Latest Issue: Vol 15, No 1 (2021): Special Issue: Engendering Nature RSS2 logo

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M'Gonigle, Michael
Macfarlane, Georgina, Canada
Madera, Lisa Maria, non-affiliated
Maier, Harry O., Vancouver School of Theology
Mallory, Chaone, Dept. of Philosophy, Villanova University
Marcuse, Gary, Face to Face Media
Markus, Till, University of Bremen, Germany (Law Faculty)
Marlett, Jeffrey D.
Martin, Julia, University of the Western Cape
Mason, Simon
Mathews, Freya, Latrobe University
Matthews, Luke, RAND Corporation
Matzke, Jason, University of Mary Washington
McCorristine, Shane, University College of Dublin
McDaniel, Jay, Hendrix College
McDaniel, Jay B.
McDonagh, Sean
McFee, Daniel, Mercyhurst College
McIntosh, Alastair, Visiting Professor of Human Ecology, University of Strathclyde
McIntosh, Alastair, University of Strathclyde (United States)
McIntosh, Alastair (United Kingdom)
McKim, Robert, University of Illinois
McNamara, Rita Anne, Victoria University of Wellington
McPhail, Robyn
McPhee, Euan
Melin, Anders, Lund University
Menzies, Robert, University of Winnipeg
Messer, Neil, University of Wales Lampeter
Miller, Linn, University of Tasmania
Milligan, Anthony, King's College London
Mitchell, KIerry Archer, Global College, Long Island University
Mitchell, Wade A., Drew University
Moore, Kathleen Dean, Oregon State University
Morales, Victor, University College Chester
Moret, Erica, Oxford University
Morrison, Keith
Morrison, Kenneth M., Arizona State University
Moyer, Joanne M., University of Manitoba
Muers, Rachel, University of Exeter
Munk, Kirstine, University of Southern Denmark
Myers, Garth, Trinity College


Nabhan, Gary Paul, The University of Arizona
Narayanan, Yamini, La Trobe University
Nash, James A., TBC
Nath, Nivedita, University of California
Naveh, Danny, University of Haifa
Newsom, Carol A., Emory University
Nicholas, George, Simon Fraser University
Nichols, Amanda M., University of Florida
Nichols, Amanda
Nichols, Amanda M., University of Florida
Nichols, Amanda M., University of Florida
Niemoczynski, Leon, Immaculata University
Noble, Tim, Charles University
Norlock, Kathryn J., Trent University
Northcott, Michael, University of Edinburgh
Northcott, Michael S., University of Edinburgh
Northcott, Michael S., University of Edinburgh
Northcott, Michael, University of Edinburgh
Northcott, Michael S.
Northcott, Michael S., University of Edinburgh
Ntiamoa-Baidu, Yaa, WWF-International, Africa and Madagascar Programme
Nugteren, Albertina, Tilburg University
Nugteren, Albertina, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Nugteren, Albertina, Tilburg University
Nugteren, Albertina, Tilburg University (United States)
Nugteren, Albertina, Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Nyamweru, Celia, Department of Anthropology, St. Lawrence University


O'Brien, Kevin J., Pacific Lutheran University
O'Brien, Kevin J., Pacific Lutheran University
O'Brien, Kevin, Pacific Lutheran University
O'Brien, Kevin, Emory University
O'Dell-Chaib, Courtney, Syracuse University
O'Hara, Dennis Patrick, Elliott Allen Institute for Theology and Ecology
O'Hara, Dennis Patrick, University of St Michael's College
O'Loughlin, Thomas
O'Murchu, Diarmuid, Sacred Heart Missionary Congregation, London
Obadia, Lionel, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2
Olson, Carl, Allegheny College
Opocenska, Jane
Ormsby, Alison A, Eckerd College
Osborn, Lawrence


