What we can learn from mismatched and unexpected responses to questions in interviews with people who have traumatic brain injury.
Issued Date: 21 Feb 2018
This article analyses mismatched and unexpected responses to questions in a survey administered to thirteen people with traumatic brain injury or their relatives. Rather than giving simple one word or yes-no answers, the respondents provided unexpected narrative answers that went beyond the scope of the survey questions. The analysis identifies the types of narratives used by the respondents and highlights the ways in which they expressed their concerns about their life post-injury. It ends with a plea for more information to be provided to patients and their relatives about the ‘new normal’ life after a traumatic brain injury.
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PDF (Price: £17.50 )DOI: 10.1558/jircd.34129
Abrahamson, V., Jensen, J., Springett, K., and Sakel, M. (2016) Experiences of patients with traumatic brain injury and their carers during transition from inpatient rehabilitation to the community: a qualitative study, Disability and Rehabilitation 39(17) DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2016.1211755
Bamber, A. (2012) Narrative inquiry into family functioning after a brain injury. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Hertfordshire, UK.
Bamberg, M., and Georgakopoulou, A. (2008) Small stories as a new perspective in narrative and identity analysis. Text and Talk 28(3): 377--396.
Biddle, K., McCabe, A., and Bliss, L. (1996) Narrative skills following traumatic brain injury in children and adults. Journal of Communication Disorders 29: 447--469.
Carlomagno, S., Giannotti, S., Vorano, L., and Marini, A. (2011) Discourse information content in non-aphasic adults with brain injury: A pilot study. Brain injury 25(10): 1010--1018.
Coelho, C., Liles, B. Z., and Duffy, R. J. (1995) Impairments of discourse abilities and executive functions in traumatically brain-injured adults. Brain injury 9(5): 471--477.
Coelho, C., Grela, B., Corso, M., Gamble, A., and Feinn, R. (2005) Microlinguistic deficits in the narrative discourse of adults with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 19(13): 1139--1145.
Couper-Kuhlen, E. (2007) Situated phonologies: Patterns of phonology in discourse contexts. In M. C. Pennington (ed.) Phonology in context 186--218. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Davis, B. and Pope, C. (2009) Institutionalized ghosting: policy contexts and language use in erasing the person with Alzheimer’s. Language Policy 9(1): 29--44.
Davis, B., and Maclagan, M. (2016) More than one kind of story: Types of narrative in Alzheimer conversation. Aging and Society, 6th Interdisciplinary Conference, Linkoping University, 6-7 October, 2016.
Davis, B., and Maclagan, M. (submitted) Narrative and aging: Exploring the range of narrative types in dementia conversation. European Journal of English Studies.
de Medeiros, K. and Rubinstein, R. L. (2015) “Shadow stories” in oral interviews: Narrative care through careful listening. Journal of Aging Studies 34:162--168.
Douglas, J. M. (2013) Conceptualizing self and maintaining social connection following severe traumatic brain injury. Brain injury 27(1): 60--74.
Fakhry, S. M., Ferguson, P. L., Resnick, H. S., Haughney, J., Olsen, J., Ruggiero, K. J. (2015) Continuing Trauma: The Unmet Needs of Trauma Patients in the Post-Acute Care Setting. 74th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma; 9/11/2015; Las Vegas, NV.
Fichten, C., Taglakis, V., Judd, D., Wright, J., and Amsel, R. (2001) Verbal and nonverbal communication cues in daily conversation and dating. The Journal of Social Psychology 132: 751--769.
Finch, E., Copley, A., Cornwell, P., and Kelly, C. (2016) Systematic review of behavioral interventions targeting social communication difficulties after traumatic brain injury. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 97(8): 1352--1365.
Garbarski, D., Schaeffer, N. C., and Dykema, J. (2016) Interviewing practices, conversational practices, and rapport: responsiveness and engagement in the standardized survey interview. Sociological Methodology 46(1): 1--38.
Georgakopoulou, A., and Goutsos, D. (1997; 2004) Discourse analysis: An introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Glintborg, C. (2015) Disabled and not normal: Identity construction after an acquired brain injury. Narrative Inquiry 25(1): 1-21.
Hays RD (1994) The Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Measures of Patient Adherence, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f302/c9acc72af3b881e122866b4df401d6b7a092.pdf. Accessed 30 June, 2017.
Hoxie, E. (2013) The impact of traumatic brain injury from spouses’/partners’ perspectives: Transcending existential shattering. Unpublished PhD thesis, Saybrook University.
Hydén , L. (2011) Narrative collaboration and scaffolding in dementia. Journal of Aging Studies 25: 339--47.
