Bilingual children’s use of lexical strategies under narrative monologue and dialogue conditions
Issued Date: 7 Nov 2014
Purpose: This study examined lexical strategies produced by Spanish-English bilingual kindergartners across two different narrative elicitation tasks.
Method: Fifty participants (M = 67.24 months) produced narratives in English under monologue and dialogue conditions. Participants were placed in high and low language performance groups determined by results from a bilingual language screener. Per parent report, children were matched by age, current language use, and age of first exposure to English.. Analyses examined strategy types across participants’ performance levels and task condition. Further evaluation compared strategy usage with general language productivity measures.
Results: Child learners access similar lexical strategies as reported for adult second language learners. Performance level did not differentiate strategy type and frequency of use. Overall, participants relied more on all-purpose words and code-switching in the monologue condition, while employment of word approximation and literal translation increased during the mediated dialogue sessions.
Conclusions: Participants adjusted lexical strategy use according to narrative condition.The application of mediated learning serves as an instructional model that reveals information specific to young second language learners. Application of all-purpose words, word approximations, and literal translation influenced utterance length and lexical diversity.
Implications: Insight to the characteristics of bilingual children’s language processing skills guides evidenced-based instructional decisions.
Method: Fifty participants (M = 67.24 months) produced narratives in English under monologue and dialogue conditions. Participants were placed in high and low language performance groups determined by results from a bilingual language screener. Per parent report, children were matched by age, current language use, and age of first exposure to English.. Analyses examined strategy types across participants’ performance levels and task condition. Further evaluation compared strategy usage with general language productivity measures.
Results: Child learners access similar lexical strategies as reported for adult second language learners. Performance level did not differentiate strategy type and frequency of use. Overall, participants relied more on all-purpose words and code-switching in the monologue condition, while employment of word approximation and literal translation increased during the mediated dialogue sessions.
Conclusions: Participants adjusted lexical strategy use according to narrative condition.The application of mediated learning serves as an instructional model that reveals information specific to young second language learners. Application of all-purpose words, word approximations, and literal translation influenced utterance length and lexical diversity.
Implications: Insight to the characteristics of bilingual children’s language processing skills guides evidenced-based instructional decisions.
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PDF (Price: £17.50 )DOI: 10.1558/lst.v1i2.101
August, D., Carlo, M., Dressler, C. and Snow, C. (2005). The critical role of vocabulary development for English language learners. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 20 (1): 50–57.
Bedore, L. and Peña, E. (2008). Assessment of bilingual children for identification of language impairment: Current findings and implications for practice. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11 (1): 1–29.
Bedore, L., Peña, E. and Boerger, K. (2010). Ways to words: Learning a second language vocabulary. In M. Schatz and L. Wilkinson (eds). The Education of English Language Learners: Research to Practice. New York: Guilford Press.
Bedore, L., Peña, E., Gillam, R. and Ho, T. (2010). Language sample measures and language ability in Spanish-English bilingual kindergarteners. Journal of Communication Disorders, 43 (6): 498–510.
Bedore, L. M., Pena, E. D., Summers, C. L., Boerger, K. M., Resendiz, M. D., Greene, K., Bohman, T. and Gillam, R. B. (2012). The measure matters: Language dominance profiles across measures in Spanish–English bilingual children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15 (3): 616–629.
Berman, R. and Slobin, D. (1994) Relating Events in Narrative: A Cross-linguistic Developmental Study. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Edition.
Bialystok, E. (1983). Some factors in the selection and implementation of communication strategies. In C. Faerch and G. Kasper (eds), Strategies in Inter-language Communication, 100–118. London: Longman.
Bialystok, E. (1990). Communication Strategies: A Psychological Analysis of Second Language Use. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Bialystok, E. (2001). Bilingualism in Development: Language, Literacy, and Cognition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Bodrova, E. and Leong, D. (2007). Tools of the Mind. Harlow: Pearson
Bohman, T., Bedore, L., Peña, E., Mendez-Perez, A. and Gillam, R. (2010). What you hear and what you say: Language performance in Spanish-English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (3): 325–344.
