Sociolinguistic Studies, Estudios de Sociolingüística 4.1 2003

Change of values and future of the Galician language

Xan M. Bouzada-Fernández
Issued Date: 19 Mar 2007


In response to the observation that the Galician language finds itself in a situation of potential danger, we will reflect on some parameters that may help to define the situation. Beginning with an analysis of issues such as the socio-structural transition that Galician has experienced over the past few decades and making use of sociolinguistic data provided by some recent investigations such as the Mapa Sociolingüístico de Galicia (Sociolinguistic Map of Galicia), we will endeavour to present some interpretive advice inspired by sociological theory of culture and values, and also based upon a contrast with data proceeding from a study recently conducted in Valencia. This analysis will help us to defend the idea that the latest data available concerning the strong decline in exclusive Galician speakers must be viewed in the context that a change in culture and values is beginning. This possible change is destined to have a direct effect on the way in which the community of Galicia assumes and makes possible its own identitary plan.

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DOI: 10.1558/sols.v4i1.321


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