Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, Vol 24, No 3 (2011)

Inhabitants of the Screen: Celebrity and the Production of Religious Authority in Bahian Candomblé

Mattijs van de Port
Issued Date: 28 Dec 2011


In Bahia, Brazil, the public articulation of religious authority comes to depend more and more on celebrity discourses. This article takes the Afro-Brazilian spirit possession cult Candomblé as an example to show how in media-saturated societies religious and media imaginaries become inextricably entangled. In their struggle to be publicly recognized as a proper ‘religion’, Candomblé priests nd themselves overcoming their media-shyness. Televisual fame is a value understood by the public at large, and its acquisition adds weight to the status and prestige of Candomblé priests in ways that religious criteria for priestly authority cannot accomplish.

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DOI: 10.1558/jasr.v24i3.254


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