Images in the Heavens: A Cultural Landscape
Issued Date: 13 Mar 2014
The constellation images with their historically persistent nature and adaptability fulfil many contemporary definitions of culture. From the earliest Elamite seals of the fourth millennium to the list-maps in the first century C.E. through Ptolemy’s Almagest, the constellation images became established in western cultures. With the invention of printing and the age of the great star atlases from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries the constellation images continued to display cultural resistance by cartographers to Gothicize, Christianize, politicise or simply remove them. This resilience has shown that the constellation images are in fact a living gallery of human history with images ranging from the Palaeolithic to the modern world. Furthermore with their acceptance across a diversity of people and nations, the constellation images today represents a form of world culture, in that it constitutes a culture of humanity which is not linked by a culture of tribes, clans, nations, religions or languages.
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Allen, R. H. 1963. Star Names their Lore and Meaning, New York, Dover Publications, Inc.
Aratus 1989. 'Phaenomena'. Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams Lycohpron, Aratus. Cambridge: Haravard University Press.206 - 303.
Aratus 2010. Phaenomena, Baltimore, USA, John Hopkins University Press.
Ashworth, W. B., Jr. 1981. 'John Bevis and His "Uranographia" (ca. 1750)'. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 125, 52-73.
Bayer, J. 1603. Uranometria : omnium asterismorum continens schemata, nova methodo delineata, aereis laminis expressa, Augsburg, Christophorus Mangus.
Beer, A. 1967. 'Astronomical Dating of Works of Art'. Vistas in Astronomy Vol 9 177-223.
Bode, J. 1801. Uranographie Berlin
Bodley, J. H. 1999. Cultural Anthropology: Tribes, States, and the Global System, Pullman, Washington State University.
Brady, B. 2011. 'Star-Paths, stones and horizon astronomy'. In: F.Pimenta, Ribeiro, N., F.Silva, N.Campion, A.Joaquinito & L.Tirapicos (eds.) Stars and Stones. SEAC forthcoming
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Goebel, T., Waters, M. R. & O’Rourke, D. H. 2008. 'The Late Pleistocene Dispersal of Modern Humans in the Americas'. Science 319, 1497-1502.
Hagar, S. 1900. 'The Celestial Bear'. The Journal of American Folklore, 13, 92-103.
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Hunger, H. & Pingree, D. E. 1999. Astral sciences in Mesopotamia, Leiden, Brill.
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Jobes, G. & Jobes, J. 1964. Outer Space:Myths, Name Meanings, Calendars, New York, Scarecrow.
Kanas, N. 2007. Star Maps, History, Artistry, and Cartography, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer.
Lorimer, H. L. 1951. 'Stars and Constellations in Homer and Hesiod'. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 46, 86-101.
Magness, J. 2005. 'Heaven on Earth: Helios and the Zodiac Cycle in Ancient Palestinian Synagogues'. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 59, 1-52
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North, J. 2008. Cosmos, an illustrated history of astronomy and cosmology, Chicago, London, The University of Chicago Press.
Oppenheim, L. A. 1974. 'A Babylonian Diviner's Manual'. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 33, 197-220.
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Parpola, S. 1970. Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal Part 1, Germany, Butzon and Kevelaer.
Piccolomini, A. 1552. Della Sfera del Mondo e Delle Stelle Fisse, Venice, Italy, Al Segno Del Pozzo.
Pogo, A. 1930. 'The Astronomical Ceiling-Decoration in the Tomb of Senmut (XVIIIth Dynasty)'. Isis, 14, 301-325.
Ptolemy 1541. Ptolemy: Cl. Ptolemaeus, Omnia, quae extant opera, Geographia excepta Basel, Henri Petri.
Ptolemy 1915. 'Ptolemy's Catalogue of Stars : a revision of the Almagest' In: Peters, C. H. F. & Knobel, E. B. (eds.). Washington: Carnegie Institute
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Ratdolt, E. 1482. Hyginus, Poeticon Astronomicon, Venice, Italy, Erhard Ratdolt.
