Linguistics and the Human Sciences, Vol 11, No 2-3 (2015)

Subliminal construal of world order clause by clause: Hierarchy of control in Noah’s Ark

Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen
Issued Date: 15 Jun 2018


In this paper, I will present a text analysis showing the world order that is construed subliminally in a retelling for children, Noah's Ark, of the 'flood story' of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible (Genesis 6-9). I will focus on that aspect of world order that is concerned with who or what can act on whom or what - i.e. on the hierarchy of control that is part of the order of the world. The analysis is based on the system of transitivity of the experiential grammar of the clause; this system is the resource for construing quanta of change in our experience of the flow of events as a configuration of a process, participants directly involved in this process and less directly involved, attendant circumstances.

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DOI: 10.1558/lhs.34710


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