Religion, Archaeology and Modern Calendar Buildings: A Study of Avon Tyrrell House in England
Issued Date: 12 Oct 2015
This paper will explore a modern example of the tradition of constructing cities and sacred sites as reections or embodiments of the sky. By creating spaces which were connected to the celestial bodies it was possible to create human communities which were linked to celestial ones, encouraging social stability and harmony. Such ideas underpinned traditions of the foundation of cities from China, through India, the Middle East and Mesoamerica. The paper focuses on Avon Tyrrell House, a substantial private residence which was designed and built in 1891–93. The architect, William Lethaby (1857–1931), was part of the Arts and Crafts movement and one of England’s leading modernists. The paper will frame discussion of the building within notions of the continuity of ancient traditions of solar symbolism in architecture, the consideration of function in the archaeology of the present and immediate past, and will refer to the theory of vernacular and material religion.
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Ali, Jason R, and Peter Cunich
2001 The orientation of churches: some new evidence. The Antiquaries Journal, 81: 155-93.
Avon Tyrrell House
2014 Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Centre. Online: (accessed May 20, 2014).
Backemeyer, Sylvia, and Theresa Gronberg (eds)
1984 W.R. Lethaby 1857-1931: Architecture, Design and Education. Lund Humphries, London.
Beckett, Matthew
2011 Make a date: the strange world of the calendar house. The Country Seat (16 February). Online: (accessed May 20, 2014).
Beckett, Matthew
2013 The Calendar House: A History. Country Life (2 January). Online: (accessed July 3, 2013).
Birch, Dinah
1989 'The Sun is God': Ruskin's Solar Mythology. In The Sun is God: Painting, Literature and Mythology in the Nineteenth Century, edited by J.B. Bullen, 109-24. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Bowman, Marion, and Steven Sutcliffe
2000 Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Bowman, Marion, and Ulo Valk
2012 Vernacular Religion in Everyday Life: Expressions of Belief. Equinox, Sheffield.
Brandon-Jones, John
1984 W.R. Lethaby and the Art-Workers' Guild. In W.R. Lethaby 1857-1931: Architecture, Design and Education, edited by Sylvia Backemeyer and Theresa Gronberg, 23-31. Lund Humphries, London.
Buchli, Victor
1999 The Archaeology of Socialism. Berg, Oxford.
Buchli, Victor, and Gavin Lucas
2001 Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past. Routledge, Abingdon.
Chaitow, Sasha
2014 Symbolist Art and the French Occult Revival: The Esoteric-aesthetic vision of Sâr Péladan, paper presented at the 3rd ESSWE Conference 'Lux in Tenebris: The Visual and the Symbolic in Western Esotericism', Szeged, 6-10 July 2014.
Cumming, Elizabeth and Wendy Kaplan
2004 The Arts and Crafts Movement, rev. edn. Thames and Hudson, London.
Davey, Peter
2010 Arts and Crafts Architecture. Phaidon, New York.
Faivre, Antoine
1994 Access to Western Esotericism. State University of New York Press, Albany.
Fuller, Peter
1984 William Lethaby: Keeping art ship-shape. In W.R. Lethaby 1857-1931: Architecture, Design and Education, edited by Silvia Backemeyer and Theresa Gronberg, 32-48. Lund Humphries, London.
#Gage, John,
1989 'J.M.W. Turner and Solar Myth', in, Bullen, J.B., (ed.) The Sun is God: Painting, Literature and Mythology in the Nineteenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1989, pp. 39-48.
Girouard, Mark
2009 Elizabethan Architecture: its Rise and Fall, 1540-1640. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.
Griffin-Pierce, Trudy
1995 Earth Is My Mother, Sky Is My Father: Space, Time and Astronomy in Navajo Sandpainting. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
Gronberg, Theresa
1984 William Richard Lethaby and the Central School of Arts and Crafts. In W.R. Lethaby 1857-1931: Architecture, Design and Education, edited by Sylvia Backemeyer and Theresa Gronberg, 14-23. Lund Humphries, London.
Hannah, Robert, and Giulio Magli
2010 The role of the sun in the Pantheon's design and meaning. Online: (accessed: June 23, 2014).
Hannah, Robert, Giulio Magli and Antonella Palmieri
2013 Nero's 'solar' kingship and the architecture of Domus Aurea. Online: (accessed: June 23, 2014).
Hart, Vaughan
1993 William Richard Lethaby and the 'Holy Spirit': A reappraisal of the Eagle Insurance Company Building, Birmingham. Architectural History, Haert 36: 145-158.
Hoare, Peter G, and Caroline S. Sweet
2000 The orientation of early medieval churches in England. Journal of Historical Geography, 26(2): 162-73.
Johnson, Matthew
2010 Archaeological Theory: An Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Krupp, Ed
1995 HASTRO History of Astronomy E-mail list (8 August). Cited in Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland by Clive Ruggles. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1999.
Lethaby, William Richard
1892 Architecture, Mysticism and Myth. Online: (accessed June 23, 2014).
Malville, John McKim
2014 Reading Alien Landscapes Thick Versus Thin Descriptions. In Stars and Stones: Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy - a Meeting of Different Worlds, edited by Nicholas Campion et al., forthcoming. British Archaeology Reports, Oxford.