Bongaerts, T. and Poulisse, N. (1989). Communication strategies in L1 and L2: Same or different? Applied Linguistics, 10 (3): 253–268.
Boudreau, D. (2008). Narrative abilities: Advances in research and implications for clinical practice. Topics in Language Disorders, 28 (2): 99–114.
Cain, K. (2003). Text comprehension and its relation to coherence and cohesion in children’s fictional narratives. British Journal of Developmental Pyschology, 21 (3): 335–351.
Chamot, A. and El-Dinary, P. (1999). Children’s learning strategies in language immersion classrooms. The Modern Language Journal, 83 (3): 319–338.
De Bot, K. (1992). Applied Linguistics. Applied linguistics, 13 (1): 1–24.
Dore, J. (1986). The developmental of conversational competence. In R. Schiefelbusch (ed.), Language Competence: Assessment and Intervention. San Diego, CA: College Hill Press.
Dornyei, Z. and Kormos, J. (1998). Problem-solving mechanisms in second language communication. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 20 (3): 349–385.
Dornyei, Z. and Scott, M. L. (1997). Communication strategies in a second language: Definitions and taxonomies. Language Learning, 47 (1): 173–210.
Faerch, C. and Kaspar, G. (1983). Plans and strategies in foreign language communication. In C .Faerch and G. Kasper (eds), Strategies in interlanguage Communication. London: Longman.
Fey, M. (1986). Language Intervention with Young Children. San Diego, CA: College-Hill Press.
Fiestas, C. (2008). The Dynamic Assessment of Narratives: A Bilingual Study. ProQuest.
Galván, J. and Campbell, R. (1979). An examination of the communication strategies of two children in the Culver City Spanish Immersion Program. Pidginization and Creolization as Language Acquisition, 133–50. New York: Newbury House.
Garcia, E. (2010). Education and Achievement: A Focus on Latino Immigrant Children. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Gee, J. (2007). Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses. Abingdon: Routledge.
Genesee, F., Boivin I. and Nicoladis, E. (1996). Talking with strangers: A study of bilingual children’s communicative competence. Applied Psycholinguistics, 17, (4): 427–442.
Goldstein, B. (2012). Bilingual Language Development and Disorders. Second Edition. Baltimore, MD: Brooke’s Publishing.
Greene, K. J., Peña, E. D. and Bedore, L. M. (2013). Lexical choice and language selection in bilingual preschoolers. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 29 (1): 27–39.
Griffin, T., Hemphill, L., Camp, L. and Wolf, D. (2004). Oral discourse in the preschool years and later literacy skills, First Language, 24 (2): 123–147.
Grosjean, F. (1999). The Bilingual’s Language Mode. One Mind, Two Languages: Bilingual Language Processing. Oxford: Blackwell.
Gutiérrez-Clellen, V., Restrepo, M. and Simon-Cereijido, G. (2007). The discriminant accuracy of a grammatical measure with Latino English-speaking children. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 50 (4), 968–981.
Gutiérrez-Clellen, V. and Simon-Cereijido, G. (2009). Using language sampling in clinical assessments with bilingual children: Challenges and future directions. Seminars in Speech and Language, 30 (4), 235– 245.
Hammer, C. S., Jia, G. and Uchikoshi, Y. (2011). Language and literacy development of dual language learners growing up in the United States: A call for research. Child Development Perspectives, 5 (1), 4–9.
Haywood, H. and Lidz, C. (2007). Dynamic Assessment in Practice: Clinical and Educational Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Johnston, J. (2008). Narratives: Twenty-five years later. Topics in Language Disorders, 28 (2): 93–98.
Kan, P. and Kohnert, K. (2008). Fast mapping by bilingual preschool children. Journal of Child Language, 35 (3): 495–514.
