Innovations in Communications Technology and the Restructuring of the Roman Catholic Church
Issued Date: 18 Jan 2016
The Roman Catholic Church considers Communications Technology (CT) to be an important instrument for preserving ‘universal’ traditions and culture, and, for this reason, polarising forces in the Church have vied for dominance of this machinery in recent decades. This article uses Turner's theory of anti-structure and Urry’s ideas about mobility to examine how innovations in CT are contributing to the restructuring of the Church. On the one hand, Church-as-structure aligned with normative communitas, as exemplified in the role and person of Pope John Paul II and conservative religious movements, used innovations in CT to mobilise and creatively restore hierarchical arrangements. On the other hand, ideological communitas, as exemplified by marginalised Catholic liberal movements, employed innovations in CT to mobilise and promote an egalitarian vision in democratic-like connections. This article concludes with a discussion about how innovations in CT are likely to continue to shape the Church with particular reference to Australia.
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2005 Priests in Love: Roman Catholic Clergy and Their Intimate Friendships. Continuum, New York.
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Blaney, Joseph
2009 The Rhetoric of Pope John Paul II. Lexington Books, Lanham.
Byrne, Lavinia
2003 Captivated Ambivalence: How the Church Copes with the Media. In Unfinished Journey: The Church 40 Years After Vatican II, edited by Austen Ivereigh, 196-207. Continuum, New York.
Campion, Edmund, and Chris McGillion
1996 From both sides now: The Church and the media. Eureka Street. 6(5): 24-25.
Carolli, Linda
1997 Virtual Encounters: Community or Collaboration on the Internet? The MIT Press. 30(5): 360-61.
Catholics Online
2005 St Pope John Paul II Stats. Online: (accessed 28 April, 2015).
Collins, Paul
2008 Believers: Does Australian Catholicism Have A Future? UNSW Press Ltd, Sydney.
Collins, Paul
1997 Papal Power: A Proposal for Change in Catholicism's Third Millennium. Harper Collins Religious, Blackburn.
Collins, Paul
1986 Mixed Blessings. Penguin Books, Melbourne.
Costigan, Michael
1982 Reporting the Council to the Australian Church. NCP Newsletter, December, 5-6.
D’Antonio, William, James Davidson, Dean Hoge, and Ruth Wallace
1996 Laity, American and Catholic: Transforming the Church. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham.
Dixon, Robert
1996 The Catholics in Australia. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
Dulles, Avery
2004 John Paul II and The Mystery of The Human Person. America. Online: (accessed 1 September, 2015).
Gillis, Chester
2006 Post-Vatican II Catholicism: A New Church for a New Day. In Faith in America: Changes, Challenges, New Directions, edited Charles Lippy, 25-44. Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport.
Granfield, Patrick
1980 The Local Church As A Center of Communication and Control. CTSA Proceedings 35: 256-263.
Hastings, Adrian
1991 Catholic History from Vatican I to John Paul II. In Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After, edited by Adrian Hastings, 1-13. Oxford University Press, New York.
Hayes, Michael (ed.)
2005 New Religious Movements in the Catholic Church. Burns & Oates, London, New York.
Hebblethwaite, Peter
1991 The Curia. In Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After, edited by Adrian Hastings, 175-181. Oxford University Press, New York.
Hoge, Dean, and Jacqueline Wenger
2003 Evolving Visions of the Priesthood: Changes from Vatican II to the Turn of the New Century. Liturgical Press, Collegeville.
Isichei, Elizabeth
1991 Australia and New Zealand. In Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After, edited by Adrian Hastings, 334-342. Oxford University Press, New York.
Jenkins, Philip
1996 Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis. Oxford University Press, New York.
Kelly, John
1986 The Oxford Dictionary of Popes. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Knightley, Philip
2001. Australia: A Biography of a Nation. Vintage, London.
Lakeland, Paul
2004 The Liberation of the Laity: In Search of an Accountable Church. Continuum, New York.
Lash, Nicholas
2003 Vatican II: Of Happy Memory – and Hope? In Unfinished Journey: The Church 40 Years After Vatican II, edited by Austen Ivereigh, 13-31. Continuum, New York.
Lucas, Brian
2012 Social Communication, Vatican II and the Australian Church. Australian eJournal of Theology 19.2 (August). Online: (accessed 4th September, 2015).
O’Farrell, Patrick
1977 The Catholic Church and Community in Australia: A History. Nelson, West
O’Malley, John
2008 What Happened at Vatican II? Belknap Press, Cambridge.
Parkinson, Patrick
2013 Child sexual abuse and the churches: A story of moral failure? The Smith Lecture, Sydney. Online: (accessed 2 September, 2015).
Pew Research Centre
2015 In U.S., Pope’s Popularity Continues to Grow. Online: (accessed 31 August, 2015).
Pontifical Council for Social Communications
2002 The Church and Internet. Online: (accessed 1 September, 2015).
Putnam, Robert
2000 Bowling Alone. Simon and Schuster, New York.
Reese, Thomas
1997 2001 and Beyond: Preparing the Church for the Next Millennium. America. 176(21).
Rymarz, Richard
2005 The Impact of World Youth Day: A Twelve Month Follow-up of Under 18 Australian WYD 2005 Participants. Australasian Catholic Record 84(4).
Rymarz, Richard
2006 World Youth Day. In Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual Development, edited by Elizabeth Dowling and George Scarlett, 486-487. Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks.
Starkloff, Carl
1997 Church as Structure and Communitas: Victor Turner and Ecclesiology. Theological Studies. 58: 643-668.
Stuber, Stanley
1967 A Response. In The Documents of Vatican II, edited Walter Abbott, 332-335. Geoffrey Chapman, Melbourne.
Turner, Victor
2009 The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure. Aldine Transaction, New Brunswick and London.
Turner, Victor, and Edith Turner
1978 Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture: Anthropological Perspectives. Columbia University Press, New York.
Twitter Counter
2015 Pope Francis Twitter Stats. Online: (available 31 August, 2015).
Urry, John
2012 Social networks, mobile lives and social inequalities. Journal of Transport Geography. 21: 24-30.
Urry, John
2007 Mobilities. Polity, Cambridge.
Varacalli, Joseph
1983 Toward the Establishment of Liberal Catholicism in America. University Press of America, Washington.
Wicks, Jared
2003 Yves Congar’s Doctrinal Service of the People of God. Gregorianum 84(3), 499-550.
Wilkinson, Peter
2013 Who goes to Mass in Australia in the 21st Century? The Swag 21(3), 30.
Williams, Damien
2010 Sign of Unity, Instrument of Peace: A Short History of the National Council of Priests of Australia. John Garratt Publishing. Mulgrave, Victoria.
Williams, Michael
1991 The Media (Inter Mirifica). In Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After, edited by Adrian Hastings, 169-171. Oxford University Press, New York.
Woodrow, Alain
2008 The Church and the Media: Beyond Inter mirifica. In Unfinished Journey: The Church 40 Years After Vatican II, edited by Austen Ivereigh, 208-224. Continuum, New York.
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