Redgrave, G. R. 1894. Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice., London, Bibliographical Society.
Reiner, E. 1999. 'Babylonian Celestial Divination'. In: Swerdlow, N. M. (ed.) Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination. London MIT Press.21– 37.
Rochberg, F. 1996. 'Personifications and Metaphors in Babylonian Celestial Omina'. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 116, 475-485.
Rochberg, F. 2004. The Heavenly Writing, Divination, Horoscopy, and Astronomy in Mesopotamian Culture, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.
Rogers, J. H. 1998. 'Origins of the ancient constellations:II. The Mediterranean traditions'. Journal of British Astronomical Association 108, 79- 89.
Roy, A. 1984. 'The Origins of the Constellations'. Vistas in Astronomy, 27, 176-185.
Schaefer, B. 2002. 'The Latitude and Epoch for the Formation of the Southern Greek Constellations'. Journal for the History of Astronomy, xxiii, 313 -350.
Schiller, J. 1627. Coelum Stellatum Christianum, Augusta.
Theony, C. 2001. Star Myths of the Greek and Romans MI, USA, Planes Press.
Thurston, H. 1994. Early Astronomy, New York, NY, Springer-Verlag.
Tyner, J. A. 1987. 'Interactions of Culture and Cartography'. The History Teacher, Vol. 20, 455-464.
Upton, J. M. 1933. 'A Manuscript of "The Book of Fixed Stars" by Abd Ar-Rahman As Sufi'. Metropolitan Museum Studies, Vol. 4, 179-197.
Varisco, D. M. 1993. 'The Agricultural Marker Stars in Yemeni Folklore'. Asian Folklore Studies, 52, 119-142.
Waerden, v. d. B. L. 1949. 'Babylonian Astronomy. II. The Thirty-Six Stars'. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 8, 6-26.
Warner, D. J. 1979. The Sky Explored: Celestial Cartography, 1500-1800, New York, A.R. Liss, c.
Whitehead, D. 2000. Ice Age star map discovered [Online]. London: BBC News. Available: [Accessed 12 April 2010.
Whitfield, P. 1995. The Mapping of the Heavens, San Francisco, Pomegranate.
Wilkinson, R. H. 1991. 'New Kingdom Astronomical Paintings and Methods of Finding and Extending Direction'. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 28, 149-154.
Williams, R. 1958. Culture is Ordinary. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 October 2004].
Zhitomirsky, S. 1999. 'Aratus' "Phaenomena": Dating and Analysing its Primary Source'. Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions, 17, 483-500.
Allen, R. H. 1963. Star Names their Lore and Meaning, New York, Dover Publications, Inc.
Aratus 1989. 'Phaenomena'. Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams Lycohpron, Aratus. Cambridge: Haravard University Press.206 - 303.
Aratus 2010. Phaenomena, Baltimore, USA, John Hopkins University Press.
Ashworth, W. B., Jr. 1981. 'John Bevis and His "Uranographia" (ca. 1750)'. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 125, 52-73.
Bayer, J. 1603. Uranometria : omnium asterismorum continens schemata, nova methodo delineata, aereis laminis expressa, Augsburg, Christophorus Mangus.
Beer, A. 1967. 'Astronomical Dating of Works of Art'. Vistas in Astronomy Vol 9 177-223.
Bode, J. 1801. Uranographie Berlin
Bodley, J. H. 1999. Cultural Anthropology: Tribes, States, and the Global System, Pullman, Washington State University.
Brady, B. 2011. 'Star-Paths, stones and horizon astronomy'. In: F.Pimenta, Ribeiro, N., F.Silva, N.Campion, A.Joaquinito & L.Tirapicos (eds.) Stars and Stones. SEAC forthcoming
Buckstaff, R. N. 1927. 'Stars and Constellations of a Pawnee Sky Map'. American Anthropologist, 29, 279-285.
