities: A Multimedia Exploration, third edition, edited by P. Hughes.Christian Research Association, Melbourne. (CD-Rom)
Rokeach, M., P. W. Smith and R.I. Evans. 1960. “Two kinds of prejudice or one?” In The Open and Closed Mind, edited by M. Rokeach, 132–168. New York: Basic Books.
Roof, W. C. 1999. Spiritual Marketplace: Baby Boomers and the Remaking of American Religion. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Tacey, D. 2000. ReEnchantment: The New Australian Spirituality. Sydney: Harper Collins Publishers.
Voas, D. and S. Bruce. 2007. “The Spiritual Revolution: Another False Dawn for the Sacred.” In A Sociology of Spirituality, edited by K. Flanagan and P. C. Jupp, 43–61. Farnham: Ashgate.
Wuthnow, R. 1998. After Heaven: Spirituality in America since the 1950s. Berkeley: University of California Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/california/9780520213968.001.0001
Yang, F. 2010. “Youth and Religion in Modern China: A Sketch of Social and Political Developments.” In G. Giordan, Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion: Vol.1. Youth and Religion. Leiden: Brill.
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