Kapantzoglou, M., Restrepo, M. and Thompson, M. (2012). Dynamic assessment of word skills: Identifying language impairment in bilingual children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43 (1): 81–96.
Kaspar, G. and Kellerman, E. (eds). (1997). Communication Strategies: Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives. New York: Longman.
Kester, E., Peña, E. and Gillam, R. (2001). Outcomes of dynamic assessment with culturally and linguistically diverse students: A comparison of three teaching methods within a test-teach-retest framework. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 2 (1): 37–54.
Kindler, A. (2001). Survey of states’ limited English proficient students and available educational programs and services: 2000–2001 summary report. Washington DC: National Clearinghouse for English.
Kormos, J. (2006). Speech Production and Second Language Acquisition. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Kroll, J. F., Michael, E., Tokowicz, N. and Dufour, R. (2002). The development of lexical fluency in a second language. Second Language Research, 18 (2): 137–171.
Kroll, J., Van Hell, J., Tokowicz, N. and Green, D. (2010). The Revised Hierarchical Model: A critical review and assessment. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13 (3): 373–381.
Lidz, C. and Peña, E. (1996). Dynamic assessment: The model, its relevance as a nonbiased approach and its application to Latino American preschool children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 27, 367–372.
Mayer, M. (1969). A Boy, a Dog, a Frog, and a Friend. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.
McCabe, A., and Bliss, L. (2003). Patterns of Narrative Discourse: A Multicultural, Life Span Approach. Boston, MA: Allyn.
Mercer, N. (1995). The Guided Construction of Knowledge: Talk Amongst Teachers and Learners. Cleveland: Multilingual Matters.
Miller, J. and Iglesias, A. (2008). Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT), English and Spanish (Version 9) [Computer software]. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin – Madison, Waisman Center, Language Analysis Laboratory.
Miller, L., Gillam, R. and Peña, E. (2004). Dynamic Assessment and Intervention: Improving Children’s Narratives. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
National Center for Education Statistics. (2010). Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Washignton, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Ordoñez, C., Carlo, M., Snow, C. and McLaughlin, B. (2002). Depth and breadth of vocabulary in two languages: Which vocabulary skills transfer? Journal of Educational Psychology, 94 (4): 719–728.
Peña, E. (2000). Measurement of modifiability in children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 21 (2): 87–97.
Peña, E., Gutiérrez-Clellen, V., Iglesias, A., Goldstein, B. and Bedore, L. (2014) BESA: Bilingual English Spanish Assessment. San Rafael, CA: AR Clinical Publications.
Peña, E., Bedore, L Gutiirrez-Clellen, V., Iglesias, A. and Goldstein, B. (in preparation). BESOS: Bilingual English Spanish Oral Screener.
Peña, E., Gillam, R., Malek, M., Ruiz-Felter, R., Resendiz, M., Fiestas, C. and Sabel, T. (2006). Dynamic assessment of school-age children’s narrative ability: An experimental investigation of classification accuracy. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 49, 1037–1057.
Peña, E. and Kester, E. (2012). Bilingual lexical development: Influences, contexts, and processes. In B. Goldstein (ed.) Bilingual Language Development and Disorders in Spanish-English Speakers, 105–130. Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
Poulisse, N. (1990). The Use of Compensatory Strategies by Dutch Learners of English. Dordrecht: Fors Publications.
Poulisse, N. (1993). A theoretical account of lexical communication strategies. In R. Schraeder and B. Weltens (eds), The Bilingual Lexicon, 157–189. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
Poulisse, N. (1997). Language production in bilinguals. In A. de Groot and J. Kroll (eds), Tutorials in Bilingualism. Psycholinguistic Perspectives, 201–224. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Poulisse, N. and Schills, E. (1989). The influence of task- and proficiency-related factors on the use of compensatory strategies: A quantitative analysis. Language Learning, 39 (1): 15–48.
Purdue, N. and Oliver, R. (1999) Language learning strategies used by bilingual school-aged children. System 27 (3): 375–388.
