Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, Vol 3, No 1-2 (2019)

A New Reformed Catholicity: Catholicity and Confessing in Reformed Ecclesiology

Henry S. Kuo
Issued Date: 5 Apr 2019


Reformed ecclesiology suffers from a lack of a concrete sense of catholicity, a lack that easily shatters unity in the church. This article broadly sketches a way in which Reformed confessions and the practice of confessing can help fill that lack, drawing from Robert Schreiter's The New Catholicity. By understanding confessing in terms of re-membering dangerous memories, Reformed catholicity has the potential for enabling the church to be a unifying witness in an age where globalizing forces have fragmented societies and inflamed troubling sentiments.

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DOI: 10.1558/isit.38318


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