Thinking and Speaking in Two Languages Aneta Pavlenko (ed.) (2011) Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Pp. 267 ISBN-13: 978-1-84769-337-2 (hbk)
Issued Date: 31 Dec 2014
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Athanasopoulos, P. and Kasai, Ch. (2008) Language and thought in bilinguals: The case of grammatical number and nonverbal classification preferences. Applied Psycho¬linguistics 29: 105–121.
Carroll, M., Stutterheim, Ch. V. and Nuse, R. (2004) The language and thought debate: A psycholinguistic approach. In C. Habel and T. Pechmann (eds) Approaches to Language Production 183–218. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Epstein, I. (1915) La pensée et la polyglossie: Essai psychologique et didactique. Lausanne: Librarie Payot et Cie.
Ervin, S. and Osgood, C. (1954) Second language learning and bilingualism. In C. Osgood and T. Sebeok (eds) Psycholinguistics: A survey of theory and research problems. Report of the 1953 Summer Seminar sponsored by the Committee on Linguistics and Psychology of the Social Science Research Council. Baltimore: Waverley Press. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology (supplement) 49: 139–146.
Ervin-Tripp, S. ([1954] 1973) Identification and bilingualism. In A. Dil (ed.) Language acquisition and communicative choice. Essays by Susan M. Ervin-Tripp 1–14. Stanford University Press.
Green, D. (1998) Mental control of the bilingual lexico-semantic system. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1: 67–81.
Humboldt, W. ([1836] 1999) On language: On the diversity of human language construction and its influence on the mental development of the human species. Translated by P. Heath and edited by M. Losonsky. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kronenfeld, D. (1996) Plastic Glasses and Church Fathers: Semantic Extensions from the Ethnoscience Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Labov, W. (1973) The boundaries of words and their meanings. In Ch. Bailey and R. Shuy (eds) New ways of analyzing variation in English 340–373. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Lakoff, G. (1987) Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Levelt, W. (1989). Speaking: From the intention to articulation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Levinson, S. (1996) Language and space. Annual Review of Anthropology 25: 353–382.
Levinson, S. (1997) Language and cognition: The cognitive consequences of spatial description in Guugu Yimithirr. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 7(1): 98–131.
Levinson, S. (2003) Space in language and cognition: Explorations in cognitive diversity. Cambridge University Press.
Lucy, J. (1992a) Language diversity and thought: A reformulation of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lucy, J. (1992b) Grammatical categories and cognition: A case study of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lucy, J. and Gaskins, S. (2001) Grammatical categories and the development of classification preferences: A comparative approach. In M. Bowerman and S. Levinson (eds) Language acquisition and conceptual development 257–283. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Macnamara, J. (1970) Bilingualism and thought. In J. Alatis (ed.) Georgetown University 21st Annual Round Table 25–40. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Macnamara, J. (1991) Linguistic relativity revisited. In R. Cooper and B. Spolsky (eds) The influence of language on culture and thought: Essays in honor Joshua A. Fishman’s 65th birthday 45–60. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
Marian, V. and Kaushanskaya, M. (2004) Self-construal and emotion in bicultural bilinguals. Journal of Memory and Language 51: 190–201.
Paradis, M. (1979) Language and thought in bilinguals. In W. McCormack and H. Izzo (eds) The Sixth LACUS Forum 420–431. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press.
Pavlenko A. (2003) Eyewitness memory in late bilinguals: Evidence for discursive relativity. International Journal of Bilingualism 7: 257–281.
Pavlenko, A. (2005) Emotions and multilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ramirez-Esparza, N., Gosling, S., Benet-Martínez, V., Potter, J., and Pennebaker, J. (2006) Do bilinguals have two personalities? A special case of cultural frame switching. Journal of Research in Personality 40: 99–120.
Ross, M., Xun, E., and Wilson, A. (2002) Language and the bicultural self. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28(8): 1040–1050.
Slobin, D. (1996) From “thought and language” to “thinking for speaking”. In J. J. Gumperz and S. Levinson (eds) Rethinking Linguistic Relativity 70–96. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Slobin, D. (2000) Verbalised events: A dynamic approach to linguistic relativity and determinism. In S. Niemeier and R. Dirven (eds) Evidence for Linguistic Relativity 107–138. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Slobin, D. (2001) Form-function relations: How do children find out what they are? In M. Bowerman and S. Levinson (eds) Language Acquisition and Conceptual Development 406–449. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Talmy, L. (1988) The relation of grammar to cognition. In B. Rudzka-Ostyn (ed.) Topics in Cognitive Linguistics 165–205. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Weinreich, U. (1953) Languages in contact. The Hague: Mouton.