Isaac, L. (2016) The Glasgow Outcome Scale. The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury. http://www.tbims.org/combi/gos (accessed March 28, 2017)
Johnstone, B. (2007) Discourse analysis. 2nd edn. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Johnstone, B. (2016) ‘Oral versions of personal experience’: Labovian narrative analysis and its uptake. Journal of Sociolinguistics 20(4): 542--560.
Jorgensen, M., & Togher, L. (2009) Narrative after traumatic brain injury: A comparison of monologic and jointly-produced discourse. Brain Injury 23(9): 727--740.
Keeter, S. (2015) Methods can matter. Accessed 28 June 2017 from http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/05/14/where-web-surveys-produce-different-results-than-phone-interviews/
Kovarsky, D., Kimbarow, M., and Kastner, D. (1999) The construction of incompetence during group therapy with traumatically brain injured adults. In D. Kovarsky, J. Duchan, and M. Maxwell (eds), Constructing (In)competence: Disabling Evaluations in Clinical and Social Interaction 291--312. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Labov, W., and Waletzky, J. (1967) Narrative analysis: Oral versions of personal experience. essays on the verbal and visual arts. Proceedings of the 1966 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society, 12--44.
Lampropoulou, S. and Myers G. (2013) Stance-taking in Interviews from the Qualidata Archive. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14(1), Art. 12, January 2013.
Lê, K., Coelho, C., Mozeiko, J., and Grafman, J. (2011) Measuring goodness of story narratives. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 54(1): 118--126.
Marini, A., Carlomagno, S., Caltagirone, C. and Nocentini, U. (2005) The role played by the right hemisphere is the organization of complex textual structures. Brain and Language 93: 46--54.
Marini, A., Galetto, V., Zampieri, E., Vorano, L., Zettin, M., & Carlomagno, S. (2011) Narrative language in traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychologia 49(10): 2904--2910.
Maynard, D. W. and Schaeffer, N. (2012) Conversation analysis and interaction in standardized survey interviews. In C. Chapelle (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1309
McCaghren, K., and Guendouzi, J. (2011) “First impressions”: Perceptions of communicative abilities in people with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 2(1): 101--129.
Obeid, J. S., McGraw, C. A., Minor, B. L., Conde, J. G., Pawluk, R, Lin, M, Wang, J., Banks, S. R., Hemphill, S. A., Taylor, R. and Harris, P. A. (2013) Procurement of shared data instruments for research electronic data capture (REDCap) Journal of biomedical informatics 46 (2): 259--265.
O'Donnell, M. L., Bryant, R. A., Creamer, M., and Carty J. (2008) Mental health following traumatic injury: toward a health system model of early psychological intervention. Clinical Psychology Review 28(3): 387--406.
Ongena, Y., and Dijkstra, W. (2010) Preventing mismatch answers in standardized survey interviews. Quality & Quantity 44(4): 641--659.
Prinjha, S., Field, K., and Rowan, K. (2009) What patients think about ICU follow-up services: a qualitative study. Critical Care 13(2): R46.
Riley, G., and Balloo, S. (2016) Maternal narratives about their child’s identity following acquired brain injury. Cogent Psychology 3(1): 1--18.
Roscigno, C., and Swanson, K. (2011) Parents’ experiences following children’s moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A clash of cultures. Qualitative Health Research 21(10): 1413--1426.
Schaeffer, N., and Dykema, J. (2011) Questions for surveys current trends and future directions. Public Opinion Quarterly 75(5): 909--961.
Schober, M., and Conrad, F. (2015) Improving social measurement by understanding interaction in survey interviews. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2(1): 211--219.
Sleney, J., Christie, N., Earthy, S., Lyons, R. A., Kendrick, D., and Towner, E. (2014) Improving recovery – Learning from patients' experiences after injury: a qualitative study. Injury. 45(1): 312--319.
Slettebo A, Caspari S, Lohne V, Aasgaard T, Naden D. (2009) Dignity in the life of people with head injuries. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(11): 2426--33.
Toulmin, S. (1969) The Uses of Argument, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press
Togher, L. (2010) Training everyday communication partners for individuals with traumatic brain injury: The Influence of Mark Ylvisaker. Seminars in Speech and Language 31(3): 139--144.
Vanderveen, N. E. (2014) The use of reported speech in the interactions of individuals with traumatic brain injury. Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Iowa.
Werner, A., Isaksen, L., and Malterud, K. (2004) ‘I am not the kind of woman who complains of everything’: Illness stories on self and shame in women with chronic pain. Social Science and Medicine 59(5): 1035--1045.
Whiffin, C., Bailey, C., Ellis‐Hill, C., Jarrett, N., & Hutchinson, P. (2015) Narratives of family transition during the first year post‐head injury: perspectives of the non‐injured members. Journal of advanced Nursing, 71(4): 849--859.
Wiseman, T., Foster, K., Curtis, K. (2013) Mental health following traumatic physical injury: an integrative literature review. Injury 44(11): 1383--1390.
