Feasting the Community: Ritual and Power on the Sicilian Acropoleis (10th– 6th centuries bc)
Issued Date: 18 Nov 2013
In recent years, the emergence of new theoretical perspectives such as post-structuralism, post-colonialism and feminism in the study of colonial situations in the ancient Mediterranean have broken the hegemony long held by acculturation. Earlier perspectives focused mainly on the colonies, Greek or Phoenician, and considered them as the only active agents, while local populations were traditionally interpreted as static and monolithic entities, passive recipients of colonial innovations. Moving away from these interpretations and approaching new ways of reading colonial histories, the focus of this article is centered on the native Sicilian people, particularly on the recuperation of their agency, through an analysis of their ritual politics. In this case I examine processes of making social identities and the idea of community that these peoples constructed through the collective practices carried out in their main communal ritual settings, the acropoleis.
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Delgado, A. 2008 Alimentos, poder e identidad en las comunidades fenicias occidentales. Cuadernos de prehistoria y arqueología de la Universidad de Granada 18: 163-88.
Delgado, A. 2010 De las cocinas coloniales y otras historias silenciadas: domesticidad, subalternidad e hibridación en las colonias fenicias occidentales. In C. Mata Parreño, G. Pérez Jordà and J. Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez (eds), De la cuina a la taula. IV Reunió d’Economia en el Primer Millenni a.C. Saguntum Extra 9: 27-42. València: Universitat de València.
Delgado, A., and M. Ferrer 2011a Representing communities in heterogeneous worlds: staple foods and ritual practices in the Phoenician diaspora. In G. Aranda, S. Montón and M. Sánchez Romero (eds.), Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: Feasting Rituals in the Prehistoric Societies of Europe and the Near East, 184-203. London: Oxbow Books.
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Dietler, M. 1995 The cup of Gyptis: rethinking the colonial encounter in early Iron Age western Europe and the relevance of world systems models. Journal of European Archaeology 3: 89-111.
Dietler, M. 2001 Theorizing the feast: rituals of consumption, commensal politics, and power in African contexts. In M. Dietler and B. Hayden (eds.), Feasts: Anthropological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics and Power, 65-114. Washington: Smithonian Institution Press.
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