Page, Tovis, Harvard University
Palko, Kathy, Saint Mary's University
Palmer, Clare
Pannone, Silvia
Parajuli, Pramod, Prescott College
Parlee, Brenda, University of Alberta
Partridge, Christopher, University of Chester
Patterson, Michael, University of Montana
Pearson, Clive, United Theological College, Sydney
Pearson, Clive (United Kingdom)
Penney, James
Perlo, Katherine
Person, Jr., Raymond F., Ohio Northern University
Peterson, Anna L., University of Florida
Peterson, Gregory R., South Dakota State University
Peterson, Mark C.E., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Phemister, Pauline
Phillipson, Garry, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Phipps, Alison
Pickering, David, United Reformed Church
Pickering, David
Pickering, Kathleen
Pierce, Jessica, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical School
Pike, David L., Department of Literature American University
Pike, Sarah M., California State University, Chico
Platvoet, Jan G., Leiden University
Plumwood, Val
Pope, Robert, University of Wales
Potts, Grant H.
Powell, Russell C., Boston College
Pritchett, J. W., University of Aberdeen
Proctor, James D., Lewis & Clark College
Proctor, James D., Lewis and Clark College
Prorokova, Tatiana, University of Vienna
Prorokova, Tatiana, Philipps University of Marburg (Germany)
Pryor, Ashley, The University of Toledo
PurzyckI, Benjamin Grant, Department of the Study of Religion Aarhus University


Quilley, Stephen, University of Waterloo
Quorum, Blue River, University of Florida


Reader, John, Wyre Forest Diocese of Worcester
Reid, Duncan
Rennie, Bryan, Westminster College
Rennie, Bryan, Westminster College
Richardson, Barry J., University of Western Sydney
Rieger, Joerg, Southern Methodist University
Robb, Carol S., San Francisco Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union
Robb, Carol S., San Francisco Theological Seminary
Roberts, Richard H., Lancaster University
Robin, Françoise, Institute National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO)
Robinson, Andrew, University of Exeter
Robinson, Mollie, The Quiet Garden Trust
Robinson, Sarah E., Claremont University
Rodov, Ilia, Bar-Ilan University
Rogerson, John W.
Rolston III, Holmes, Colorado State University
Rosier, Paul, Villanova University
Ross-Bryant, Lynn, University of Colorado, Boulder
Ross-Bryant, Lynn, University of Colorado, Boulder
Rossi, Vincent
Ruck, Damian, University of Tennessee
Rudd, Ann, University of Chester
Rudd, Gillian, University of Liverpool
Ruether, Rosemary Radford
Rutte, Claudia, University of Berne
Ryan, John Charles, University of New England and University of Western Australia


Saadi-nejad, Manya, Concordia University
Salazar, Carles, University of Lleida
Salick, Jan, Missouri Botanical Garden
Salinger, Jim
Salmond, Noel, Carleton University
Sanders, Hannah E., Norwich School of Art and Design
Sands, Linda R., CH2M HILL
Sands, Robert R., Air University
Sands, Robert R., Air University
Sanford, A. Whitney, University of Florida
Sasaki, Joni, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Scalfari, Francesco, University of Asti
Schaefer, Donovan, University of Oxford
Schaefer, Jame, Marquette University
Schmidt, Jeremy J., University of Western Ontario
Schneider-Mayerson, Matthew, Rice University
Schönfeld, Martin, University of South Florida
Scott, Peter
Scott, Peter Manley, University of Glocestershire
Scott, Peter Manley, University of Manchester
Scoville, Judith N.
Seifert, Jenny Marie, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Senocak, Neslihan
Sensbach, Jon, University of Florida
Shamos, Geoffrey, University of Pennsylvania
Shapiro, Arthur M., University of California, Davis
Sharma, Satish Kumar, Rajasthan Forest Department
Sharp, Kelly, 4012 B Maplewood Ave, Austin, TX 78722, USA
Shaver, John H., University of Otago
Shaw, Bret R., University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Wisconsin Extension
Shaw, Sylvie, Monash University
Shaw, Sylvie (United Kingdom)
Shaw, Sylvie, University of Queensland (Australia)
Shaw, Sylvie, Monash University
Shaw, Sylvie, Australian Maritime College
Shearer, Tobin Miller, University of Montana
Shemesh, Abraham Ofir, Ariel University
Sheridan, Michael, Department of Anthropology, Middlebury College
Shibley, Mark A., Southern Oregon University
Shuster, Evelyne, Philadelphia VA Medical Center
Sickler, Bradley L., University of Northwestern--St. Paul
Sideris, Lisa H., Indiana University
Sideris, Lisa H., Indiana University
Sideris, Lisa H., Indiana University
Sideris, Lisa H., Indiana University
Sideris, Lisa
Sideris, Lisa H., Indiana University
Sideris, Lisa Hatton, Religious Studies, Indiana University
Sideris, Lisa, Indiana University
Siebert, Stefan J, Department of Botany, North-West University
Silman, Janet
Silver, Lee M., Princeton University
Simes, Amy C., Elizabethtown College
Simes, Amy C., Frostburg State University
Skehan, James W., Boston College
Skrimshire, Stefan, University of Manchester
Smaje, Chris, Farmer and Independent Writer
Smedes, Taede A., Catholic University of Louvain
Smith, Kim, Carlton College
Smith, Oliver Luke, UCL (SSEES)
Smith-Cavros, Eileen M., Nova Southeastern University
Smyer Yü, Dan, Yunnan Minzu University
Smyer Yu, Dan, Yunnan University
Snodgrass, Jeffrey, Colorado State University
Sollis, David, King Alfred's College
Song, Robert, University of Durham
Sörlin, Sverker, Stockholm University
Sosis, Richard, Department of Anthropology at the University of Connecticut
Soucy, Alexander, Saint Mary's University
Southgate, Christopher
Southgate, Christopher, University of Exeter
Southgate, Christopher, University of Exeter
Spencer, Daniel, University of Montana
Spillett, Tasha, University of Saskatchewan
Sponsel, Leslie E., University of Hawai'i
Sponsel, Leslie E., University of Hawai'i
Sponsel, Leslie E., University of Hawaii
Spoon, Jeremy, Portland State University
Spoon, Jeremy, Portland State University
St John, Graham, Université de Fribourg
Stagnaro, Michael N., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stange, Mary Zeiss, Skidmore College
Stanley, Erik, Eastern New Mexico University
Steele, Kristin
Stenger, Victor J., University of Colorado
Stephens, Piers H.G., University of Liverpool
Stephenson, Bret
Stepp, John Richard, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida
Stibbe, Arran, University of Gloucestershire
Stibbe, Arran, University of Gloucestershire
Stockly, Kate J., Center for Mind and Culture, Boston, MA
Stoike, Jeffrey, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.
Stone, Emma Francis, University of Auckland
Stottlemyer, Eric, Wake Forest University
Stuckey, Priscilla, Prescott College
Stuckrad, Kocku von, University of Amsterdam
Studley, John, Independent Researcher
Swanson, Tod, Arizona State University
Swanson, Tod Dillon, Arizona State University
Swer, Gregory Morgan, University of Florida
Szasz, Andrew, UC Santa Cruz
Szerszynski, Bronislaw, Lancaster University
Szrot, Lukas, Bemidji State University


