Journal of Language and Discrimination, Vol 2, No 2 (2018)

Interview with Erin Carrie and Rob Drummond of the Accentism Project

Laura L. Paterson
Issued Date: 4 Dec 2018


Mr Nike Oruh is a therapeutic lead for a young people's charity in Edinburgh. His role focuses on aiming to increase young people's knowledge and awareness of emotional, sexual and physical health issues, enabling them to make informed choices about the way they live and relate to others. He is also a musician, performing under the name Profisee, as well as an active blogger. I met Nike at a public-facing event entitled 'Critical Discourse and Resistance: How Language Promotes Inequality', which was organised by the University of Edinburgh. During this event, Nike spoke about the important role that language plays in his work with young people. After the event, I caught up with Nike to ask him some more questions about his experiences.

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DOI: 10.1558/jld.37517


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