Morgan, David
2008 The materiality of cultural construction. Material Religion, 4(2): 228-9.
Műller, Max
1885 Solar Myths. The Nineteenth Century, December: 900-22.
Neugebauer, Otto
1980 On the Orientation of Pyramids. Centaurus, 24(1): 1-3.
1935 Republic, 2 Vols, trans. Paul Shorey. Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., London.
Preston, Beth
2000 The Functions of Things. In Matter, Materiality and Modern Culture, edited by Paul M. Graves-Brown, 22-49. Routledge, London.
Primiano, Leonard Norman
1995 Vernacular Religion and the Search for Method on Religious Folklife. Western Folklore, 54(1): 35-56.
Rubens, Godfrey,
1986 William Richard Lethaby: his life and work 1857-1931, London: Architectural Press.
Ruggles, Clive
1999 Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland. Yale University Press, New Haven & London.
Ruskin, John
1849 Seven Lamps of Architecture. Smith, Elder and Co., London.
Saint, Andrew
2010 Richard Norman Shaw. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.
Sangha, Amandeep
2014 Unlocking Hidden Potential: William Lethaby and His Enigmatic Beryl Shine, paper delivered at the conference on 'Visions of Enchantment: Occultism, Spirituality and Visual Culture'. University of Cambridge, 17-18 March 2014.
Schiffer, Michael B.
1992 Technological Perspectives on Behavioural Change. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson and London.
Schutz, Alfred
1979 On Phenomenology and Social Relations, edited by Helmut R. Wagner. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Silva, Fabio
2014 A Tomb with a View: New Methods for Bridging the Gap Between Land and Sky in Megalithic Archaeology. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 2(1): 24-37. doi:10.7183/2326-3768.2.1.24
Stevens Curl, James
2000 Lethaby, William Richard. In A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Online: (accessed June 23, 2014).
Struck, Peter
2004 The Birth of the Symbol. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
The Grand Hotel,
[accessed 1 October 2012]
Tillyard, Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall
1943 The Elizabethan World Picture. Random House, London.
Van Der Plaat, Deborah
2002 Seeking a 'Symbolis Comprehensible' to 'the Great Majority of Spectators': William Lethaby's Architecture, Mysticism and Myth and its Debt to Victorian Mythology. Architectural History, 45: 363-85.
Wagner, Helmut R.
1979 Introduction. In On Phenomenology and Social Relations by Alfred Schutz, edited by Helmut R. Wagner, 1-50. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Xiaochun, Sun
2000 Crossing the Boundaries between Heaven and Man: Astronomy in Ancient China. In Astronomy Across Cultures: the History of Non-Western Astronomy, edited by Helaine Selin, 423-54. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Yoder, Don
1974 Towards a Definition of Folk Religion. Western Folklore, 33(1): 2-15.
Yorke, Trevor
2011 Arts and Crafts House Styles. Countryside Books, Newbury.
2001 The orientation of churches: some new evidence. The Antiquaries Journal, 81: 155-93.
Avon Tyrrell House
2014 Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Centre. Online: (accessed May 20, 2014).
Backemeyer, Sylvia, and Theresa Gronberg (eds)
1984 W.R. Lethaby 1857-1931: Architecture, Design and Education. Lund Humphries, London.
Beckett, Matthew
2011 Make a date: the strange world of the calendar house. The Country Seat (16 February). Online: (accessed May 20, 2014).
Beckett, Matthew
2013 The Calendar House: A History. Country Life (2 January). Online: (accessed July 3, 2013).
Birch, Dinah
1989 'The Sun is God': Ruskin's Solar Mythology. In The Sun is God: Painting, Literature and Mythology in the Nineteenth Century, edited by J.B. Bullen, 109-24. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Bowman, Marion, and Steven Sutcliffe
2000 Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Bowman, Marion, and Ulo Valk
2012 Vernacular Religion in Everyday Life: Expressions of Belief. Equinox, Sheffield.
Brandon-Jones, John
1984 W.R. Lethaby and the Art-Workers' Guild. In W.R. Lethaby 1857-1931: Architecture, Design and Education, edited by Sylvia Backemeyer and Theresa Gronberg, 23-31. Lund Humphries, London.
Buchli, Victor
1999 The Archaeology of Socialism. Berg, Oxford.
Buchli, Victor, and Gavin Lucas
2001 Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past. Routledge, Abingdon.
Chaitow, Sasha
2014 Symbolist Art and the French Occult Revival: The Esoteric-aesthetic vision of Sâr Péladan, paper presented at the 3rd ESSWE Conference 'Lux in Tenebris: The Visual and the Symbolic in Western Esotericism', Szeged, 6-10 July 2014.
Cumming, Elizabeth and Wendy Kaplan
2004 The Arts and Crafts Movement, rev. edn. Thames and Hudson, London.
Davey, Peter
2010 Arts and Crafts Architecture. Phaidon, New York.
Faivre, Antoine
1994 Access to Western Esotericism. State University of New York Press, Albany.
Fuller, Peter
1984 William Lethaby: Keeping art ship-shape. In W.R. Lethaby 1857-1931: Architecture, Design and Education, edited by Silvia Backemeyer and Theresa Gronberg, 32-48. Lund Humphries, London.
