Cosmic Communion: A Contemporary Reflection on the Eucharistic Vision of Teilhard de Chardin
Issued Date: 22 Feb 2007
One of the most poetic expressions of Teilhard de Chardin’s Christic
mysticism is found in his Mass on the World, and other eucharistic texts. But
of what value could they be today, given their over-optimistic tone, in a
world where the very future of the earth is at stake? In a context where his
work is frequently set aside, by emphasizing the role of the Holy Spirit,
this article tries to reclaim Père Teilhard’s eucharistic vision as part of a
contemporary movement of reconversion to the earth and the dedication to
ecological justice of the Christian community.
mysticism is found in his Mass on the World, and other eucharistic texts. But
of what value could they be today, given their over-optimistic tone, in a
world where the very future of the earth is at stake? In a context where his
work is frequently set aside, by emphasizing the role of the Holy Spirit,
this article tries to reclaim Père Teilhard’s eucharistic vision as part of a
contemporary movement of reconversion to the earth and the dedication to
ecological justice of the Christian community.
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