Campion, N. 2000. 'Babylonian Astrology: Its Origin and Legacy in Europe'. In: Selin, H. (ed.) Astronomy across Cultures, The History of Non-Western Astronomy. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.509 - 553.
Campion, N. 2008. The Dawn of Astrology. A Cultural History of Western Astrology, The Ancient and Classical Worlds, London, UK, Continuum Books.
Cellarius, A. 1661. Harmonia macrocosmica, Amsterdam Johannes Janssonius.
Cooley, J. L. 2013. Poetic astronomy in the ancient Near East : the reflexes of celestial science in ancient Mesopotamian, Ugaritic, and Israelite narrative, Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns.
Crommellin, A. C. D. 1923. 'The Ancient Constellations Figures'. Splendor of the Heavens 2. London: Hitchinson and Co.640 - 669.
Davenhall, A. C. & Leggett, S. K. 1997. Constellation Boundary Data (Davenhall+ 1989).VI 49 [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 April 2010.
Eagleton, T. 2000. The Idea of Culture, London, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
Estey, F. N. 1943. 'Charlemagne's Silver Celestial Table'. Speculum, 18, 112-117.
Etz, D. V. 1997. 'A new look at the constellation figures in the celestial diagram'. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 34, 143-161.
Flamsteed, J. 1729. Atlas Coelestis, London.
Franklin Institute, Celestial Globe. Available: [Accessed 2 Feb 2004].
Frazier, K. 1979. 'Stars, Sky and Culture'. Science News, 116, 90-93.
Gallucci, G. P. 1614. Theatrum Mundi, et temporis. Granada Por Sebastian Muñoz.
Goebel, T., Waters, M. R. & O’Rourke, D. H. 2008. 'The Late Pleistocene Dispersal of Modern Humans in the Americas'. Science 319, 1497-1502.
Hagar, S. 1900. 'The Celestial Bear'. The Journal of American Folklore, 13, 92-103.
Hamel, J. 2010. 'The heraldic astronomical silver globe by Erhard Weigel in the astronomical-physical cabinet in Kassel (German Title: Der heraldische Silberglobus von Erhard Weigel im Astronomisch-Physikalischen Kabinett Kassel).'. Acta Historica Astronomiae, Vol.41, 34-64.
Hartner, W. 1965. 'The Earliest History of the Constellations in the near East and the Motif of the Lion-Bull Combat'. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 24, 1-16.
Heath, S. T. L. 1920. Euclid in Greek, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge UP.
Heninger, S. K. J. 1977. The Cosmographical Glass, Renaissance Diagrams of the Universe San Marino, California, The Huntington Library.
Hesiod 1914. 'Shield of Heracles '. In: Evelyn-White, H. G. (ed.) The Homeric Hymns and Homerica. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Hevelius, J. 1690. Prodromus Astronomiae Danzig.
Hockey, T. (ed.) (2007). Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, New York: Springer.
Holden, E. S. 1890. 'Contributions of Raphael and of Albrecht Dürer to Astronomy'. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2, 19-21.
Homer 1986. The Odyssey, Penguin Books.
Hunger, H. & Pingree, D. E. 1999. Astral sciences in Mesopotamia, Leiden, Brill.
Jacob, C. 1996. 'Towards a Cultural History of Cartography'. Imago Mundi, 48, 191-198.
Jobes, G. & Jobes, J. 1964. Outer Space:Myths, Name Meanings, Calendars, New York, Scarecrow.
Kanas, N. 2007. Star Maps, History, Artistry, and Cartography, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer.
Lorimer, H. L. 1951. 'Stars and Constellations in Homer and Hesiod'. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 46, 86-101.
Magness, J. 2005. 'Heaven on Earth: Helios and the Zodiac Cycle in Ancient Palestinian Synagogues'. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 59, 1-52
Manilius, M. 1977. Astronomica, London, Harvard University Press.
