Language and Sociocultural Theory, Vol 1, No 1 (2014)

Corrective feedback, gesture, and mediation in classroom language learning

Rémi Adam van Compernolle, Tetyana Smotrova
Issued Date: 30 Jan 2014


This article examines the way in which a teacher’s provision of form-focused corrective feedback synchronized with gesture mediated a student’s learning in an ESL reading classroom. Specifically, the focus of the analysis is on the student’s appropriation of the teacher’s gesture as a tool that mediates his own independent functioning. It is argued that while the teacher’s corrective feedback in the verbal channel helped to scaffold the learner’s performance by modeling a correct syntactic structure and highlighting the specific locus of the correction, it was her gesture activity that became available to the student as a psychological tool. The discussion centers on the role of gesture in mediating second language development. Implications for future research and classroom language teaching are also sketched out.

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DOI: 10.1558/71056194384


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