Tan, Gillian G., Deakin University
Tarter, Andrew, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron, University of Floirida
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron, Department of Religion, University of Florida Gainesville
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, Bron
Taylor, Bron, The University of Florida (United States)
Taylor, Bron, University of Florida
Taylor, N.A.J., The New School for Public Engagement, The New School, USA Law School, La Trobe University, Australia Hannah Arendt Centre for Politics and Humanities, Bard College, USA School of Political Science and International Studies, The University of Queen
Taylor, Reyda L., University of Florida
Taylor, Sarah Macfarland, Northwestern University
Taylor, Sarah McFarland
Tennant, Matthew, University of Oxford
Terhaar, Terry Louise, University of California, Santa Cruz
Terrone, Antonio, National Chengchi University
Theodritoff, Elizabeth
Theokritoff, Elizabeth
Theoxeni, Sister
Thompson, Paul B., Michigan State University
Thorley, Anthony, Bath Spa University
Thursby, Gene, University of Florida
Tiedje, Kristina, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2
Tiedje, Kristina, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2
Tiedje, Kristina, Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 (France)
Tiedje, Kristina, Equinox Publishing Ltd.
Timmerman, Peter, York University
Tinker, George E.
Tomalin, Emma, University of Leeds
Treat, James, University of Illinois
Treat, James, University of Illinois
Tremlett, Paul-François, The Open University
Tremlin, Todd, Central Michigan University
Tremlin, Todd, Central Michigan University
Trim, Michelle, University of New Haven
Tucker, Mary Evelyn, Bucknell University
Tucker, Mary Evelyn, Yale University
Tuladhar-Douglas, Will, Situgyan Consulting Ltd.
Tully, Caroline Jane, University of Melbourne
Tully, Tyler M., University of Oxford
Turvey, Jacaranda, University of Chester


