Celebrity Push, Celebrity Pull: Understanding the Role of the Notable Person in Pilgrimage
Issued Date: 28 Dec 2011
Pilgrimages have been argued to be ‘journeys redolent with meaning’ (Digance 2006). Celebrities, those noted for their fame, have a gravitas, credibility, and power of association an unknown person does not possess, and status and functions that are arguably religiously equivalent. It is thus no surprise that celebrities are also used to promote tourist destinations. Similarly, the fame and attributed worth of celebrities results in their status in some fans’ eyes becoming similar to saints or holy people. Celebrity has been said to be an equivalent of religion in the modern world. Indeed, a famous person, or the sites associated with their life, can become destinations for pilgrimages in themselves at which the pilgrim-fans gain an experience of what Victor Turner termed ‘the Centre’. Sites such as Elvis Presley’s home Graceland, the graves of celebrities, their current residences, and even events they attend all become sites of celebrity pilgrimage. This study combines theories from the sociology of celebrity and religion, psychological studies of celebrity worship, and leisure involvement theory to explain this process. These are combined with theories from pilgrimage and tourism studies concerned with the dynamics of site popularity, and ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors as a method of thinking through the issues of ‘celebrity pilgrimage’. It argues that celebrities both push and pull fans towards them in ways that are functionally pilgrimage.
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Lee, Soojin & David Scott
2009 The Process of Celebrity Fan’s Constraint Negotiation. Journal of Leisure Research, 41(2), 137-156.
Lee, Soojin, David Scott, & Hyounggon Kim
2008 Celebrity fan involvement and destination perceptions. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(3), 809-832.
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2008 Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World: New Itineraries into the Sacred. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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Norman, Alex
2009 The Unexpected Real: Negotiating Fantasy and Reality on the Camino de Santiago. Literature & Aesthetics, 19(2), 50-71.
2010 Spiritual Tourism: Secular Examination of the Self in the Mirror of Religious Practice. PhD Dissertation. Sydney: University of Sydney.
Olsen, Brad
2007 Sacred Places Europe: 108 Destinations. San Francisco: CCC Publishing.
Olsen, Daniel H. & Dallen J. Timothy
2006 Tourism and Religious Journeys. In Tourism, Religion and Spiritual Journeys, edited by Dallen J. Timothy & Daniel H. Olsen, 1-21. London: Routledge.
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2004 The Role of Contingency Awareness, Involvement, and Need for Cognition in Attitude Formation. Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 32(3), 329-344.
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2001 Graceland: A Sacred Place in a Secular World? In The End of Religions? Religion in an Age of Globalisation, edited by Carole M. Cusack & Peter Oldmeadow, 155-165. Sydney: RLA Press.
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Ritchie, Brent W. & Daryl Adair
2004 Sport Tourism. Channel View Publications.
Rittichainuwat, Ngamsom
2008 Responding to Disaster: Thai and Scandinavian Tourists’ Motivation to Visit Phuket, Thailand. Journal of Travel Research, 46(4), 422-432.
Rojek, Chris
2006 Celebrity and Religion. In The Celebrity Culture Reader, edited by P. David Marshall, 389-417. New York: Routledge.
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Shinde, Kiran
2008 Religious Tourism: Exploring a New Form of Sacred Journey in Northern India. In Asian Tourism: Growth and Change, edited by Janet Cochrane, 245-258. Oxford: Elsevier.
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Smith, Melanie & Catherine Kelly
2006 Wellness Tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 31(1), 1-4.
Smith, Valene L.
1992 Introduction: The Quest in Guest. Annals of Tourism Research, 19(1), 1–17.
Stafford, Marla Royne, Thomas F. Stafford, & Ellen Day
2002 A Contingency approach: The effects of Spokesperson Type and Service Type on Service Advertising Perceptions. Journal of Advertising, 31(2), 17-35.
Stebbins, Robert A.
1982 Serious Leisure: A Conceptual Statement. Pacific Sociological Review, 25(2), 251.
1992 Amateurs, Professionals and Serious Leisure. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
1993 Social World, Lifestyle, and Serious Leisure: Toward a Mesostructural Analysis. World Leisure & Recreation, 35, 23-26.
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Stryker, Sheldon
2002 Symbolic Interactionism: A Social Structural Version. Caldwell, N.J: Blackburn Press.
Taylor, Charles
2007 A Secular Age. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
1985 Historia Religiosa. In A History of the Monks of Syria, translated by Richard M. Price. Kalamazoo: Cisterician Publications.
Till, Brian D., Sarah M. Stanley, & Randi Priluck
2008 Classical Conditioning and Celebrity Endorsers: An Examination of Belongingness and Resistance to Extinction. Psychology and Marketing, 25(2), 179-196.
Turner, Graeme, Frances Bonner, & P. David Marshall
2000 Fame Games: The Production of Celebrity in Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Turner, Victor. 1973. The Center Out There: Pilgrim’s Goal. History of Religions, 12(3), 191-230.
Turner, Victor W. & Edith Turner. 1978. Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture: Anthropological Perspectives. New York: Columbia University Press.
Wann, Daniel L. 1995. Preliminary Validation of the Sport Fan Motivation Scale. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 19(4), 377-396.
Weber, Max. 2006. The Sociology of Charismatic Authority. In The Celebrity Culture Reader, edited by P. David Marshall, 55-71. New York: Routledge.
Weed, Mike. 2008. Olympic Tourism. Oxford: Elsevier.
Wilson, Jacqueline Zara. 2004. Dark Tourism and the Celebrity Prisoner: Front and Back Regions in Representations of an Australian Historical Prison. Journal of Australian Studies, 28(82), 1-13.
World Tourism Organisation, 1995. Collection of Tourism Expenditure Statistics, Technical Manual. World Tourism Organisation
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