O’Malley, J. and Chamot, A. (1990). Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sheng, L. and McGregor, K. K. (2010). Lexical-semantic organization in children with specific language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 53 (1): 146–159.
Sheng, L., Pena, E. D., Bedore, L. M. and Fiestas, C. E. (2012). Semantic deficits in Spanish-English bilingual children with language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 55 (1): 1–15.
Silverman, R. (2007). Vocabulary development of English-language and English-only learners in Kindergarten. The Elementary School Journal, 107 (4): 365–383.
Summers, C., Bohman,T., Gillam, R., Peña, E. and Bedore, L. (2010). Bilingual performance on nonword repetition in Spanish and English. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 45 (4): 480–493.
Uccelli, P. and Paez, M. (2007). Narrative and vocabulary development of bilingual children from kindergarten to first grade: Developmental changes and associations among English and Spanish skills. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 38 (3): 225–236.
Ukrainetz, T., Harpell, S., Walsh, C. and Coyle, C. (2000). A preliminary investigation of dynamic assessment with native American kindergartners. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31 (2), 142–154.
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Vygotsky, L. (1986). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Wongsawang, P. (2001). Culture-specific notions in L2 communication strategies. Second Language Studies, 19 (2): 111–135.
Bedore, L. and Peña, E. (2008). Assessment of bilingual children for identification of language impairment: Current findings and implications for practice. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11 (1): 1–29.
Bedore, L., Peña, E. and Boerger, K. (2010). Ways to words: Learning a second language vocabulary. In M. Schatz and L. Wilkinson (eds). The Education of English Language Learners: Research to Practice. New York: Guilford Press.
Bedore, L., Peña, E., Gillam, R. and Ho, T. (2010). Language sample measures and language ability in Spanish-English bilingual kindergarteners. Journal of Communication Disorders, 43 (6): 498–510.
Bedore, L. M., Pena, E. D., Summers, C. L., Boerger, K. M., Resendiz, M. D., Greene, K., Bohman, T. and Gillam, R. B. (2012). The measure matters: Language dominance profiles across measures in Spanish–English bilingual children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15 (3): 616–629.
Berman, R. and Slobin, D. (1994) Relating Events in Narrative: A Cross-linguistic Developmental Study. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Edition.
Bialystok, E. (1983). Some factors in the selection and implementation of communication strategies. In C. Faerch and G. Kasper (eds), Strategies in Inter-language Communication, 100–118. London: Longman.
Bialystok, E. (1990). Communication Strategies: A Psychological Analysis of Second Language Use. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Bialystok, E. (2001). Bilingualism in Development: Language, Literacy, and Cognition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Bodrova, E. and Leong, D. (2007). Tools of the Mind. Harlow: Pearson
Bohman, T., Bedore, L., Peña, E., Mendez-Perez, A. and Gillam, R. (2010). What you hear and what you say: Language performance in Spanish-English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13 (3): 325–344.
Bongaerts, T. and Poulisse, N. (1989). Communication strategies in L1 and L2: Same or different? Applied Linguistics, 10 (3): 253–268.
Boudreau, D. (2008). Narrative abilities: Advances in research and implications for clinical practice. Topics in Language Disorders, 28 (2): 99–114.
Cain, K. (2003). Text comprehension and its relation to coherence and cohesion in children’s fictional narratives. British Journal of Developmental Pyschology, 21 (3): 335–351.
Chamot, A. and El-Dinary, P. (1999). Children’s learning strategies in language immersion classrooms. The Modern Language Journal, 83 (3): 319–338.
De Bot, K. (1992). Applied Linguistics. Applied linguistics, 13 (1): 1–24.
Dore, J. (1986). The developmental of conversational competence. In R. Schiefelbusch (ed.), Language Competence: Assessment and Intervention. San Diego, CA: College Hill Press.
Dornyei, Z. and Kormos, J. (1998). Problem-solving mechanisms in second language communication. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 20 (3): 349–385.
