So pues entonces: An examination of bilingual discourse markers in Spanish oral narratives of personal experience of New York City-born Puerto Ricans
Issued Date: 21 Jul 2014
In narratives, discourse markers (DMs) have been found to contribute to the coherence of the discourse by signaling a relationship across utterances. These forms have been reported as having multiple functions (e.g. Norrick, 2001, Schiffrin, 1987; 2001; Torres, 2002). With regard to the use of DMs produced by bilinguals, Lipski (2005) offers insight into the penetration of English ‘so’ in Spanish discourse. He maintains that its appearance is common in Spanish-English bilinguals in the U.S. and it cuts across the entire spectrum of bilingual abilities. As free forms, Torres (2002) also suggests that DMs lend themselves to borrowing. While Torres’ (2002) research on DMs produced by English and Spanish dominant Puerto Ricans produced a wide range of outcomes, Torres contends that all speakers regardless of language dominance employ English markers in their Spanish narratives.
This current study expands on Torres’ (2002) and Lipski’s (2005) work. It investigates all lexical DMs produced among bilingual New York City born Puerto Ricans and Islanders. It discusses the pragmatic function of the discourse markers (i.e. causative, connective, clarification, participatory), bilingual marker doubling (e.g. ‘so’ pues), the preferred language in which the DMs were produced, and how information structure (i.e. old vs. new) conditions the use of these forms. The study reveals that while New Yorkers show a general favoring towards the use of Spanish DMs, they exhibit restricted pragmatic uses of these forms. Further, they use more English and bilingual DMs than their counterparts suggesting a grammaticalization in progress.
This current study expands on Torres’ (2002) and Lipski’s (2005) work. It investigates all lexical DMs produced among bilingual New York City born Puerto Ricans and Islanders. It discusses the pragmatic function of the discourse markers (i.e. causative, connective, clarification, participatory), bilingual marker doubling (e.g. ‘so’ pues), the preferred language in which the DMs were produced, and how information structure (i.e. old vs. new) conditions the use of these forms. The study reveals that while New Yorkers show a general favoring towards the use of Spanish DMs, they exhibit restricted pragmatic uses of these forms. Further, they use more English and bilingual DMs than their counterparts suggesting a grammaticalization in progress.
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DOI: 10.1558/sols.v8i1.57
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Travis, C. (2005) Discourse Markers in Colombian Spanish: A Study in Polysemy. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
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Torres, L. and Potowski, K. (2008) A comparative study of bilingual discourse markers in Chicago Mexican, Puerto Rican, and MexiRican Spanish. International Journal of Bilingualism 12: 263--267.
Brinton, L. (1990) The development of discourse markers in English. In J. Fisiak (ed.) Historical
Linguistics and Philology 45--71. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Briz, A. (1994) Towards an argumentative analysis of colloquial text. The occurrence of pragmatic connectors. Verba 21: 369--388.
Bullock, Barbara. E., Toribio, Almeida. J. (2009). Themes in the study of code-switching. In: Bullock, B. E., Toribio, A. J. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Code-Switching. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-17.
Cameron, R. (1992) Pronominal and null subject variation in Spanish: Constraints, dialects, and functional compensation. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania).
Chafe, W. (1976) Givenness, contrastiveness, definiteness, subjects, topics and point of view. In C. Li (ed.) Subject and Topic. 27--55. New York: Academic Press.
Chodorowska, M. (1997) On the polite function of ¿me entiendes? in Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics 28: 355--371.
Clyne, M. (1972) Perception of code-switching by bilinguals: An experiment. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 16: 45--48.
Flores-Ferrán, N. (2002) A Sociolinguistic Perspective on the Use of Subject Personal Pronouns in Spanish Narratives of Puerto Ricans in New York City. Munich: Lincom-Europa.
Fraser, B. (1990) An approach to discourse markers. Journal of Pragmatics 14: 383--395.
