The Francis-Littler Charismatic Orientation Scale

A Study in Personality Theory among Anglican Clergymen


  • Leslie J. Francis The University of Warwick, Coventry
  • Keith Littler St Mary’s Centre, Wales



Personality, religion, Eysenck, Charismatic, Anglican, clergy


The aim of the present study is to develop and test a new measure of charismatic orientation capable of assessing the extent of the influence of the Charismatic Movement among Anglican clergy and useful for testing theories regarding the association between charismatic orientation and personality. Data provided by a sample of 232 clergymen serving in the Church in Wales supported the internal consistency reliability of the 21-item Francis-Littler Charismatic Orientation Scale, and, in terms of the Eysenckian dimensional model of personality, demonstrate that charismatic orientation scores are correlated positively with extraversion scores but independent of both neuroticism scores and psychoticism scores.

Author Biographies

  • Leslie J. Francis, The University of Warwick, Coventry

    Leslie J. Francis is Professor of Religions and Education within the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit, University of Warwick, England, UK.

  • Keith Littler, St Mary’s Centre, Wales

    Keith Littler is Research Fellow within the St Mary’s Centre, Wales, UK.


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How to Cite

Francis, L., & Littler, K. (2011). The Francis-Littler Charismatic Orientation Scale: A Study in Personality Theory among Anglican Clergymen. PentecoStudies, 10(1), 72-86.