Implicit Religion as Commitment Process: Insights from Brickman and Bailey
The concept of implicit religion is closely associated with the idea of commitment,
so it would seem useful for students of implicit religion to examine what
is known about personal commitment from social psychological studies. This
article does so by focusing on what is arguably the major social psychological
theory of commitment, Philip Brickman’s Commitment, Conflict, andCaring (1987), which derives fundamental processes and patterns describingthe development, maintenance, and dissolution of commitments from cognitive
dissonance theory. The article concludes that the Brickman theory offers
important supplemental insight into the formative processes of everyday transcendence
or implicit religion. At the same time Edward Bailey’s empirical
findings in implicit religion challenge and illuminate Brickman’s theory withrespect to Bailey’s central discovery of a deep commitment to humanity,
including a commitment to the self, within contemporary implicit religion. The
author also notes several practical and ethical implications of his analysis.
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