Upadhyay, Chakrapani, B. N. Nobles' College


van Beek, Walter, Tilburg University
Van Der Stoep, Jan, Ede Christian University for Applied Sciences
Van Eyghen, Hans, Free University of Amsterdam
Van Horn, Gavin, Center for Humans and Nature
Van Wieren, Gretel, Michigan State University
Van Wieren, Gretel, Michigan State University
Van Wieren, Gretel, Michigan State University
Van Wieren, Gretel, Michigan State University
van Wyk, Abraham E, Department of Botany, University of Pretoria
Vanin, Cristina
Veldman, Robin, Texas A&M University
Veldman, Robin Globus, University of Florida
Veldman, Robin Globus, University of Florida
Versteeg, Peter G.A., VU University Amsterdam
Victorin-Vangerud, Nancy M.
Vivanco, Luis A., University of Vermont
Vivekānanda, Bhikkhu, Panditarama Lumbini International Vipassana Meditation Center
Voeks, Robert, California State University--Fullerton
Von Burg, Ron, Wake Forest University
von Heland, Jacob, Stockholm University
von Stuckrad, Kocku
von Stuckrad, Kocku, University of Groningen (United States)
von Stuckrad, Kocku, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)


Wainwright, J.A., Dalhousie University
Waldkoenig, Gilson, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
Walker, Brett, Montana State University
Wallace, Mark, Swarthmore College
Wallace, Mark I., Swarthmore College
Wallace, Mark I., Swarthmore College
Wallace-Hare, David, San Diego State University
Watling, Tony, Independent Scholar
Watling, Tony, Leiden University (Netherlands)
Watson, Elizabeth E., University of Cambridge
Weatherdon, Meaghan Sarah, University of Toronto
Weaver, Jace
Weaver, Jace, University of Georgia
Wegter-McNelly, Kirk, Boston University
Weiss, Jane, Kingsborough Community College of CUNY
Werner, Sarah, University of Florida
Whaite, R.P., University of Manchester
Whalen-Bridge, John, National University of Singapore
Wheeler, Demian, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
Wheeler, Demian, Union Theological Seminary
Whitney, Elspeth, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Wiethaus, Ulrike, Wake Forest University
Wildermuth, Todd A., University of Illinois
Wildman, Wesley, Boston University New York University and 9/11 Museum and Memorial
Wilson, Burgess C., Rush Medical College
Wilson, Joseph A.P., Fairfield University
Wilson, Joseph A.P., University of Florida
Wilson, Joseph A. P., Fairfield University
Wilson, Joseph A.P., University of Florida
Wilson, Joseph A.P., University of Florida
Wilson, Liz, Miami University of Ohio
Winkleman, Michael, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University
Wirzba, Norman, Duke University
Wirzba, Norman, Georgetown College/Duke Divinity School
Wirzba, Norman, Duke University
Wirzba, Norman, Duke Divinity School
Wirzba, Norman, Duke Divinity University
Wirzba, Norman, Duke Divinity School
Witoszek, Nina, University of Oslo
Witt, Joseph, Mississippi State University
Witt, Joseph D., Mississippi State University
Witt, Joseph D., Mississippi State University
Witt, Joseph D., Mississippi State University
Witt, Joseph, University of Florida
Witt, Joseph, University of Florida
Witt, Joseph D., University of Florida
Witt, Joseph D, Mississippi State University
Witt, Joseph D, University of Florida
Woods, Richard
Wright, Jane, University of Bristol
Wright, Robin M., Department of Religion University of Florida Gainesville, Gainesville, FL
Wright, Robin M., University of Florida
Wright, Robin M., Department of Religion, University of Florida Gainesville
Wright, Robin M., University of Florida
Wright, Robin M., University of Florida
Wright, Robin, University of Florida
Wright, Robin M., University of Florida
Wright, Robin M., University of Florida
Wright, Robin M.
Wright, Robin M., University of Florida (United States)


Yalcin, Martin O., Montclair State University
Yoder, Scot D., Michigan State University
Yong, Amos, Regent University
York, Michael, Academy for Cultural and Educational Studies
York, Michael, Academy for Cultural and Educational Studies, London
York, Michael, Bath Spa University
York, Michael, Academy for Cultural and Educational Studies
York, Michael, Academy for Cultural and Educational Studies
Yung, Laurie, University of Montana


Zaleha, Bernard, University of California, Santa Cruz
Zaleha, Bernard Daley, University of California, Santa Cruz
Zaleha, Bernard Daley, University of California, Santa Cruz
Zaleha, Bernard Daley, University of Californai, Santa Cruz
Zeng, Lily, Yale University
Zenner, Christiana, Fordham University
Zenner Peppard, Christiana, Fordham University
Zent, Egleé L., Lab Human Ecology, IVIC
Zobolo, Alphaeus M, Department of Botany, University of Zululand

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