Camfrang forever! Metacommunication in and about Camfranglais
Issued Date: 4 Jun 2016
This paper explores aspects of the deliberate usage, transformation and status-negotiation of Camfranglais in Cameroon. There are many examples of metacommunication among speakers: heated discussions of whether or not this variety should be promoted (even to the status of a national language), lamentations about why teachers and parents dislike and fight it so much, and even word planning sessions are not unusual. Based on the analysis of several internet forums as well as material from my own field-research, I examine the close relationship many young Cameroonians – especially those living outside of Cameroon – establish between the use of Camfranglais and their Cameroonian identity. It will be shown that the linguistic awareness of young, urban Camfranglophones is very high, setting it apart from other youth language phenomena worldwide.
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Ecritures VIII: L'Aventure, Yaoundé: Editions CLE. 207-221.
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français. In: C. Frey & D. Latin (eds.) Le Corpus lexicographique: méthodes de constitution et de
gestion. Louvain-la-Neuve: Duculot. 381-396.
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d’orientation de l’équipe "Français identitaires des jeunes en Afrique".
Féral, Carole de (1998) Français oral et 'camfranglais' dans le sud du Cameroun. In: A. Queffélec (ed.) Alternances
codiques et français parlé en Afrique:205-212.
Féral, Carole de (1993) Le français au Cameroun: approximation, vernacularisation et Camfranglais. In: D. de
Robillard & M. Beniamino (eds.) Le Français en Francophonie:205-218.
Fosso, Francis (1999) Le Camfranglais : une praxéogénie complexe et iconoclaste. In: G. Mendo Ze (ed.) Le
français langue africaine: Enjeux et atouts pour la Francophonie. Paris: Publisud. 178-194.
Hecker, Anne (2009) Das Camfranglais. Untersuchungen zur in Kamerun gesprochenen Varietät des Französischen. Saarbrücken: VDM.
Huffaker, D.A. & S.L. Calvert (2005) Gender, identity, and language use in teenage blogs. In: Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication 10/2, article 1
Kießling, Roland (2005) bàk mwà mè dó – Camfranglais in Cameroon. Lingua Posnaniensis:87-107.
Kouega, J-P. (2013) Camfranglais: a glossary of common words, phrases and usages. München: LINCOM.
Kouega, J-P. (2003) Camfranglais: A novel slang in Cameroon schools. English Today:23-29.
Kouega, J-P. (2003) Word formative processes in Camfranglais. World Englishes 22/4:511-538.
Lobé-Ewane, Michel (1989) Cameroun: le Camfranglais. Diagonales 10:33-34.
Mbah-Onana, Labatut & Marie Mbah-Onana (1994) Le camfranglais. Diagonales 32:29-30.
Ntsobé, André-Marie, Edmund Biloa & George Echu (eds.) (2008) Le camfranglais: quelle parlure? Étude
linguistique et sociolinguistique. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Nyemb, Elise N. (2006.)Le créole camerounaise à Brême. CCB Revue 3:11-12.
Schröder, Anne (2007) Camfranglais: A Language with Several (Sur)Faces and Important Sociolinguistic
Functions. In: Bartels, Anke & Dirk Wiemann (eds.). Global Fragments. (Dis)Orientation in the New
World Order. Amsterdam/New York, XVII.
Stein-Kanjora, Gardy (2008) "Parler comme ça, c’est vachement cool!" or How Dynamic Language Loyalty can
Overcome "Resistance from Above". Sociologus 58/2:87-113.
Stein-Kanjora, Gardy (forthcoming). The power to exclude? A sociolinguistic study of gender-based differences
in access to and usage of Camfranglais in Yaoundé.
Tiayon Lekobou, Charles-Borromée (1985) Camspeak: A speech reality in Cameroon. unpublished Ph.D. Thesis.
University of Yaoundé: Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences – Department of English.
Vakunta, Peter W. (2014) Camfranglais: the making of a new language in Cameroonian literature. Mankon,
Bamenda: Langaa RPCIG.
Watzlawick, P. et al. (1967) Pragmatics of Human Communication: A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies,
and Paradoxes. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Ze Amvéla, E. (1982) The Franglais Phenomenon: Lexical Interferences and Language Mixing in the United Republic of Cameroon. In Actes de la Ve Table Ronde des Centres de linguistique appliquée d Afrique francophone, ed. by AUPELF:10.
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