Ylvisaker, M., Turkstra, L., and Coelho, C. (2005, November) Behavioral and social interventions for individuals with traumatic brain injury: A summary of the research with clinical implications. In Seminars in speech and Language 26(04): 256--267.
Zatzick, D., Jurkovich, G. J., Rivara, F. P., et al. (2008) A National US Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and Work and Functional Outcomes After Hospitalization for Traumatic Injury. Annals of Surgery 248(3): 429--437.
Bamber, A. (2012) Narrative inquiry into family functioning after a brain injury. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Hertfordshire, UK.
Bamberg, M., and Georgakopoulou, A. (2008) Small stories as a new perspective in narrative and identity analysis. Text and Talk 28(3): 377--396.
Biddle, K., McCabe, A., and Bliss, L. (1996) Narrative skills following traumatic brain injury in children and adults. Journal of Communication Disorders 29: 447--469.
Carlomagno, S., Giannotti, S., Vorano, L., and Marini, A. (2011) Discourse information content in non-aphasic adults with brain injury: A pilot study. Brain injury 25(10): 1010--1018.
Coelho, C., Liles, B. Z., and Duffy, R. J. (1995) Impairments of discourse abilities and executive functions in traumatically brain-injured adults. Brain injury 9(5): 471--477.
Coelho, C., Grela, B., Corso, M., Gamble, A., and Feinn, R. (2005) Microlinguistic deficits in the narrative discourse of adults with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 19(13): 1139--1145.
Couper-Kuhlen, E. (2007) Situated phonologies: Patterns of phonology in discourse contexts. In M. C. Pennington (ed.) Phonology in context 186--218. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Davis, B. and Pope, C. (2009) Institutionalized ghosting: policy contexts and language use in erasing the person with Alzheimer’s. Language Policy 9(1): 29--44.
Davis, B., and Maclagan, M. (2016) More than one kind of story: Types of narrative in Alzheimer conversation. Aging and Society, 6th Interdisciplinary Conference, Linkoping University, 6-7 October, 2016.
Davis, B., and Maclagan, M. (submitted) Narrative and aging: Exploring the range of narrative types in dementia conversation. European Journal of English Studies.
de Medeiros, K. and Rubinstein, R. L. (2015) “Shadow stories” in oral interviews: Narrative care through careful listening. Journal of Aging Studies 34:162--168.
Douglas, J. M. (2013) Conceptualizing self and maintaining social connection following severe traumatic brain injury. Brain injury 27(1): 60--74.
Fakhry, S. M., Ferguson, P. L., Resnick, H. S., Haughney, J., Olsen, J., Ruggiero, K. J. (2015) Continuing Trauma: The Unmet Needs of Trauma Patients in the Post-Acute Care Setting. 74th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma; 9/11/2015; Las Vegas, NV.
Fichten, C., Taglakis, V., Judd, D., Wright, J., and Amsel, R. (2001) Verbal and nonverbal communication cues in daily conversation and dating. The Journal of Social Psychology 132: 751--769.
Finch, E., Copley, A., Cornwell, P., and Kelly, C. (2016) Systematic review of behavioral interventions targeting social communication difficulties after traumatic brain injury. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 97(8): 1352--1365.
Garbarski, D., Schaeffer, N. C., and Dykema, J. (2016) Interviewing practices, conversational practices, and rapport: responsiveness and engagement in the standardized survey interview. Sociological Methodology 46(1): 1--38.
Georgakopoulou, A., and Goutsos, D. (1997; 2004) Discourse analysis: An introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Glintborg, C. (2015) Disabled and not normal: Identity construction after an acquired brain injury. Narrative Inquiry 25(1): 1-21.
Hays RD (1994) The Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Measures of Patient Adherence, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f302/c9acc72af3b881e122866b4df401d6b7a092.pdf. Accessed 30 June, 2017.
Hoxie, E. (2013) The impact of traumatic brain injury from spouses’/partners’ perspectives: Transcending existential shattering. Unpublished PhD thesis, Saybrook University.
Hydén , L. (2011) Narrative collaboration and scaffolding in dementia. Journal of Aging Studies 25: 339--47.
Isaac, L. (2016) The Glasgow Outcome Scale. The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury. http://www.tbims.org/combi/gos (accessed March 28, 2017)
Johnstone, B. (2007) Discourse analysis. 2nd edn. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Johnstone, B. (2016) ‘Oral versions of personal experience’: Labovian narrative analysis and its uptake. Journal of Sociolinguistics 20(4): 542--560.
Jorgensen, M., & Togher, L. (2009) Narrative after traumatic brain injury: A comparison of monologic and jointly-produced discourse. Brain Injury 23(9): 727--740.
