Developmental issues in second language conversation
Issued Date: 17 Feb 2007
This article contributes to the discussion of how second language learning can be studied in a conversation analytic framework. Conversation analysis (CA) as a field has demonstrated how meticulous analysis can shed light on how talk-in-interaction works. In recent years CA has been applied to a number of areas of inquiry, including interactions in second languages. So far, CA researchers have mainly studied second language use, while a systematic approach of how to study the process of second language learning still needs to be developed. To this end, we propose methodological procedures for the study of second language learning by bringing together two frameworks: CA and the theory of situated learning. As an empirical basis, this entails a systematic gathering of longitudinal data consisting of naturally occurring interactions, and analytic procedures managing the longitudinal character of the data,in particular the issue of interactants’ change in conduct over time.
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