Dornyei, Z. and Scott, M. L. (1997). Communication strategies in a second language: Definitions and taxonomies. Language Learning, 47 (1): 173–210.
Faerch, C. and Kaspar, G. (1983). Plans and strategies in foreign language communication. In C .Faerch and G. Kasper (eds), Strategies in interlanguage Communication. London: Longman.
Fey, M. (1986). Language Intervention with Young Children. San Diego, CA: College-Hill Press.
Fiestas, C. (2008). The Dynamic Assessment of Narratives: A Bilingual Study. ProQuest.
Galván, J. and Campbell, R. (1979). An examination of the communication strategies of two children in the Culver City Spanish Immersion Program. Pidginization and Creolization as Language Acquisition, 133–50. New York: Newbury House.
Garcia, E. (2010). Education and Achievement: A Focus on Latino Immigrant Children. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.
Gee, J. (2007). Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses. Abingdon: Routledge.
Genesee, F., Boivin I. and Nicoladis, E. (1996). Talking with strangers: A study of bilingual children’s communicative competence. Applied Psycholinguistics, 17, (4): 427–442.
Goldstein, B. (2012). Bilingual Language Development and Disorders. Second Edition. Baltimore, MD: Brooke’s Publishing.
Greene, K. J., Peña, E. D. and Bedore, L. M. (2013). Lexical choice and language selection in bilingual preschoolers. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 29 (1): 27–39.
Griffin, T., Hemphill, L., Camp, L. and Wolf, D. (2004). Oral discourse in the preschool years and later literacy skills, First Language, 24 (2): 123–147.
Grosjean, F. (1999). The Bilingual’s Language Mode. One Mind, Two Languages: Bilingual Language Processing. Oxford: Blackwell.
Gutiérrez-Clellen, V., Restrepo, M. and Simon-Cereijido, G. (2007). The discriminant accuracy of a grammatical measure with Latino English-speaking children. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 50 (4), 968–981.
Gutiérrez-Clellen, V. and Simon-Cereijido, G. (2009). Using language sampling in clinical assessments with bilingual children: Challenges and future directions. Seminars in Speech and Language, 30 (4), 235– 245.
Hammer, C. S., Jia, G. and Uchikoshi, Y. (2011). Language and literacy development of dual language learners growing up in the United States: A call for research. Child Development Perspectives, 5 (1), 4–9.
Haywood, H. and Lidz, C. (2007). Dynamic Assessment in Practice: Clinical and Educational Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Johnston, J. (2008). Narratives: Twenty-five years later. Topics in Language Disorders, 28 (2): 93–98.
Kan, P. and Kohnert, K. (2008). Fast mapping by bilingual preschool children. Journal of Child Language, 35 (3): 495–514.
Kapantzoglou, M., Restrepo, M. and Thompson, M. (2012). Dynamic assessment of word skills: Identifying language impairment in bilingual children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43 (1): 81–96.
Kaspar, G. and Kellerman, E. (eds). (1997). Communication Strategies: Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives. New York: Longman.
Kester, E., Peña, E. and Gillam, R. (2001). Outcomes of dynamic assessment with culturally and linguistically diverse students: A comparison of three teaching methods within a test-teach-retest framework. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 2 (1): 37–54.
Kindler, A. (2001). Survey of states’ limited English proficient students and available educational programs and services: 2000–2001 summary report. Washington DC: National Clearinghouse for English.
Kormos, J. (2006). Speech Production and Second Language Acquisition. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Kroll, J. F., Michael, E., Tokowicz, N. and Dufour, R. (2002). The development of lexical fluency in a second language. Second Language Research, 18 (2): 137–171.
Kroll, J., Van Hell, J., Tokowicz, N. and Green, D. (2010). The Revised Hierarchical Model: A critical review and assessment. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13 (3): 373–381.
Lidz, C. and Peña, E. (1996). Dynamic assessment: The model, its relevance as a nonbiased approach and its application to Latino American preschool children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 27, 367–372.
Mayer, M. (1969). A Boy, a Dog, a Frog, and a Friend. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.
