Language and Sociocultural Theory, Vol 1, No 1 (2014)

Classroom Dynamic Assessment of Reading Comprehension with Second Language Learners

Kristin J. Davin, Francis J. Troyan, Ashley L. Hellmann
Issued Date: 25 Feb 2014


This study examines the design and implementation of a dynamic reading comprehension task (D-RCT) for classroom use with second language learners. A paper and pencil D-RCT was designed that could be (1) utilized on a regular basis, (2) adapted to any content, and (3) easily implemented in classrooms where access to technology is limited. The teacher in the present work utilized pre-scripted mediation prompts during the D-RCT that were assigned a numerical value to calculate four scores for each individual student: an actual score, a mediated score, a learning potential score, and a mediation value score. The present study describes the assessment design and analyzes scoring procedures to determine their potential for classroom application. The authors conclude that D-RCTs should be used as a learning tool in second language classrooms and suggest recommendations for scoring procedures.

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DOI: 10.1558/lst.v1i1.1


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