The Florida ‘Outpouring’ Revival

A Melting Pot for Contemporary Pentecostal Prophecy and Eschatology?


  • Stephen Hunt University of the West of England



Todd Bentley and Fresh Fires Ministries, Pentecostalism


A decade after the neo-Pentecostal revivals of the 1990s a fresh wave of revival, characterised by miraculous healings and evangelism, became identified with what was colloquially referred to as the ‘Florida Outpouring’. Unlike the earlier so-called Toronto Blessing and the Brownsville revivals, that at Lakeland, Florida, was relatively short-lived. It became practically synonymous with the charismatic personality of the healing evangelist, Todd Bentley. This paper considers the Florida ‘Outpouring’ and Bentley’s prophetic role in forging revivalism within the framework of neo-Pentecostal eschatology and thus providing a sense of continuity with past and future revivals.


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How to Cite

Hunt, S. (2009). The Florida ‘Outpouring’ Revival: A Melting Pot for Contemporary Pentecostal Prophecy and Eschatology?. PentecoStudies, 8(1), 37-57.