McCabe, A., and Bliss, L. (2003). Patterns of Narrative Discourse: A Multicultural, Life Span Approach. Boston, MA: Allyn.
Mercer, N. (1995). The Guided Construction of Knowledge: Talk Amongst Teachers and Learners. Cleveland: Multilingual Matters.
Miller, J. and Iglesias, A. (2008). Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT), English and Spanish (Version 9) [Computer software]. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin – Madison, Waisman Center, Language Analysis Laboratory.
Miller, L., Gillam, R. and Peña, E. (2004). Dynamic Assessment and Intervention: Improving Children’s Narratives. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
National Center for Education Statistics. (2010). Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Washignton, DC: US Government Printing Office.
Ordoñez, C., Carlo, M., Snow, C. and McLaughlin, B. (2002). Depth and breadth of vocabulary in two languages: Which vocabulary skills transfer? Journal of Educational Psychology, 94 (4): 719–728.
Peña, E. (2000). Measurement of modifiability in children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 21 (2): 87–97.
Peña, E., Gutiérrez-Clellen, V., Iglesias, A., Goldstein, B. and Bedore, L. (2014) BESA: Bilingual English Spanish Assessment. San Rafael, CA: AR Clinical Publications.
Peña, E., Bedore, L Gutiirrez-Clellen, V., Iglesias, A. and Goldstein, B. (in preparation). BESOS: Bilingual English Spanish Oral Screener.
Peña, E., Gillam, R., Malek, M., Ruiz-Felter, R., Resendiz, M., Fiestas, C. and Sabel, T. (2006). Dynamic assessment of school-age children’s narrative ability: An experimental investigation of classification accuracy. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 49, 1037–1057.
Peña, E. and Kester, E. (2012). Bilingual lexical development: Influences, contexts, and processes. In B. Goldstein (ed.) Bilingual Language Development and Disorders in Spanish-English Speakers, 105–130. Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
Poulisse, N. (1990). The Use of Compensatory Strategies by Dutch Learners of English. Dordrecht: Fors Publications.
Poulisse, N. (1993). A theoretical account of lexical communication strategies. In R. Schraeder and B. Weltens (eds), The Bilingual Lexicon, 157–189. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
Poulisse, N. (1997). Language production in bilinguals. In A. de Groot and J. Kroll (eds), Tutorials in Bilingualism. Psycholinguistic Perspectives, 201–224. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Poulisse, N. and Schills, E. (1989). The influence of task- and proficiency-related factors on the use of compensatory strategies: A quantitative analysis. Language Learning, 39 (1): 15–48.
Purdue, N. and Oliver, R. (1999) Language learning strategies used by bilingual school-aged children. System 27 (3): 375–388.
O’Malley, J. and Chamot, A. (1990). Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sheng, L. and McGregor, K. K. (2010). Lexical-semantic organization in children with specific language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 53 (1): 146–159.
Sheng, L., Pena, E. D., Bedore, L. M. and Fiestas, C. E. (2012). Semantic deficits in Spanish-English bilingual children with language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 55 (1): 1–15.
Silverman, R. (2007). Vocabulary development of English-language and English-only learners in Kindergarten. The Elementary School Journal, 107 (4): 365–383.
Summers, C., Bohman,T., Gillam, R., Peña, E. and Bedore, L. (2010). Bilingual performance on nonword repetition in Spanish and English. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 45 (4): 480–493.
Uccelli, P. and Paez, M. (2007). Narrative and vocabulary development of bilingual children from kindergarten to first grade: Developmental changes and associations among English and Spanish skills. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 38 (3): 225–236.
Ukrainetz, T., Harpell, S., Walsh, C. and Coyle, C. (2000). A preliminary investigation of dynamic assessment with native American kindergartners. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31 (2), 142–154.
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Vygotsky, L. (1986). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Wongsawang, P. (2001). Culture-specific notions in L2 communication strategies. Second Language Studies, 19 (2): 111–135.
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