Whorf, B. (1956) Language, thought and Reality. Selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. Edited by J. Carroll. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Carroll, M., Stutterheim, Ch. V. and Nuse, R. (2004) The language and thought debate: A psycholinguistic approach. In C. Habel and T. Pechmann (eds) Approaches to Language Production 183–218. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Epstein, I. (1915) La pensée et la polyglossie: Essai psychologique et didactique. Lausanne: Librarie Payot et Cie.
Ervin, S. and Osgood, C. (1954) Second language learning and bilingualism. In C. Osgood and T. Sebeok (eds) Psycholinguistics: A survey of theory and research problems. Report of the 1953 Summer Seminar sponsored by the Committee on Linguistics and Psychology of the Social Science Research Council. Baltimore: Waverley Press. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology (supplement) 49: 139–146.
Ervin-Tripp, S. ([1954] 1973) Identification and bilingualism. In A. Dil (ed.) Language acquisition and communicative choice. Essays by Susan M. Ervin-Tripp 1–14. Stanford University Press.
Green, D. (1998) Mental control of the bilingual lexico-semantic system. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1: 67–81.
Humboldt, W. ([1836] 1999) On language: On the diversity of human language construction and its influence on the mental development of the human species. Translated by P. Heath and edited by M. Losonsky. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kronenfeld, D. (1996) Plastic Glasses and Church Fathers: Semantic Extensions from the Ethnoscience Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Labov, W. (1973) The boundaries of words and their meanings. In Ch. Bailey and R. Shuy (eds) New ways of analyzing variation in English 340–373. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Lakoff, G. (1987) Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Levelt, W. (1989). Speaking: From the intention to articulation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Levinson, S. (1996) Language and space. Annual Review of Anthropology 25: 353–382.
Levinson, S. (1997) Language and cognition: The cognitive consequences of spatial description in Guugu Yimithirr. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 7(1): 98–131.
Levinson, S. (2003) Space in language and cognition: Explorations in cognitive diversity. Cambridge University Press.
Lucy, J. (1992a) Language diversity and thought: A reformulation of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lucy, J. (1992b) Grammatical categories and cognition: A case study of the linguistic relativity hypothesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lucy, J. and Gaskins, S. (2001) Grammatical categories and the development of classification preferences: A comparative approach. In M. Bowerman and S. Levinson (eds) Language acquisition and conceptual development 257–283. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Macnamara, J. (1970) Bilingualism and thought. In J. Alatis (ed.) Georgetown University 21st Annual Round Table 25–40. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Macnamara, J. (1991) Linguistic relativity revisited. In R. Cooper and B. Spolsky (eds) The influence of language on culture and thought: Essays in honor Joshua A. Fishman’s 65th birthday 45–60. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
Marian, V. and Kaushanskaya, M. (2004) Self-construal and emotion in bicultural bilinguals. Journal of Memory and Language 51: 190–201.
Paradis, M. (1979) Language and thought in bilinguals. In W. McCormack and H. Izzo (eds) The Sixth LACUS Forum 420–431. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press.
Pavlenko A. (2003) Eyewitness memory in late bilinguals: Evidence for discursive relativity. International Journal of Bilingualism 7: 257–281.
Pavlenko, A. (2005) Emotions and multilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ramirez-Esparza, N., Gosling, S., Benet-Martínez, V., Potter, J., and Pennebaker, J. (2006) Do bilinguals have two personalities? A special case of cultural frame switching. Journal of Research in Personality 40: 99–120.
Ross, M., Xun, E., and Wilson, A. (2002) Language and the bicultural self. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28(8): 1040–1050.
Slobin, D. (1996) From “thought and language” to “thinking for speaking”. In J. J. Gumperz and S. Levinson (eds) Rethinking Linguistic Relativity 70–96. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Slobin, D. (2000) Verbalised events: A dynamic approach to linguistic relativity and determinism. In S. Niemeier and R. Dirven (eds) Evidence for Linguistic Relativity 107–138. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Slobin, D. (2001) Form-function relations: How do children find out what they are? In M. Bowerman and S. Levinson (eds) Language Acquisition and Conceptual Development 406–449. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Talmy, L. (1988) The relation of grammar to cognition. In B. Rudzka-Ostyn (ed.) Topics in Cognitive Linguistics 165–205. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Weinreich, U. (1953) Languages in contact. The Hague: Mouton.
Whorf, B. (1956) Language, thought and Reality. Selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. Edited by J. Carroll. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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