Fraser, B. (1998) Contrastive discourse markers in English. In A. H. Jucker and Y. Ziv (eds) Discourse Markers: Descriptions and Theory 301--326. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Fraser, B. (1999) What are discourse markers? Journal of Pragmatics 31: 931--952.
Fraser, B. and Malamud-Makowski, M. (1996) English and Spanish contrastive discourse markers. Language Sciences 18: 863--881.
García Vizcaíno, M. J. and Martínez-Cabeza, M. A. (2005) The pragmatics of well and bueno in English and Spanish. Intercultural Pragmatics 2: 69--92.
Goss, E, and Salmons, J. (2000) The evolution of a bilingual discourse marking system: Modal particles and English markers in German-American dialects. International Journal of Bilingualism 4: 469--484.
Halliday, M. and Hassan, R. (1976) Cohesion in English. London: Longman.
Hlavac, J. (2006) Bilingual discourse markers: Evidence from Croatian-English code switching. Journal of Pragmatics 38:1870--1900.
Labov, W. (1970) The study of language in its social context. Studium Generale 23: 66--84.
Labov, W. (1984) Field methods of the project on linguistic change and variation. In J. Baugh and J. Sherzer (eds) Language In Use 28--53. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Labov, W. (1997) Some Further Steps in Narrative Analysis. The Journal of Narrative and Life History 7: 395--415.
Labov, W. and Fanshel, D. (1977) Therapeutic Discourse: Psychotherapy as a Conversation. New York: Academic Press.
Labov, W., Waletzky, J. (1967) The overall structure of narrative. In J. Helm (ed.) Proceedings of the 1996 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society 12--44. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Lipski, J. (2005) Code-switching or borrowing? No sé so no puedo decir, you know. In L. Sayahi and M. Westermoreland (eds) Selected Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics 1--15. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Maschler, Y. (1994) Metalanguage and discourse markers in bilingual conversation. Language in Society 23: 325--366.
Maschler, Y. (2000) What can bilingual conversation tell us about discourse markers?: Introduction. International Journal of Bilingualism 4: 437--445.
Myers-Scotton, C. (1993) Dueling Languages: Grammatical Structures in Code Switching. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Norrick, N. R. (2001) Discourse markers in oral narrative. Journal of Pragmatics 33: 849--878.
Poplack, S. and Sankoff, D. (1984) Borrowing: The synchrony of integration. Linguistics 22 (1), 47--104.
Prince, E. (1981) Toward a taxonomy of given-new information. In P. Cole (ed.) Radical Pragmatics 223--253. New York: Academic Press.
Roggia, A. (2012) Eh as a polyfunctional discourse marker in Dominican Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics 44: 1783--1798.
Said-Mohand, A. (2008) Aproximación sociolingüistica al uso de entonces en el habla de jóvenes bilingües estadounidenses. Sociolinguistic Studies 2: 97--130.
Schiffrin, D. (2001) Discourse markers: Language, meaning, and context. In D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen and H.E. Hamilton (eds) The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. MA: Blackwell.
Schiffrin, D. (1987) Discourse Markers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Schiffrin, D. (1992) Anaphoric then: aspectual, textual and epistemic meaning. Linguistics 30 4: 753--792.
Shin, N. L. (2010) Efficiency in lexical borrowing in New York Spanish. International Journal of the Sociolinguistics of Language 203: 45--59.
Schourup, L. (1999) Discourse Markers. Lingua 107: 227--265.
Schwenter, S. (1996) Some reflections on ‘o sea’: A discourse marker in Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics 25: 855--874.
Travis, C. (2005) Discourse Markers in Colombian Spanish: A Study in Polysemy. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Torres, L. (2002) Bilingual discourse markers in Puerto Rican Spanish. Language in Society 31: 61--83.
Torres, L. and Potowski, K. (2008) A comparative study of bilingual discourse markers in Chicago Mexican, Puerto Rican, and MexiRican Spanish. International Journal of Bilingualism 12: 263--267.
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