Keeter, S. (2015) Methods can matter. Accessed 28 June 2017 from http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/05/14/where-web-surveys-produce-different-results-than-phone-interviews/
Kovarsky, D., Kimbarow, M., and Kastner, D. (1999) The construction of incompetence during group therapy with traumatically brain injured adults. In D. Kovarsky, J. Duchan, and M. Maxwell (eds), Constructing (In)competence: Disabling Evaluations in Clinical and Social Interaction 291--312. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Labov, W., and Waletzky, J. (1967) Narrative analysis: Oral versions of personal experience. essays on the verbal and visual arts. Proceedings of the 1966 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society, 12--44.
Lampropoulou, S. and Myers G. (2013) Stance-taking in Interviews from the Qualidata Archive. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14(1), Art. 12, January 2013.
Lê, K., Coelho, C., Mozeiko, J., and Grafman, J. (2011) Measuring goodness of story narratives. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 54(1): 118--126.
Marini, A., Carlomagno, S., Caltagirone, C. and Nocentini, U. (2005) The role played by the right hemisphere is the organization of complex textual structures. Brain and Language 93: 46--54.
Marini, A., Galetto, V., Zampieri, E., Vorano, L., Zettin, M., & Carlomagno, S. (2011) Narrative language in traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychologia 49(10): 2904--2910.
Maynard, D. W. and Schaeffer, N. (2012) Conversation analysis and interaction in standardized survey interviews. In C. Chapelle (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1309
McCaghren, K., and Guendouzi, J. (2011) “First impressions”: Perceptions of communicative abilities in people with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 2(1): 101--129.
Obeid, J. S., McGraw, C. A., Minor, B. L., Conde, J. G., Pawluk, R, Lin, M, Wang, J., Banks, S. R., Hemphill, S. A., Taylor, R. and Harris, P. A. (2013) Procurement of shared data instruments for research electronic data capture (REDCap) Journal of biomedical informatics 46 (2): 259--265.
O'Donnell, M. L., Bryant, R. A., Creamer, M., and Carty J. (2008) Mental health following traumatic injury: toward a health system model of early psychological intervention. Clinical Psychology Review 28(3): 387--406.
Ongena, Y., and Dijkstra, W. (2010) Preventing mismatch answers in standardized survey interviews. Quality & Quantity 44(4): 641--659.
Prinjha, S., Field, K., and Rowan, K. (2009) What patients think about ICU follow-up services: a qualitative study. Critical Care 13(2): R46.
Riley, G., and Balloo, S. (2016) Maternal narratives about their child’s identity following acquired brain injury. Cogent Psychology 3(1): 1--18.
Roscigno, C., and Swanson, K. (2011) Parents’ experiences following children’s moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A clash of cultures. Qualitative Health Research 21(10): 1413--1426.
Schaeffer, N., and Dykema, J. (2011) Questions for surveys current trends and future directions. Public Opinion Quarterly 75(5): 909--961.
Schober, M., and Conrad, F. (2015) Improving social measurement by understanding interaction in survey interviews. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2(1): 211--219.
Sleney, J., Christie, N., Earthy, S., Lyons, R. A., Kendrick, D., and Towner, E. (2014) Improving recovery – Learning from patients' experiences after injury: a qualitative study. Injury. 45(1): 312--319.
Slettebo A, Caspari S, Lohne V, Aasgaard T, Naden D. (2009) Dignity in the life of people with head injuries. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(11): 2426--33.
Toulmin, S. (1969) The Uses of Argument, Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press
Togher, L. (2010) Training everyday communication partners for individuals with traumatic brain injury: The Influence of Mark Ylvisaker. Seminars in Speech and Language 31(3): 139--144.
Vanderveen, N. E. (2014) The use of reported speech in the interactions of individuals with traumatic brain injury. Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Iowa.
Werner, A., Isaksen, L., and Malterud, K. (2004) ‘I am not the kind of woman who complains of everything’: Illness stories on self and shame in women with chronic pain. Social Science and Medicine 59(5): 1035--1045.
Whiffin, C., Bailey, C., Ellis‐Hill, C., Jarrett, N., & Hutchinson, P. (2015) Narratives of family transition during the first year post‐head injury: perspectives of the non‐injured members. Journal of advanced Nursing, 71(4): 849--859.
Wiseman, T., Foster, K., Curtis, K. (2013) Mental health following traumatic physical injury: an integrative literature review. Injury 44(11): 1383--1390.
Ylvisaker, M., Turkstra, L., and Coelho, C. (2005, November) Behavioral and social interventions for individuals with traumatic brain injury: A summary of the research with clinical implications. In Seminars in speech and Language 26(04): 256--267.
Zatzick, D., Jurkovich, G. J., Rivara, F. P., et al. (2008) A National US Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and Work and Functional Outcomes After Hospitalization for Traumatic Injury. Annals of Surgery 248(3): 429--437.
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