#Gage, John,
1989 'J.M.W. Turner and Solar Myth', in, Bullen, J.B., (ed.) The Sun is God: Painting, Literature and Mythology in the Nineteenth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1989, pp. 39-48.
Girouard, Mark
2009 Elizabethan Architecture: its Rise and Fall, 1540-1640. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.
Griffin-Pierce, Trudy
1995 Earth Is My Mother, Sky Is My Father: Space, Time and Astronomy in Navajo Sandpainting. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
Gronberg, Theresa
1984 William Richard Lethaby and the Central School of Arts and Crafts. In W.R. Lethaby 1857-1931: Architecture, Design and Education, edited by Sylvia Backemeyer and Theresa Gronberg, 14-23. Lund Humphries, London.
Hannah, Robert, and Giulio Magli
2010 The role of the sun in the Pantheon's design and meaning. Online: (accessed: June 23, 2014).
Hannah, Robert, Giulio Magli and Antonella Palmieri
2013 Nero's 'solar' kingship and the architecture of Domus Aurea. Online: (accessed: June 23, 2014).
Hart, Vaughan
1993 William Richard Lethaby and the 'Holy Spirit': A reappraisal of the Eagle Insurance Company Building, Birmingham. Architectural History, Haert 36: 145-158.
Hoare, Peter G, and Caroline S. Sweet
2000 The orientation of early medieval churches in England. Journal of Historical Geography, 26(2): 162-73.
Johnson, Matthew
2010 Archaeological Theory: An Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Krupp, Ed
1995 HASTRO History of Astronomy E-mail list (8 August). Cited in Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland by Clive Ruggles. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1999.
Lethaby, William Richard
1892 Architecture, Mysticism and Myth. Online: (accessed June 23, 2014).
Malville, John McKim
2014 Reading Alien Landscapes Thick Versus Thin Descriptions. In Stars and Stones: Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy - a Meeting of Different Worlds, edited by Nicholas Campion et al., forthcoming. British Archaeology Reports, Oxford.
Morgan, David
2008 The materiality of cultural construction. Material Religion, 4(2): 228-9.
Műller, Max
1885 Solar Myths. The Nineteenth Century, December: 900-22.
Neugebauer, Otto
1980 On the Orientation of Pyramids. Centaurus, 24(1): 1-3.
1935 Republic, 2 Vols, trans. Paul Shorey. Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., London.
Preston, Beth
2000 The Functions of Things. In Matter, Materiality and Modern Culture, edited by Paul M. Graves-Brown, 22-49. Routledge, London.
Primiano, Leonard Norman
1995 Vernacular Religion and the Search for Method on Religious Folklife. Western Folklore, 54(1): 35-56.
Rubens, Godfrey,
1986 William Richard Lethaby: his life and work 1857-1931, London: Architectural Press.
Ruggles, Clive
1999 Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland. Yale University Press, New Haven & London.
Ruskin, John
1849 Seven Lamps of Architecture. Smith, Elder and Co., London.
Saint, Andrew
2010 Richard Norman Shaw. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.
Sangha, Amandeep
2014 Unlocking Hidden Potential: William Lethaby and His Enigmatic Beryl Shine, paper delivered at the conference on 'Visions of Enchantment: Occultism, Spirituality and Visual Culture'. University of Cambridge, 17-18 March 2014.
Schiffer, Michael B.
1992 Technological Perspectives on Behavioural Change. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson and London.
Schutz, Alfred
1979 On Phenomenology and Social Relations, edited by Helmut R. Wagner. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Silva, Fabio
2014 A Tomb with a View: New Methods for Bridging the Gap Between Land and Sky in Megalithic Archaeology. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 2(1): 24-37. doi:10.7183/2326-3768.2.1.24
Stevens Curl, James
2000 Lethaby, William Richard. In A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Online: (accessed June 23, 2014).
Struck, Peter
2004 The Birth of the Symbol. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
The Grand Hotel,
[accessed 1 October 2012]
Tillyard, Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall
1943 The Elizabethan World Picture. Random House, London.
Van Der Plaat, Deborah
2002 Seeking a 'Symbolis Comprehensible' to 'the Great Majority of Spectators': William Lethaby's Architecture, Mysticism and Myth and its Debt to Victorian Mythology. Architectural History, 45: 363-85.
Wagner, Helmut R.
1979 Introduction. In On Phenomenology and Social Relations by Alfred Schutz, edited by Helmut R. Wagner, 1-50. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Xiaochun, Sun
2000 Crossing the Boundaries between Heaven and Man: Astronomy in Ancient China. In Astronomy Across Cultures: the History of Non-Western Astronomy, edited by Helaine Selin, 423-54. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Yoder, Don
1974 Towards a Definition of Folk Religion. Western Folklore, 33(1): 2-15.
Yorke, Trevor
2011 Arts and Crafts House Styles. Countryside Books, Newbury.
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