How Japanese DJs cut across Market Boundaries


  • Masahiro Yasuda




Japanese DJs, globalization of culture


Japanese author Masahiro Yasuda analyses the work of Japanese DJs in order to ascertain the cultural flows involved. He argues that culture does not flow in the same manner as money or people, and thus cultural meanings are constantly produced and altered through the negotiation of globalising and localising forces. Indeed, in an interesting parallel to the Pauline Pantsdown mini-dossier of articles, he concludes that identity can only be articulated through confrontation with an 'Other'.


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How to Cite

Yasuda, M. (2015). WHOSE UNITED FUTURE? How Japanese DJs cut across Market Boundaries. Perfect Beat, 4(4), 45-60. https://doi.org/10.1558/prbt.v4i4.28711