North, J. 2008. Cosmos, an illustrated history of astronomy and cosmology, Chicago, London, The University of Chicago Press.
Oppenheim, L. A. 1974. 'A Babylonian Diviner's Manual'. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 33, 197-220.
Parker, R. A. 1974. 'Ancient Egyptian Astronomy'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 276, 51-65.
Parpola, S. 1970. Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal Part 1, Germany, Butzon and Kevelaer.
Piccolomini, A. 1552. Della Sfera del Mondo e Delle Stelle Fisse, Venice, Italy, Al Segno Del Pozzo.
Pogo, A. 1930. 'The Astronomical Ceiling-Decoration in the Tomb of Senmut (XVIIIth Dynasty)'. Isis, 14, 301-325.
Ptolemy 1541. Ptolemy: Cl. Ptolemaeus, Omnia, quae extant opera, Geographia excepta Basel, Henri Petri.
Ptolemy 1915. 'Ptolemy's Catalogue of Stars : a revision of the Almagest' In: Peters, C. H. F. & Knobel, E. B. (eds.). Washington: Carnegie Institute
Ptolemy, C. 1998. Ptolemy's Almagest, New Jersey, USA, Princeton University Press.
Ratdolt, E. 1482. Hyginus, Poeticon Astronomicon, Venice, Italy, Erhard Ratdolt.
Redgrave, G. R. 1894. Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice., London, Bibliographical Society.
Reiner, E. 1999. 'Babylonian Celestial Divination'. In: Swerdlow, N. M. (ed.) Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination. London MIT Press.21– 37.
Rochberg, F. 1996. 'Personifications and Metaphors in Babylonian Celestial Omina'. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 116, 475-485.
Rochberg, F. 2004. The Heavenly Writing, Divination, Horoscopy, and Astronomy in Mesopotamian Culture, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.
Rogers, J. H. 1998. 'Origins of the ancient constellations:II. The Mediterranean traditions'. Journal of British Astronomical Association 108, 79- 89.
Roy, A. 1984. 'The Origins of the Constellations'. Vistas in Astronomy, 27, 176-185.
Schaefer, B. 2002. 'The Latitude and Epoch for the Formation of the Southern Greek Constellations'. Journal for the History of Astronomy, xxiii, 313 -350.
Schiller, J. 1627. Coelum Stellatum Christianum, Augusta.
Theony, C. 2001. Star Myths of the Greek and Romans MI, USA, Planes Press.
Thurston, H. 1994. Early Astronomy, New York, NY, Springer-Verlag.
Tyner, J. A. 1987. 'Interactions of Culture and Cartography'. The History Teacher, Vol. 20, 455-464.
Upton, J. M. 1933. 'A Manuscript of "The Book of Fixed Stars" by Abd Ar-Rahman As Sufi'. Metropolitan Museum Studies, Vol. 4, 179-197.
Varisco, D. M. 1993. 'The Agricultural Marker Stars in Yemeni Folklore'. Asian Folklore Studies, 52, 119-142.
Waerden, v. d. B. L. 1949. 'Babylonian Astronomy. II. The Thirty-Six Stars'. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 8, 6-26.
Warner, D. J. 1979. The Sky Explored: Celestial Cartography, 1500-1800, New York, A.R. Liss, c.
Whitehead, D. 2000. Ice Age star map discovered [Online]. London: BBC News. Available: [Accessed 12 April 2010.
Whitfield, P. 1995. The Mapping of the Heavens, San Francisco, Pomegranate.
Wilkinson, R. H. 1991. 'New Kingdom Astronomical Paintings and Methods of Finding and Extending Direction'. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 28, 149-154.
Williams, R. 1958. Culture is Ordinary. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 October 2004].
Zhitomirsky, S. 1999. 'Aratus' "Phaenomena": Dating and Analysing its Primary Source'. Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions, 17, 483-500.
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